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 Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!

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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 9:29 am

Most of you have probably seen my awesome recolors. If you haven't seen the old ones, click here.
My old avatar is also an example:
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Fantag12
And my current one is always an example, as well.

I won't do a form, because I find it kinda hard to read through.

Instead, post a picture and tell me what you want changed. Anything!
Since this also is a editing shop, you may tell me what you want edited, if you want it edited. Wink
Remember, you have to save it as .png. It's really hard to recolor a .JPG or .gif.

You could look further in this thread to get an idea of what I can do.

I mainly use Windows 7 paint, and -if your order has way too many unexpected shades on one clothing piece- GIMP. I only use GIMP for emergency situations, in other words.

No, I wont do randoms. I'm not random enough... (But perhaps I'll do it if you provide me a picture to randomize?)

Any orders?
Very Happy

Last edited by Magdaleena on Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:36 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : added more info)
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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 9:36 am

Can you use this pic? Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! 20psvas

You don't have to recolor, just edit. Wink

Can you make the shirt a long sleeved shirt but leave the strap on?

And can you make the hair longer? :3

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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 10:16 am

miyeon wrote:
Can you use this pic? Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! 20psvas

You don't have to recolor, just edit. Wink

Can you make the shirt a long sleeved shirt but leave the strap on?

And can you make the hair longer? :3


Is this what you meant?
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! For_mi10
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Hero Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 10:17 am

Shure. Okay. I'll take a blue and white shirt, blue skirt, and blue shoes, and blue and white board! Andd all acc is blue.
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Jh10
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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 11:23 am

pokeranger wrote:
Shure. Okay. I'll take a blue and white shirt, blue skirt, and blue shoes, and blue and white board! Andd all acc is blue.
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Jh10

By acc, did you mean accessory? I see no accessories there.
Blue skirt? Did you mean blue pants?

But I did it anyway:
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! For_po10
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Hero Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 11:43 am

Sorry, I forgot about how the pic will look like. Thanks!
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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 11:50 am

Thats okay! Smile

Anymore orders, anyone? I'm bored.
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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 12:57 pm

I'll order when i get on my computer that has my pics Razz

And those so far are great!
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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 7:45 am

Strawberry2424 wrote:
I'll order when i get on my computer that has my pics Razz

And those so far are great!

Great! Can't wait for your order.

Any others? I'm still bored...Neutral

Here is the form if anyone really needs it: (You don't need to use it)
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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 8:38 am

Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Cammy_13

Thats the pic!

Can you change the heart on the dress and on the hat to be peace signs? (with the same colors that the hearts are right now)

And can I have the dog wearing a hat that matches the hat that my fantagian is wearing (with the peace sign)

And lastly can I have the hair longer and a bit curlier? or wavy?

Thanks so much!

Can't wait for it!
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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 9:39 am

Strawberry2424 wrote:
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Cammy_13

Thats the pic!

Can you change the heart on the dress and on the hat to be peace signs? (with the same colors that the hearts are right now)

And can I have the dog wearing a hat that matches the hat that my fantagian is wearing (with the peace sign)

And lastly can I have the hair longer and a bit curlier? or wavy?

Thanks so much!

Can't wait for it!

The dog's peace sign was a tricky one, because it had to be so small!
And the hair is wavy, because curly would be a lot trickier.

Anyway, here you go!
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! For_st10

Hope you like it! Very Happy
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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 12:05 pm

I love mine, Magdaleena! Thankerz a bunch!

Sorry for late reply.
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Former Staff
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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 12:44 pm

Magdaleena wrote:
Strawberry2424 wrote:
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Cammy_13

Thats the pic!

Can you change the heart on the dress and on the hat to be peace signs? (with the same colors that the hearts are right now)

And can I have the dog wearing a hat that matches the hat that my fantagian is wearing (with the peace sign)

And lastly can I have the hair longer and a bit curlier? or wavy?

Thanks so much!

Can't wait for it!

The dog's peace sign was a tricky one, because it had to be so small!
And the hair is wavy, because curly would be a lot trickier.

Anyway, here you go!
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! For_st10

Hope you like it! Very Happy



Your such a pro!

