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 Man...... 10/2 2012

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Man...... 10/2 2012 Empty
PostSubject: Man...... 10/2 2012   Man...... 10/2 2012 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2012 7:08 pm

I'm sapposed to be doing my HW, I have like 5 pages of math.
Can not concentrate at all.
Porb. should not be on FF,
Today was horribe
I think I FAILED two tests, and we tied in field hockey, 0 to 0 Sad
I am kinda bored too, man...
BTW I dont have spell check cuz I'm so lazzy Razz
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Man...... 10/2 2012 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man...... 10/2 2012   Man...... 10/2 2012 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2012 7:19 pm

Awwie that's sad I'm lucky and I got no homework but I had a quiz in French and we were supposed to finish it at home but I lost it crab Sad my parents don't know I have French on Thursday so I have time to look for it and I don't have time but French is in my advance math room.
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Lord Voldemort
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Lord Voldemort

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Man...... 10/2 2012 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man...... 10/2 2012   Man...... 10/2 2012 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2012 7:45 pm

I had a french quiz a couple days ago, we had to state all the verbs and adjectives, adverbs, and such that we've learned throughout the years, so she could brush us up.. The funny part is that she speaks Italian, and Spanish. (Yes, she does speak french too..) We also had a math test last week, and a quiz just today.. i got the highest score. 18/19..Nobody understood that last question (worth 2) but I got half of it right, so the teacher gave me half (duh.) Schools been a blip. I also had student elections, so i'm running for vice prime minister, and I think i'm going to win. Whoever is in student parliament gets to go to days in in 2 weeks for a HUGE breakfast..
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PostSubject: Re: Man...... 10/2 2012   Man...... 10/2 2012 Icon_minitime

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Man...... 10/2 2012
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