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 My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]

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Hero Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 10:31 pm

SjeeshBack wrote:
Vallie wrote:
I don't think they should have a ''multiple account'' rule. Why? Because we need more users! No offense. This is my opinion.

Yeah, but we need actual people. Not copies. Actual active new users. You don't need more than one account anyways. If you have an issue with your account, you should contact Mace or something. Neutral
I agree with her. Having one active account is better that a rest of your copies
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Regular Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 10:42 pm

Mkay i agree with most of the stuff your saying and i am happy you are reading it and now it's time for me to quote parts of your posts i would like to make points on ;3

Sakura wrote:
4. "That's Gay"
Ok. It's a phrase lots of people use. You might just think that Mace is being overrated, but seriously. What if someone really was "gay"? It's offensive! It's like saying "That's retarded." And a "retarded" person was there. It's really mean and I hate it when people use those phrases. Ok, Hearts, your name is Arianna. If someone used that in the context of "That's Gay" how would you feel. "Oh this rule is soooo Arianna"

About the last part of what you said, And how you said 'How would you feel' I would honestly feel fine. It doesn't bug me and it's part of growing up in my opinion to not take offense to such things. Yes indeed it would be offensive if the person was retarded. Gay? Sure it may be offensive but still, We are using it in a totally different way and they will most likely realize. I know someone that's gay and i've said stuff like that to them before when we have chats and they don't take offense from what i can see, Sure it may be offensive but im sure the person will understand, And if they don't Oh well. It's part of growing up. Im not going to not say what i want just because someone will take offense to it. I will say what i wish because i feel comfortable with saying it, If someone else doesn't like it, It's there problem.

Sakura wrote:
1. Personal information.
Mace is just trying to keep you all safe. Addresses, full names, it's all typical internet common sense. My parents tell me not to post that information. I can understand why. But go ahead, tell your besties. This forum isn't facebook, myspace, etc. We can all be friends without knowing eachothers' phone numbers.

Indeed, This is true and when i may that part of my post it may of sounded a bit weird, But what i was trying to basically say is that indeed most people don't like to put stuff like that and sure mace is trying to keep us all safe but still, Heck! I shared personal info with people over WoW because i trusted them! What if i made some really good friends on here that i wanted to share that kinda stuff with, So i did and mace caught me and banned me because i wanted to share it? That is dumb, Because i should be allowed to share what i want to share.

Sakura wrote:
2. Posting games/Spam
Okay, I liked the posting games. But it was annoying when that was all everyone did on this forum. Mace wants us to actually talk to eachother and talk like we're educated. A forum with posts going "1" "2" "3" "0" "Oh you're a mean mod, we were almost there!" isn't going to be very successful. And spam, its just annoying. Posts going "weeeeeeee" aren't meant for forums. Go tweet it or something. The rest of us don't care.

It may be annoying but some people very much enjoy things like this. Yeah and we can talk to eachother, There are TONS of other subforums for this. And a chat! Sometimes we just need to let loose and have fun which is what the posting games were for! Yeah he may want us to talk like were educated but oh well, Honestly i think it was a very GOOD idea to have the posting games and a very BAD idea to take them away. Sure some people may think there SPAM but a lot of people loved the posting games and i think they should be brought back.

Indeed posts like that are spam but i was just comparing that to posting games and how that is far worse than posting games so count that as spam NOT the posting games. I wasn't saying posts like that should be allowed.

Sakura wrote:
3. Bad words
Go ahead and type it. It doesn't make you cool. It's just more user friendly. Yea. I'm 13, and I see and hear swearing everywhere I go. It's annoying. It's stupid. I've never sworn at anyone in my life. You might've but don't ruin it for kids who hate that type of behavior.

I wasn't saying to type the bad words, I was just saying 'LMAO' Ext ext should be allowed. I do in fact think that cussing shouldn't be allowed on the forum but 'WTF' Ext ext should be allowed. Yeah i know some kids hate that type of behavior and yeah im not saying 'FU**' Or anything just 'WTF' And 'LMAO' It shouldn't bug people and if it does i don't think it really should matter, A lot of things bug me that people do but i just ignore it or as i have done on this giant mega post, post points and such on it. Anyways, I just think it should be allowed because it's not that big of a deal, Sure some may beg to differ but still..