Thanks so much! I love it!
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Senior Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 5:46 pm

can u surprise me with my avatar? i know you dont do randoms but just edit mine or something. its my avatar. thx
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Loyal Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 6:10 pm

OMG Your awshum xD!
I'm ordering both xD! c=!
ok heres my pic! Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! 651ztf
can you make the hair longer. Make the orange part of the tank longer. anything you wanna do with the bored you can do but idk what u could do
Then for the recolor:
Hair Black
Shirt Neon Pink
Skirt Black.
Board Neon Pink!
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Loyal Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 11:00 pm

picture:Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Fantag12

Can you make the shirt a dress instead? And can you make the hair longer? thanksss :]
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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 3:20 am

Done with all of them! Very Happy

twilight_fan98 wrote:
can u surprise me with my avatar? i know you dont do randoms but just edit mine or something. its my avatar. thx
Here you go!
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! For_tw10
Sorry, no edit, but at least I recolored most of it. And I have no fancy transparency image program, so I couldn't make it transparent again. I only have plain, ol' Paint. Windows 7 paint, that is .XD

nicki445 wrote:
OMG Your awshum xD!
I'm ordering both xD! c=!
ok heres my pic! Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! 651ztf
can you make the hair longer. Make the orange part of the tank longer. anything you wanna do with the bored you can do but idk what u could do
Then for the recolor:
Hair Black
Shirt Neon Pink
Skirt Black.
Board Neon Pink!
Was something like this what you had in mind?
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! For_ni10
I were not really sure about how to make that kind of hair longer. And it's a really dark brown hair, because normal black looked kind of gray. Was the entire orange part of it supposed to be black? Were I supposed to keep the dots?
Lol, the only thing I was entirely sure about how to do on this one, was the board. XD

Vallie wrote:
Sat May 08, 2010 10:00 pm
picture:Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Fantag12

Can you make the shirt a dress instead? And can you make the hair longer? thanksss :]

Sure, here you go!
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! For_va10
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Loyal Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 7:59 am

OMG Girl Its Awshum! I Want to order again XD!
Cuz you amazing! xD!
ok heres the pic!:Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Mx2glw
For the Recolor: Make the hair ummmmmm Lightish Brown
Shirt: make it gold and those buttons that are on there make them a gray color.
Skirt: Gray/Silver
Shoes: Gold
I Don't know if i missed anything xD!
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Loyal Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 9:27 am

omg I LOVE EET! YOUR THE QUEEN OF EDITS AND RECOLORS. ill order another! Picture:Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Fantag13

Can you get rid of the pigtails? And can you make the shirt a dress?

I also want the shoe color yellow. And the board light blue. Thankies!
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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 9:48 am

nicki445 wrote:
OMG Girl Its Awshum! I Want to order again XD!
Cuz you amazing! xD!
ok heres the pic!:Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Mx2glw
For the Recolor: Make the hair ummmmmm Lightish Brown
Shirt: make it gold and those buttons that are on there make them a gray color.
Skirt: Gray/Silver
Shoes: Gold
I Don't know if i missed anything xD!

Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Second10
The skirt ended up looking more white than silver, if you ask me...
I recolored the bow as well, if thats okay. Smile

@Vallie: Glad you like it! I'll get started on your other one soon.
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Loyal Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 9:56 am

OMG I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm making that my avvi! xD!
but if u have time do u mind recolor the board xD i forgot to ask make it gold thankies!
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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 10:11 am

Vallie wrote:
omg I LOVE EET! YOUR THE QUEEN OF EDITS AND RECOLORS. ill order another! Picture:Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Fantag13

Can you get rid of the pigtails? And can you make the shirt a dress?

I also want the shoe color yellow. And the board light blue. Thankies!

Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Second11
Were I supposed to color the clover too?
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Expert Fantagian

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Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 10:20 am

nicki445 wrote:
OMG I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm making that my avvi! xD!
but if u have time do u mind recolor the board xD i forgot to ask make it gold thankies!

I made the board golden with a silver heart on it! Very Happy
Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Second12
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 10:36 am

Magdaleena, you're a natural, but, when you convert clothes into dresses well...they don't turn out good. You should work on that c:
Anyway, you are awesome! I'll order sometime!
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 10:36 am

OMG Girly ! I Love it! I'll order again later!
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PostSubject: Re: Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop!   Magdaleena's recolor and editing shop! Icon_minitime

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