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 Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~

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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 6:25 pm

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 34zm787Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 30vm55gZ's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ F19hzp

examples loll~

so, yuh, just post the pic you want recolored/edit and say whatchya want.

i'll get to it right away~

yes, there's an order limit!

maximum orders is 5!
if you're lucky i might add another later~


i'm sorry, but this is just the way it's gonna go, 'cos i don't want a crapload of orders to fill...

Guise, if you wouldn't mind submitting your pics with a white background, it'd help a ton! That way I don't have to save it, and I can just drag and drop it into photoshop. x3

@magdaleena- sorrie if you think i'm copying you! i'm just bored and wanna do something fun D:

Last edited by Chinchilla on Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 6:37 pm

Pic:Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Nvtpi8

Can u make the hair blonde, eyes purple, add fangs, make the green part of the shirt bright red, the lighter thing on the left corner yellow, and the skirt black. Add some red tights the are sort-of see-through, board with a ripped piece off of it (sort of ripped off like this:Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 65o9rr but wayyyyyyy cooler looking) and recolor the board red and black, add little red devil horns in the hair, make a red tail come out of her... um backside xD and let her hold a golden devil trident thing that devils hold?

sorry for complicated order xD thanks...... ;D
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 8:09 pm

Here ya go, Ric!~

You have two choices here...
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Fcttsw
Tail wrapped AROUND the staff...

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 2nw0gtf
Tail BEHIND the staff...

Hope it works for ya!

By the way,
let me know if I didn't do the shirt right... I'll redo it if I didn't. x3
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Expert Fantagian

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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 6:23 am

Chinchilla wrote:
@magdaleena- sorrie if you think i'm copying you! i'm just bored and wanna do something fun D:

No, that's okay! Wink

Of course you can do a shop! Maybe I'll even order from you...
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 9:52 am

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 2eekk87

Take out the ponytails and make the hair long, recolor the shirt black, and can you make the pants shorter? Add some glasses too please. Very Happy

Recolor the board, black. :3

Thanks Zee!
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 6:30 pm

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 20gmp39
Hope that's okay. ><
I'm not as epic as Mag, so, yeah. xD
I edited the board a bit 'cos you couldn't see the shading on it... ><
Made the glasses myself, they're supposed to look like the cat eye sunglasses. ;p
Personally, I think the hair turned out awesometastical. xD

Here's another choice if ya want :3
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 2e5kvf6
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 6:55 pm

Chinchilla wrote:
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 20gmp39
Hope that's okay. ><
I'm not as epic as Mag, so, yeah. xD
I edited the board a bit 'cos you couldn't see the shading on it... ><
Made the glasses myself, they're supposed to look like the cat eye sunglasses. ;p
Personally, I think the hair turned out awesometastical. xD

Here's another choice if ya want :3
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 2e5kvf6


Thanks so much Cymi!
I love it!!

I'll set it as my avvy, and put it in my siggy. XD

And when I saw the glasses, I thought that was Fantage glasses! XDD

Thank you soooo much!
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 7:10 pm

Glad you like it! xDD
The glasses really do look like the cat eye sunglasses. ._.
Chur vurreh welcome.

Anymoar orders?
I'm bored here pipplez! xD
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Expert Fantagian

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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 6:52 am

Okay, let's see what you can do with this:
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Recolo13
-Black hat. Stars yellow.
-Longer hair. Darker brown. (Don't use mine, I wanna see your result)
-Eyes pale greyish light blue.
-Purple part of suit is black. White part is light blue. Keep the yellow part yellow
-Either keep the wand as it is, or recolor the "wooden" part black.
-Blue part of board is black. Again, keep the yellow part yellow.

That's all, sorry if it's complicated. :3

I could just do it myself, but I wanna to see your result! Very Happy
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Loyal Fantagian

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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 7:24 am

Wow cym yours are good!
I might stop by later to order (:
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 12:42 pm

Here ya go, Mag!~
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 359gu4x
I think the hair is my favorite part. xD
It took forevar to do, but it's awesome and it was worth it! x3

Here's another choice if you plan to use it for somethin';
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Ifv97m

[HAHAHA i like adding extra choices XDD]
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Expert Fantagian

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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 1:41 pm

Chinchilla wrote:
Here ya go, Mag!~
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 359gu4x
I think the hair is my favorite part. xD
It took forevar to do, but it's awesome and it was worth it! x3