Sakura wrote:

Ok, I might seem like a troll here, and I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but seriously. I've been on this forum for quite a while and I'm sick of the complaining. If you don't like his rules, get your own freaking forum.
Now, go and hate on me. Swear at me. Call me "gay". I don't care.

I wouldn't call you gay, Hate you or swear at you, I am honestly glad to see people posting there opinions about this.

Keep the feedback coming! :3 I'd love to hear all your opinions on this.
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Devoted Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 10:52 pm

[quote="heartsNARIA"]Mkay i agree with most of the stuff your saying and i am happy you are reading it and now it's time for me to quote parts of your posts i would like to make points on ;3

Sakura wrote:
4. "That's Gay"
Ok. It's a phrase lots of people use. You might just think that Mace is being overrated, but seriously. What if someone really was "gay"? It's offensive! It's like saying "That's retarded." And a "retarded" person was there. It's really mean and I hate it when people use those phrases. Ok, Hearts, your name is Arianna. If someone used that in the context of "That's Gay" how would you feel. "Oh this rule is soooo Arianna"

About the last part of what you said, And how you said 'How would you feel' I would honestly feel fine. It doesn't bug me and it's part of growing up in my opinion to not take offense to such things. Yes indeed it would be offensive if the person was retarded. Gay? Sure it may be offensive but still, We are using it in a totally different way and they will most likely realize. I know someone that's gay and i've said stuff like that to them before when we have chats and they don't take offense from what i can see, Sure it may be offensive but im sure the person will understand, And if they don't Oh well. It's part of growing up. Im not going to not say what i want just because someone will take offense to it. I will say what i wish because i feel comfortable with saying it, If someone else doesn't like it, It's there problem.

Sakura wrote:
1. Personal information.
Mace is just trying to keep you all safe. Addresses, full names, it's all typical internet common sense. My parents tell me not to post that information. I can understand why. But go ahead, tell your besties. This forum isn't facebook, myspace, etc. We can all be friends without knowing eachothers' phone numbers.

Indeed, This is true and when i may that part of my post it may of sounded a bit weird, But what i was trying to basically say is that indeed most people don't like to put stuff like that and sure mace is trying to keep us all safe but still, Heck! I shared personal info with people over WoW because i trusted them! What if i made some really good friends on here that i wanted to share that kinda stuff with, So i did and mace caught me and banned me because i wanted to share it? That is dumb, Because i should be allowed to share what i want to share.

Sakura wrote:
2. Posting games/Spam
Okay, I liked the posting games. But it was annoying when that was all everyone did on this forum. Mace wants us to actually talk to eachother and talk like we're educated. A forum with posts going "1" "2" "3" "0" "Oh you're a mean mod, we were almost there!" isn't going to be very successful. And spam, its just annoying. Posts going "weeeeeeee" aren't meant for forums. Go tweet it or something. The rest of us don't care.

It may be annoying but some people very much enjoy things like this. Yeah and we can talk to eachother, There are TONS of other subforums for this. And a chat! Sometimes we just need to let loose and have fun which is what the posting games were for! Yeah he may want us to talk like were educated but oh well, Honestly i think it was a very GOOD idea to have the posting games and a very BAD idea to take them away. Sure some people may think there SPAM but a lot of people loved the posting games and i think they should be brought back.

Indeed posts like that are spam but i was just comparing that to posting games and how that is far worse than posting games so count that as spam NOT the posting games. I wasn't saying posts like that should be allowed.

Sakura wrote:
3. Bad words
Go ahead and type it. It doesn't make you cool. It's just more user friendly. Yea. I'm 13, and I see and hear swearing everywhere I go. It's annoying. It's stupid. I've never sworn at anyone in my life. You might've but don't ruin it for kids who hate that type of behavior.

