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 Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

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PostSubject: Darwin's Theory Of Evolution   Darwin's Theory Of Evolution Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 7:38 pm

I heard about this somewhere but I don't know what is it about..Could someone explain it to me?
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Darwin's Theory Of Evolution   Darwin's Theory Of Evolution Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 7:41 pm

I don't exactly know what it is, but you could click here.
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PostSubject: Re: Darwin's Theory Of Evolution   Darwin's Theory Of Evolution Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 7:43 pm

I know what it is, but I'm awful at explaining things. This is a really thorough site that explains it, though. We learned about it in 7th grade science, I tihnk. uuu
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PostSubject: Re: Darwin's Theory Of Evolution   Darwin's Theory Of Evolution Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 7:46 pm

I remember hearing about this in science. A guy named Darwin Something went to the Galapogos Island or someplace to study birds, and he made the theory of Survival of Characteristicts (I think...) It involved having aquired characteristics.
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PostSubject: Re: Darwin's Theory Of Evolution   Darwin's Theory Of Evolution Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 7:46 pm

We learned about this in 4th grade science ~ I'm going into 7th grade
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PostSubject: Re: Darwin's Theory Of Evolution   Darwin's Theory Of Evolution Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2012 12:13 am

Welp, let me try to summarize it in the most basic way I can.

Most people think that evolution happens linearly, they think we evolved directly from monkeys or whatever. Of course that's not true, but we do share dna with monkeys because we DID evolve from primates, but not in the way people think. Basically, you adapt to the world around you. So you know how genetics can mutate, right? These mutations can be neutral, beneficial, or harmful to the creature/organism. If the change is harmful to the species, the offspring (children) will be less likely to survive, so the change won't last many generations as it cannot get passed on genetically of most of the offspring don't survive. If the change is helpful to the animal then the ones with the mutation will pass on the gene to their offspring. This is why evolution is so slow, it takes so long. Over a long time, there's a ton of changes, which is why we have different species. It's quite interesting.

And yes, you can definitely believe in evolution and be a Christian.

No, it's not a "theory" meaning it has no proof at all. There is a TONNNNN of evidence for evolution. The word "theory" in scientific terms means something different than "theory" in every day conversation. "Theory" scientifically does not mean "hypothesis." It is used to describe a phenomenon that cannot be completely proven, but has a lot of evidence.

Any questions? I did a horrible job explaing. This article might help you more:
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Darwin's Theory Of Evolution   Darwin's Theory Of Evolution Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2012 6:44 am

Abbey wrote:
Welp, let me try to summarize it in the most basic way I can.

Most people think that evolution happens linearly, they think we evolved directly from monkeys or whatever. Of course that's not true, but we do share dna with monkeys because we DID evolve from primates, but not in the way people think. Basically, you adapt to the world around you. So you know how genetics can mutate, right? These mutations can be neutral, beneficial, or harmful to the creature/organism. If the change is harmful to the species, the offspring (children) will be less likely to survive, so the change won't last many generations as it cannot get passed on genetically of most of the offspring don't survive. If the change is helpful to the animal then the ones with the mutation will pass on the gene to their offspring. This is why evolution is so slow, it takes so long. Over a long time, there's a ton of changes, which is why we have different species. It's quite interesting.

And yes, you can definitely believe in evolution and be a Christian.

No, it's not a "theory" meaning it has no proof at all. There is a TONNNNN of evidence for evolution. The word "theory" in scientific terms means something different than "theory" in every day conversation. "Theory" scientifically does not mean "hypothesis." It is used to describe a phenomenon that cannot be completely proven, but has a lot of evidence.

Any questions? I did a horrible job explaing. This article might help you more:

This explained! Thanks Abbey!
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