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 kinda scared.... 7/19/12

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: kinda scared.... 7/19/12   kinda scared.... 7/19/12 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:23 am

Okay so I know that school isn't starting for another 5 or 6 weeks but I just realized... I'm taking college classes this year .-.

I'm also getting my learners permit sometime within the end of the month to next month.

I don't wanna go to the college, I don't wanna drive .-.

I'm almost positive there will be no one from my grade in the college class I'm taking (I don't even remember what it was >.<), and I've always had a bit of a fear of driving... as exciting as it is I'm not worried about myself.... it's everyone else I worry about. I have good reflexes like my dad and I pay attention well enough... but I can't help but worry about any idiots who might be on the road >:

I don't wanna take the college class now... I only really brought it up because my dad want's me to graduate high school while receiving my AA degree (or whatever it was) moments after my high school diploma... plus thinking that I'll probably be the only high schooler in the class worries me, I mean I'll be with grown ups, that's no fun >.<

so yea kinda unhappy about it all at the moment...
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: kinda scared.... 7/19/12   kinda scared.... 7/19/12 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:29 am

You get to drive and go to college?? No way!

That's totally cool. I wish I could be you now.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: kinda scared.... 7/19/12   kinda scared.... 7/19/12 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:31 am

Sometimes I'm excited to get to drive and sometimes scared!My mom also had this feeling.

LUCKY! college?!? I'm you are smart and always study! Hope you luck!
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: kinda scared.... 7/19/12   kinda scared.... 7/19/12 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:33 am

I get to go to nearby community colleges because of a program called Dual Enrollment, maybe your highschool has it 0:

I mean I guess it's cool that I get to take them... but it's unneeded pressure... I'm already being told I HAVE TO participate in a sport if I wanna continue being in band... and sports really is not my thing anymore v.v

Between band, driving, high school, college, working on being drum major, and now a sport? I can already tell it's to much for me >.<
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PostSubject: Re: kinda scared.... 7/19/12   kinda scared.... 7/19/12 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:40 am

Are you taking AP classes? (college level classes, if anyone doesn't know) It's kind of scary getting older and doing all of the things like getting a job, learners, etc. It's really weird to me..
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: kinda scared.... 7/19/12   kinda scared.... 7/19/12 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:44 am

Abbey wrote:
Are you taking AP classes? If so, yeah, I'm in the same boat. But I think it's kinda nice cause it will be a challenge. It's kind of scary getting older and doing all of the things like getting a job, learners, etc. It's really weird to me..

My school hasn't had any AP classes, they finally offered their first two which is chemistry and biology (I'll be taking AP biology lol). I take all honors though... but that's not as hard as AP of course.

I guess it be fun for the challenge... but I just don't want to be stressed with more things to worry about >.<

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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: kinda scared.... 7/19/12   kinda scared.... 7/19/12 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 11:03 am

I'm already a senior in highschool. It's real hard.
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PostSubject: Re: kinda scared.... 7/19/12   kinda scared.... 7/19/12 Icon_minitime

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