I wasn't saying to type the bad words, I was just saying 'LMAO' Ext ext should be allowed. I do in fact think that cussing shouldn't be allowed on the forum but 'WTF' Ext ext should be allowed. Yeah i know some kids hate that type of behavior and yeah im not saying 'FU**' Or anything just 'WTF' And 'LMAO' It shouldn't bug people and if it does i don't think it really should matter, A lot of things bug me that people do but i just ignore it or as i have done on this giant mega post, post points and such on it. Anyways, I just think it should be allowed because it's not that big of a deal, Sure some may beg to differ but still..

Sakura wrote:

Ok, I might seem like a troll here, and I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but seriously. I've been on this forum for quite a while and I'm sick of the complaining. If you don't like his rules, get your own freaking forum.
Now, go and hate on me. Swear at me. Call me "gay". I don't care.

Ok Hearts, you do make your points but,
if you really want to tell people your personal info, just get their msn/gmail/facebook/aim or whatever. Mace doesn't care what you do outside of the forum
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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 10:57 pm

Hm.. OI agree with some, disagree with some. I'll post my opinion! Also, BUMPING OMG BUMPING. WHAT THE HEXAGON IS WRONG WITH BUMPING? WHY IS IT AGAINST THE RULES?

Personal Info: Yeah, you could share info if you wanted. I don't really have much of an opinion on this one.

Spam: Jeez, this is a hard one. (And no, Mace, it doens't stand for stupid pointless annoying message. The word has a long history) Uhm, saying what's spam and what isn't is pretty hard. Because it is simple to have a stupid pointless etc comment that contriutes (albeit negatively) to the discussion. Posting games are NOT spam. They help create a fun environment. How is that spam?

Advertising: How did you find this forum? Via advertising. So, why outlaw it? Maybe outlaw TOPICS about it, but still! Although, It gets REALLY annoying, so no Hearts, it should stay a rule, but more of a "Don't advertize EXCESSIVELY" rule.

Swearing: I HATE swearing. Gay, and retarded, those are sorta bad, I guess. Banning someone for that? PSHHHHHHHHHH. That sounds like cutting off someone's HAND for stealing food! (They did that in medievil europe) But, you know what's worse than using gay/retarded as an insult? Avoiding them completely and obsessively. It makes them feel like outcasts that are different, when they are really just like us. Because, it's like saying: "OMG DON'T CALL ME ARIANNA ! THAT'S OFFENSIVE!" wOULD YOU RATHER GET THAT OR, "OMG THAT'S SO ARIANNA EWWW!" Swear abbreviations? Whatever. I don't really care.
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Regular Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 10:59 pm

Indeed you make a good point. Specially since that's what i did with my friends on Wow. But what im saying is basically this

Lets say i wanted to get Cymidei's Facebook and so we were in the chatbox and i said

'Hey Cymi can i have your FB link? I'd like to add you'

And lets say Mace was in the chat.

Don't you think he'd get mad at me for asking that? Since it is asking for personal info? Im just saying if people want to give out there personal info they should be allowed, Yes full addresses, Ext ext are a bit dumb to give out unless you want to get stalked or murdered or
by a pedo and i very well love mace [Don't think of that in the mooshy gooshy kinda way ] For keeping us so safe and trying to keep us safe but still.. You know what i mean, I could go on for hours on this rant but, I think i've made my point, And if i haven't.. Oh well i don't want to type much more on this topic. So yeah.
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Junior Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 11:06 pm

heartsNARIA wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to state my opinion on some of the rules here. Please Mace Before Banning Me, Deleting this topic or whatever you may do from reading just a bit of this read it all. Because i think it needs to be addressed so please read it all before deleting it or locking it, Or whatever! Thank you.

Okay, So i find some of the rules extremely idiotic/Silly/ You can't make a user not be able to do that because well, It's just not fair or you really shouldn't care about it. So i decided i am going to address these things and tell you [ Basically just talking to Mace here everyone ] Some things about why these rules are idiotic.

Mace wrote:
Personal Information
Please do not post your full name, address, phone number, etc on the Fantage Forum. We try to keep the forums safe for all users.

