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 University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]]

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Veteran Fantagian

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University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Empty
PostSubject: University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]]   University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 6:02 pm

Haven't posted this for a long time so why not I do it today? c:


Anyway, so today was REALLY fun. We went to the University for a conference that only four grade six girls could attend. They have it so that girls could choose more jobs that includes engineering, science, and etc in the future. c: First of all, I had to wake up at 6 AM something and did the usual things. I had to go to school earlier since the taxi will leave at 8 AM.

Now we went to the university and all and here are some things we did:

- We made an awesome game using a program called 'Scratch'
- We used a toothpick to get the bacteria on our teeth for tests. But first, we put it on a bunsen burner and put chemicals on it like crystal violet, iodine, dye, and other stuff. Then we put H2O [[ Water ]] on it to help. After that we looked at the bacteria on a microscope to see the plaque and to see what they actually look like

Well, it was fun, we then made a windmill model for a challenge type thing. c:

After that we had to wait for the taxi since it was late. Once we got to the school me and my friend almost missed the bus so we literally pushed my other friend out, now we're talking on Facebook and laughing about our day. x3
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Passionate Fantagian

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University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]]   University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 6:05 pm

That sounds awesome! On March 1st, i'm going to a nearby college for Cavalcade of Authors. I get to meet some pretty awesome authors. It should be nice ^-^
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Hero Fantagian

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University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]]   University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 6:07 pm

I'm jealous but I'm glad you had fun ><
So you basically made a windmill?
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Veteran Fantagian

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University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]]   University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 6:18 pm

@Lineesa -

Yeah, it WAS awesome! x3 You're lucky to get to see some book authors, my mom knows a lady who gave me one of her books. c:

@Pastel -

Haha, don't be. There's a lot of fun things to do, you'll never know what will happen. ;P And yeah, we basically made a windmill. xD
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Veteran Fantagian

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University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]]   University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 8:19 pm

Ahh! That sounds so fun~ I'm such a science geek. Glad you had fun!
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PostSubject: Re: University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]]   University Trip [[ Feb 19, 2013. Tues ]] Icon_minitime

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