Here's another choice if you plan to use it for somethin';
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Ifv97m

[HAHAHA i like adding extra choices XDD]

Wow, it's awesome! Thanks! Very Happy
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 3:12 pm

Magdaleena wrote:
Chinchilla wrote:
Here ya go, Mag!~
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 359gu4x
I think the hair is my favorite part. xD
It took forevar to do, but it's awesome and it was worth it! x3

Here's another choice if you plan to use it for somethin';
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Ifv97m

[HAHAHA i like adding extra choices XDD]

Wow, it's awesome! Thanks! :D

You're welcome! xD
Haha, that recolor was fun... x3

Anymoar orders?
I'm boredddd. ;n;
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 3:24 pm

Grr. I'd love tah order, but im on a mac that doesn't have any fantage pics on it D:

So I'll order later!

(BTW, I love Mag's recolor/edit!)
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Loyal Fantagian

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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 3:39 pm

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 2vwh6o10

Since you are sooo bored i'm going to keep you busy with this so-so kinda complicated-ish order!

Take out the ponytail and make the hair shoulder-length. Recolor the hair really dark brown. Change the eyes to brown, and the pink part of the bow the skirt's color. Then, the bunny on the shirt make it the same color as the skirt, and where the shoulders are, make a long-sleeved shirt underneath it that SAME color as the skirt. Afterwards, add a cute-chained belt thats grey. Then on the shoes I want you to make a little glitter at the pointy end so it looks like tinkerbells shoes but again, the same color as the skirt. The blue part of the board make it white but tainted a little sea blue at a few ends, then the yellow part make it the same color of the skirt!

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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 5:19 pm

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Ru1sn8
Hope that works!
I had a hard time with the board...
If the blue's too dark, lemme know, I can fix it~

Second choice;
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 313270m
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Loyal Fantagian

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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 5:20 pm

I absolutely love it.
It came out better than I thought it would.
Thanks so much!!!

It looks like a robot xD
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 7:51 pm

Chinchilla wrote:
Here ya go, Ric!~

You have two choices here...
Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Fcttsw
Tail wrapped AROUND the staff...

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 2nw0gtf
Tail BEHIND the staff...

Hope it works for ya!

By the way,
let me know if I didn't do the shirt right... I'll redo it if I didn't. x3

OMG It's awesome ;D Sorry for late reply.
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 11:54 pm

It's fine~ xD

LOL. It does kind of look like a robot xD
Glad it came out better than you expected! x3

Anymoar orders?
I'm bored hur! xD
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 7:17 am

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 332cxmu

Take out the cat and put cat ears on the fantagian.
Take out most of the hair and then add buns.
Put a cat tail, and make the skirt a short.
Make the sleeves, like, pointy at the top,
add glasses, (The type I wear, not sunglasses, regular glasses.)
Recolor the hair-catears-cattail, black,
make the pink things in the shirt white,
make da shorts white,
and make the board black.

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Loyal Fantagian

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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 8:42 am

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 23m65qr theres the pic.
Shirt: Rainbow colored and black peace sign in the middle. Can you make it into a tank top too?
Skirt: same rainbow colors!
shoes: Rainbow colors and can you make my shoes into flip flop look lol?
Board: I Don't want the dog on it so if you can make it smaller that would be aweshum!
if you can make that a sand color with a starfish in it lol xDD!
Hair: Blonde
Earings: Starfish and pink lol
If that is too hard just make it a beach theme because i want that too lol!
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:17 am

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ 2lxz0xc
Couldn't come up with a second choice....
Lemme know if you don't like the glasses, I'll change 'em if you want.

I'll get workin' on yours in a bit.
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:51 am

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Ord10
Can you recolor the hair orange, the dress pink, and um, add glitter animating? Thanks! Transparency please!
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 11:37 am

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Rlfac7
I know you said in the board, but I thought it'd be cute if I did that... xD
Hope it works for ya!
That was easier to make than I thought, LOL.

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Zu4g1y
That was easier than I thought... xD
Hope it works...


Last edited by Chinchilla on Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 12:05 pm

Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Fantag18

Rainbow hair, and can you make long sleeves for the dress? The board, purple. Dress is red. Thankies
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PostSubject: Re: Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~   Z's Recolor/Editing Shop!~ Icon_minitime

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