You know this is nice, That you want to keep everyone safe but, You really shouldn't care about this. If someone wants to tell everyone on the forum there address then they have the right to do that, And should be allowed to. Sure by doing this they could get stalked or something but still. If they want to show a picture of themselves or something they should be allowed to, Sure the picture may get downloaded onto some perv's computer but that's there problem, Not yours. Full names? That's ridiculous! My full name is Arianna Lain Smith and i don't give a crap who knows it, There is nothing really unsafe about that, Honestly. I mean i like this as far as Advice for the users but at the same time it shouldn't really be a rule. Most people know better than to give out information like that but if they in fact want to give out information like that they should be allowed.

Mace wrote:
We do not allow spam here. SPAM stands for Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. Spamming is anything thats pointless or off-topic, such as one or two word posts. We also do not allow bumping, which is posting in a topic thats really old. Spamming will get you banned.
Mace wrote:
] Hey Fantagians.

I am sorry, but I am done with Posting Games.

They are pretty much spam, and most people use them to gain posts! There is about 4,500 more posts in Posting Games then any other section! The Fantage section should be the most popular, as this forum is based on Fantage.

I am sorry, but I will be taking out Posting Games. This is why I didn't have them on Fantage Fansite.

On a good note, instead of Posting Games I will be giving you guys more things to do around the forum such as membership contests, scavenger hunts, and alot more fashion shows and parties will be coming.

I had a long thought on this decision, it was a tough one.

There will also be a Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday or Sunday.

Thanks for understanding,

I agree Spam is bad and shouldn't be allowed. But i find it idiotic that you locked the posting games for it was 'Spam' It is not spam. It isn't! Okay obviously you don't know the first thing about spam if you think posting games are spam. on other forums they don't even count THIS as spam.

Topic Called: I found it
Post says: It was in the bathroom.
Topic Called: Weee!
Post Says: Im super duper booorreeed!

I have seen a few forums with posts like that and it is not considered spam. So the posting games should be unlocked for they are NOT spam. You said Spam is stupid pointless annoying messages. Well posting games aren't stupid nor annoying. Sure they may seem pointless but they aren't the other things so it's not spam. Thus they should be unlocked. Sure people gain them to gain posts but does that actually matter the purpose? Some people use them [ Like myself ] BECAUSE THEY ENJOY THEM! On a good note you will be giving us more stuff to do around the forum? NOTHING makes up for posting games mace NOTHING.

Mace wrote:
You only can advertise in your signature. This means no Private Messaging links, or posting links, or chatting links in the chatbox. This is a serious rule, and will be taken seriously.

The only reason you in-force this rule is because your afraid that you are going to lose members to other forums if you allow them to advertise. I agree they shouldn't be allowed to advertise like crazy, But they should be able to advertise. What if a friend wanted another friend to know about an anime forum, Or a video game forum or something that person liked so they linked it to them through the chat and got banned? That is retarded. Private messaging it? You honestly go this far to keep people from joining other websites? Dude! If people truly like this website they won't leave em just cause they found another website they like. You honestly need to cut this rule.

Donut wrote:
For Now On, Swear Word Abbreviations Such As 'WTF' And 'LMAO' Will Not Be Aloud. It Still Counts As Swearing So Make Sure Not To Break This Rule.

Also, Thank Mace For Adding Me To The Fantage Forum Moderator Team! I Will Do My Best As A Moderator!

They should be allowed. A LOT of people that don't cuss use the abbreviations. At least there not actually saying 'FU**' I do cuss sometimes and im not afraid to admit that, But no i don't cuss on this forum since it's not aloud. But LMAO and WTF should be allowed. Or LMFAO, ext ext. You know why? Because a lot of people use those that wouldn't dare actually let a cuss word escape from there mouth. Okay? So seriously this is just gay. Like 'Wtf' To this rule.

2008Sarah wrote:
"Gay" isn't allowed on this forum. Its the stupidest thing ever.

Mace you are, Oh yes Gay for making Gay not allowed. First off did you realize gay means Happy not homosexual? And Even if people are using it for the term of being a Homo what's the big deal of saying 'That's Gay' Or 'You are so gay' That's right NOTHING is wrong with that. A lot of people use the term and it is fine really. Most people don't mean it literally, If someone says 'Your Gay' They usually don't mean it as in 'You are a homosexual' But they mean it as in 'You are stupid' Or 'That's Gay' would be 'That's stupid' Ext Ext. People just like to use that term. It is a growing popular term that should be allowed to be used.

