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 Yesterday's TRIP [8/25/12]

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Yesterday's TRIP [8/25/12] Empty
PostSubject: Yesterday's TRIP [8/25/12]   Yesterday's TRIP [8/25/12] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 3:26 pm

(This was posted the day after the trip)

So, yesterday, I went to Pennsylvania! WOO! It was a two hour drive. My friends (Let's call them A and B) invited me to come with them to a Hershey Park trip with their organization. I said yes. The bus we were in had TVs. Pretty sweet ♥️. I was forced to watch Happy Feet Two. It made no sense. When we got to Hershey Park, I immediatly had cramps, but I still wanted to have fun. We first went on the lazy river. I fell off my tube. I seriously thought I was going to drown, but I realized the water was only 2 feet deep. I still had cramps. Then we went to a water park. A, B, and I did not realize we were standing under a giant GIANT bucket. It was filled to the brim and we got drenched unexpectantly. We were screaming so loud when it fell on us Very Happy Cramps. Then A and B wanted to ride millions of roller coasters. No way I was going to do that. So while A and B rode, I sat with A's mom. We were there for about one hour, because the lines were sooo long. Still had cramps. We were walking around, after the roller coasters were done, and heard drumming. The Hershey Park people started drumming and stuff. It was nice, but it didn't cure my cramps. We then got some sweets. I wanted funnel cake, but my cramps were killing me, and I didn't want to stand in line while waiting for yumminess. I was sad. As we drove home, my cramps dissapeared, which made me SO mad. I could've rode roller coasters and had funnel cake, but noo, my cramps wanted me to have a horrible day. So, yeah, that was basically my day. Woot Woot.
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Expert Fantagian

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Yesterday's TRIP [8/25/12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday's TRIP [8/25/12]   Yesterday's TRIP [8/25/12] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 27, 2012 6:11 pm

That sucks !!! I went to Hershey Park before I didn't ride the rides though :p I went to the factory and ate alot of chocolate xD lol
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Yesterday's TRIP [8/25/12]
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