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 "Couldn't load plug-in"

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Hero Fantagian

Posts : 5830
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 24

"Couldn't load plug-in" Empty
PostSubject: "Couldn't load plug-in"   "Couldn't load plug-in" Icon_minitimeSun Oct 21, 2012 12:04 pm

I know most of you may not be computer experts, but I need some help with this.

Yesterday morning, I got on the computer to go watch some Youtube videos. I click on a video, and I get an error message saying, "Couldn't load plug-in." I looked for a solution, which was ending the process of Shockwave Flash Player manually, then refreshing the Youtube page. I did that, but it didn't work! I'm a Google Chrome user, and it's the only browser it occurs in. Anyone else who uses GC have another solution to this problem?
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"Couldn't load plug-in" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Couldn't load plug-in"   "Couldn't load plug-in" Icon_minitimeSun Oct 21, 2012 12:06 pm

Oh I understand how you feel. That happens sometimes with me.
o don't know why it does that but I would just take a break from the computer.
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"Couldn't load plug-in"
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