That is all i have to say, I hope you read this Mace and truly do let it sink into your mind and take action in this. Because really this needs to be taken care of. Fine you can ban me, Delete this subject WHATEVER but i hope you know that i am not afraid of getting banned, So don't think you can use banning me against me. Anyways i just hope you take some action of this stuff.

I disagree on some of this, like personal info, what if someone (for example) was a rapist or way older that you though and you gave them your address and they came in your house and... you know. and posting off topic, that is MAJOR spam, it is NOT pointing to a question or topic somebody posted, it is MAJOR SPAM if you dont see it, your just stupid. Advertising will drain this forums rating and after 3 months of no people, it will shut down, thats why no advertising. gay= emotionaly happy, really if some one said "That's gay" they mean stupid or if they say "You are gay" they mean being stupid not homosexual!!! if they meant that they would say "You are homo" or "homosexual"!!! and abbreviations are NOT cusswords, they are abbreviations, not like droping the f-bomb on somebody.
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Regular Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 11:14 pm

Jake12 wrote:
I disagree on some of this, like personal info, what if someone (for example) was a rapist or way older that you though and you gave them your address and they came in your house and... you know. and posting off topic, that is MAJOR spam, it is NOT pointing to a question or topic somebody posted, it is MAJOR SPAM if you dont see it, your just stupid. Advertising will drain this forums rating and after 3 months of no people, it will shut down, thats why no advertising. gay= emotionaly happy, really if some one said "That's gay" they mean stupid or if they say "You are gay" they mean being stupid not homosexual!!! if they meant that they would say "You are homo" or "homosexual"!!! and abbreviations are NOT cusswords, they are abbreviations, not like droping the f-bomb on somebody.

First off i don't think there was a need to quote the whole first post... Anyways

Yes i know about the personal info thing! I even stated that if you post a pic of yourself it may get saved onto a pedophiles computer! If you give out your address you may get stalked! Ext Ext. Anyways like i said before i love how much mace is trying to protect us like i have said a jillion times. Go back and read my other posts on the personal info thingy if you wanna know more about what i think about that.

Posting off topic? What are you even talking about? Are you saying this whole thread is spam? I am sorry i don't exactly get what you mean there, Could you explain?

Yeah it may, But people should be allowed to advertise, If people truly love this forum they will stay even if someone advertises for another forum, Besides the people may just be advertising for another forum to one or two people that like that, Like if there were a few anime lovers and someone made an anime forum, Don't you think they should be allowed to tell those other anime lovers about the forum so they can enjoy it since they love anime?
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Junior Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 11:33 pm

lemme varify,

if people post major off topic stuff in a topic, it will be filled with junky off topic SPAM!! AND if you advertise, the ratings on this site will fall and the other ones will (let me say it in boss kinda way) RAISE THREW THE ROOF!!! eventualy the forum the person advertised on will be Terminated, Deleted, Junked, over run by the lil advertising rating stealing theif of evil!! that is why no advertising, and stealing is against the law(jkjkkjkjkjkjk) but seriously, dont steal D:<.
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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 6:04 am

Vallie wrote:
You can say the word ''retarded'' in many ways. But, you should say it the right way. If someone says ''Hey dude look at those mentally retarded kids!'' That's the RIGHT way. If you see them in a wheelchair or something, if you say they're retarded, you should say that they are mentally retarded. Bad way is that if someone says ''You're menatally retarded! Hahahahahaha'' and nothing's wrong with you, well, he/she doesn't even know what the word means. You can say retarded in diff. ways but you have to watch what you'll say before you say it.

People say that retarded is a bad word, but it isn't. It is if you are calling someone that if he/she doesn't have problems.
I feel very strongly about people using the word "retarded". Maybe it's because my sister is "retarded" but they know what it means and it hurts their feelings (my sister and her friends), they can't help it.

