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 Santa antimatter theory

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PostSubject: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2010 6:04 pm

All right, guys. It's Christmas eve, everyone's hyper about it. And yet, this holiday always brings up questions of belief. Specifically, belief in Santa. One question that always comes up is, how? How does the red dude run around the weld on a magic sleigh and give gifts to more than 6 billion kids world over?

One (compound) word: antimatter.

Antimatter is, as the name implies, the opposite of matter. An antimatter particle would have the same mass as an ordinary particle, but the opposite charge. When matter and antimatter meet up, they anhilate each other. They cease to exist. But, if you keep in mind the second law of thermodynamics, (matter/energy can not be created or destroyed, for all you non-science nerds) that's impossible.

Not quite. When you destroy matter, it becomes energy. A ridiculously huge amount of energy. enough energy to have you approach the speed of freaking light. And an anti-friction suit, something against radiation, and voila! Antimatter santa.

Or, if you prefer, quantum Santa, whose at all the houses at the same time.

And that's without mentioning the possibility of nano-machines in his sack...

Christmas: it's science!

Source: I paraphrased and added some extra humor/explanations to the original article at HowStuffWorks.
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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2010 7:15 pm

Or there are basically about 6 billion clones of Santa Claus's. :3
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2010 7:16 pm

Well done. You obviously explained the science in Santa lol. At least u cleared the questions of some ppl.
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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2010 7:29 pm

Serah wrote:
Or there are basically about 6 billion clones of Santa Claus's. :3
No, that'd be creepy. Cloning works by... Ahem... Well, let's just say random women world over would get pregnant with Santa Claus. Also, you'd have to give them proper training, and that would take a long time. Let's sa they're ready to go gift-giving by age fifteen. I can't remember the exact statistic, but around 3 babies are born per second. There are 31,556,926 seconds per year, So there would be around 95 thousand babies born per year. And then 95 thousand times 15... It wouldn't add up.

(Makkine, ruining your cloning dreams with math since 1997).
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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2010 7:33 pm

Makkine wrote:
Serah wrote:
Or there are basically about 6 billion clones of Santa Claus's. :3
No, that'd be creepy. Cloning works by... Ahem... Well, let's just say random women world over would get pregnant with Santa Claus. Also, you'd have to give them proper training, and that would take a long time. Let's sa they're ready to go gift-giving by age fifteen. I can't remember the exact statistic, but around 3 babies are born per second. There are 31,556,926 seconds per year, So there would be around 95 thousand babies born per year. And then 95 thousand times 15... It wouldn't add up.

(Makkine, ruining your cloning dreams with math since 1997).

Awww well, it was worth a try xD
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2010 8:08 pm

Eehee... Christmas.. Science... Bleh.. I hate science. You explained it nice, with so much detail for me. x3 I find Christmas more of a History to me.
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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2010 10:48 pm

To much science D:
I consider Chirstmas history/LA
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2010 11:13 pm

very interesting theory
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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeSat Dec 25, 2010 3:25 am

You made Christmas turn into a science study. Congratulations Makkine!
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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeSat Dec 25, 2010 3:50 pm

...Perhaps I should mention this was all a joke.

I don't believe in Santa, though the theory itself is plausible. More so than magic, anyhow.


Not that I don't like magic, but yeah.
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeSat Dec 25, 2010 4:32 pm

its still an interesting theory none the less.i always thought that there was no way it was all magic.even when i was young and still believed in him.i assumed that the only plausible explanation was that he basically has like company workers(elves) who flew to different areas and instead of reindeer they basically took a boat or plane that could go thousands of miles per second therefor mr.santa here is using warp speed . by the way isn't elf work like unpaid internship or is it slave work?
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeSat Dec 25, 2010 5:37 pm

Well, let's not forget about the time zones. I've always assumed that this was why he always made it on time, if I were to believe in Santa.
His reindeer are probably just really well-trained, to the point that they can fly near the speed of light when nobody's watching. And there are lots of Santa impersonators here and there, so Santa Claus himself probably consider them "helpers" who give him less work to do by himself. Heck, he might even just be chilling out at his home at the North Pole while all those "santas" do the work for him...

Also, there aren't 6 billion kids around the world, there are plenty of adults included in that number, too. So your number were a little off. And then we subtract all the kids who don't celebrate Christmas and are supposed to get a visit from Santa, which makes the number however many kids there are in the western world(aka America, Australia and Europe) and celebrate Christmas.
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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeSat Dec 25, 2010 8:33 pm

Who said he goes round the world? Countries in Asia don't celebrate Christmas and so don't lots of other countries.
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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeSat Dec 25, 2010 11:09 pm


@HPF: I think the elves like to work. I mean, they probably don't think like humans, right? Santa probably pays them somehow, though.

@Maggie: Yeah, timezones are what I considered before stumbling on antimatter engines. But, do Santa impersonators actually give presents to children? I thought they just hung out in the mall.

Agh, that's right. My math was off, then. But it's still a number much too large to be able to humanly give gifts to everyone in just one night. And you have to fly from America to Europe and such, which takes hours by plane. By a fast plane, even.

@Panda: Weeeell, there are still immigrants in Asian countries and such, so... Although I guess he would visit a lot less houses.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeSun Dec 26, 2010 6:56 am

Makkine wrote:
But, do Santa impersonators actually give presents to children? I thought they just hung out in the mall.

Well, over here they actually visit us at Christmas Eve and give the best presents from a sack personally. That's where I got my tablet from, even though I knew this "Santa" was our neighbor and was wearing a creepy mask.

Christmas is celebrated in different ways all over the world, so I dunno...

Last edited by Magdaleena on Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Santa antimatter theory   Santa antimatter theory Icon_minitimeSun Dec 26, 2010 2:18 pm

Magdaleena wrote:
Makkine wrote:
But, do Santa impersonators actually give presents to children? I thought they just hung out in the mall.

Well, over here they actually visit us at Christmas Eve and give the best presents from a sack personally. That's where I got my tablet from, even though I knew this "Santa" was our neighbor and was wearing a creepy mask.

Christmas is celebrated in different ways all over the world, so I dunno...

Yeah, in Britain kids open gifts on Boxing Day, not Christmas. Very Happy
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