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 Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think)

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Veteran Fantagian

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Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Empty
PostSubject: Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think)   Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2012 5:44 pm

Let me sum up what happened on my trip to RI.

Traffic (I don't mind, it was just too late at night)
Sleeping late (I went to sleep at 3 the other day)
Woke up early (Woke up at like 7, only 4 hours of sleep)
My baby cousin Melody comes (She wasn't bad, just jumpy)
At 1, I went to Wal-mart. (Walked for like 2 hours with my cousin)
Came back home, left out at 3:30.
Went to visit my mom's side cousins (For like 30 minutes; boring)
Went to my mom's uncle (Like 40 minutes; boring)
Came to see my baby cousin again (Oh em jee she jumped on me, played with me, hit me. She is a good baby, but reallllyyy cranky)
We went out /again/ to visit my aunt and bring her to where we were staying. (Like 40 minutes)
Came back, left again (probably at 7 o'clock)
The car I was in was realllyyy hot and crowded. (My aunt might be moving to another apartment so yeah, we were buying stuff for her.)
Finally slept at 12, woke up at 8:40.
Met my cousin who finally was more calmed down (still active).
Left at 1 something, came back at 5 something.

Something like that. ^

Sum up of the sum up: It was really hot during traffic (And I usually LOVE traffic), way too sunny, too noisy and I was jumped on a lot, my stomach hurt in the car coming back a bit, and now I am just wayy to stressed because I was out too much.

How can I relieve my stress? I might work on my story.

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Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think)   Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2012 6:03 pm

I just came back from Niagra Falls, going into Canada has LOTS o traffic.

So hot, so noisy, so in-my-space-bubble, so stressfull.

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Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think)   Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2012 6:08 pm

I hope your trip was better than mine either way. xD
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PostSubject: Re: Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think)   Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2012 6:42 pm

>.< dont even remind meh...
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Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think)   Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2012 6:57 pm

Try getting more sleep, like taking naps during the day or going to bed earlier. That's make helps me relieve my stress.

but mostly i just eat a bunch of food pfft
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Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think)   Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think) Icon_minitime

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Bleh, I'm stressed July 30, 2012 (I think)
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