I agree about the advertising and the posting games. If we want to advertise something, we should be allowed to. The posting are not annoying to alot of people, alot of people enjoy them.
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Passionate Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 9:16 am

Kawaii Maker wrote:
Hm.. OI agree with some, disagree with some. I'll post my opinion! Also, BUMPING OMG BUMPING. WHAT THE HEXAGON IS WRONG WITH BUMPING? WHY IS IT AGAINST THE RULES?

Personal Info: Yeah, you could share info if you wanted. I don't really have much of an opinion on this one.

Spam: Jeez, this is a hard one. (And no, Mace, it doens't stand for stupid pointless annoying message. The word has a long history) Uhm, saying what's spam and what isn't is pretty hard. Because it is simple to have a stupid pointless etc comment that contriutes (albeit negatively) to the discussion. Posting games are NOT spam. They help create a fun environment. How is that spam?

Advertising: How did you find this forum? Via advertising. So, why outlaw it? Maybe outlaw TOPICS about it, but still! Although, It gets REALLY annoying, so no Hearts, it should stay a rule, but more of a "Don't advertize EXCESSIVELY" rule.

Swearing: I HATE swearing. Gay, and retarded, those are sorta bad, I guess. Banning someone for that? PSHHHHHHHHHH. That sounds like cutting off someone's HAND for stealing food! (They did that in medievil europe) But, you know what's worse than using gay/retarded as an insult? Avoiding them completely and obsessively. It makes them feel like outcasts that are different, when they are really just like us. Because, it's like saying: "OMG DON'T CALL ME ARIANNA ! THAT'S OFFENSIVE!" wOULD YOU RATHER GET THAT OR, "OMG THAT'S SO ARIANNA EWWW!" Swear abbreviations? Whatever. I don't really care.

I asked about the bumping rule. One of the mods said that old topics don't need to be brought back, or something like that.
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Hero Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 10:44 am

SjeeshBack wrote:
Kawaii Maker wrote:
Hm.. OI agree with some, disagree with some. I'll post my opinion! Also, BUMPING OMG BUMPING. WHAT THE HEXAGON IS WRONG WITH BUMPING? WHY IS IT AGAINST THE RULES?

Personal Info: Yeah, you could share info if you wanted. I don't really have much of an opinion on this one.

Spam: Jeez, this is a hard one. (And no, Mace, it doens't stand for stupid pointless annoying message. The word has a long history) Uhm, saying what's spam and what isn't is pretty hard. Because it is simple to have a stupid pointless etc comment that contriutes (albeit negatively) to the discussion. Posting games are NOT spam. They help create a fun environment. How is that spam?

Advertising: How did you find this forum? Via advertising. So, why outlaw it? Maybe outlaw TOPICS about it, but still! Although, It gets REALLY annoying, so no Hearts, it should stay a rule, but more of a "Don't advertize EXCESSIVELY" rule.

Swearing: I HATE swearing. Gay, and retarded, those are sorta bad, I guess. Banning someone for that? PSHHHHHHHHHH. That sounds like cutting off someone's HAND for stealing food! (They did that in medievil europe) But, you know what's worse than using gay/retarded as an insult? Avoiding them completely and obsessively. It makes them feel like outcasts that are different, when they are really just like us. Because, it's like saying: "OMG DON'T CALL ME ARIANNA ! THAT'S OFFENSIVE!" wOULD YOU RATHER GET THAT OR, "OMG THAT'S SO ARIANNA EWWW!" Swear abbreviations? Whatever. I don't really care.

I asked about the bumping rule. One of the mods said that old topics don't need to be brought back, or something like that.
I don't see why we need a bumping rule. But this is Mace's forum not ours
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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 11:12 am

Jake12 wrote:
lemme varify,

if people post major off topic stuff in a topic, it will be filled with junky off topic SPAM!! AND if you advertise, the ratings on this site will fall and the other ones will (let me say it in boss kinda way) RAISE THREW THE ROOF!!! eventualy the forum the person advertised on will be Terminated, Deleted, Junked, over run by the lil advertising rating stealing theif of evil!! that is why no advertising, and stealing is against the law(jkjkkjkjkjkjk) but seriously, dont steal D:<.

Um.. That is a worse-case-scenario. Likke I said, I agree advertizing is bad, but not OMG TERRIBLE. I mean, sometimes you just want people to see something cool that's off the site, but if you advertize like every two secoonds, then I agree you must be banned.
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 11:40 am

arghhhh evryone rites sooo muchh!!! i cbb reading it XD
i do agree wit some stuff. (havent read it all so i sed "stuff")
so um yeah thats all i gota say (:
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 11:49 am

PERSONAL INFO - you shouldnt be allowed to post the very private info (address, postcode etc) but you could say your name if you wanted or even say somebody you know (who is on the site) his/her name if he/she let you

SPAM + GAMES - Yes, spam shouldnt be allowed but the games wasnt really spam it was just somewhere to let people enjoy and get the weight off their backs for a bit. Only people who REALLY care about getting onto the top posters will always want to post in there but if that is what they want you shouldnt really mind because they can get up there if they want but it is just a list.

ADVERTISING - Advertising itself isnt that bad unless you have a mad moment and decide to let others know about your history list then that is bad. But unless it is just the odd one advertising here and then then that would be fine.

ABREVIATIONS - This is not really swearing as some people wont know the meanings of some but those who do and do not enjoy the abreviations then that is their problem and theirs alone. They do not have to share what they think they can either ignore it and be sensible instead of kicking up a great big fuss (not saying you do/will).

They were all just my opinions.
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 12:46 pm

Jake12 wrote:
lemme varify,

if people post major off topic stuff in a topic, it will be filled with junky off topic SPAM!! AND if you advertise, the ratings on this site will fall and the other ones will (let me say it in boss kinda way) RAISE THREW THE ROOF!!! eventualy the forum the person advertised on will be Terminated, Deleted, Junked, over run by the lil advertising rating stealing theif of evil!! that is why no advertising, and stealing is against the law(jkjkkjkjkjkjk) but seriously, dont steal D:<.

It won't always be filled with major off topic crap, PLUS in the posting games it NEVER was because people STAYED on topic with THE posting GAMES! Whats im trying to say is the posting games aren't just a pile of spam! Which is why they should be brought back! And advertising? Like i said if people LIKE this forum they will STAY on this forum even IF They FIND another FORUM they LIKE. It's not like people can only be a member of one forum!
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 1:25 pm

Uhm... what about advertizing for something that isn't a forum or something you didn't even make. On another forum, I linked to a WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE and they BANNED ME. WHAT THE HECK.

But, we shouldn't argue about this, we should go out and BREAK THE STUPID RULES! If only one person does it, then they are banned, and fine, but if everyone does it, then BOOM! I don't know hwta happens.
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 4:23 pm

I admit I cussed before but i Never sweared. EVER. But I agree wiht the avertizing thing but abrevated bad words annoy me.....
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 4:24 pm

gabbriella93342 wrote:
I admit I cussed before but i Never sweared. EVER. But I agree wiht the avertizing thing but abrevated bad words annoy me.....
Cuss and swear are ALMOST the same meaning though
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 4:29 pm

pokeranger wrote:
gabbriella93342 wrote:
I admit I cussed before but i Never sweared. EVER. But I agree wiht the avertizing thing but abrevated bad words annoy me.....
Cuss and swear are ALMOST the same meaning though

Im confused i thought swearing and cussing were to differentt things
(or so i thought)
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 10:44 pm

OK first of all, "Gay" is NOT a slang for "homosexual" they use gay as a slang for "stupid." "Homo" is a slang for "homosexual." some people get these two mixed up. Gay: feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy" 2. among younger speakers, has a derisive meaning equivalent to rubbish
or stupid. Homo: the common name for all members of the genus Homo is "human." + sexual= Homosexual: A person who likes the same sex.

See what I mean!
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 11:20 pm

Gay also means Happy... So yeah...


I agree with most of this Smile
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 11:25 pm

Guys this doesn't have to do with the definition of the word 'gay' but as if we should/could use it or not.
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 11:27 pm

Yes I know, but I was just saying.
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 7:01 am


You guys don't understand. Half of these rules are in here (such as personal information) so I won't get banned from Forumotion.

The spam rule. I took out posting games due to spam. Yes, it may not be perfectly spam, but some of those topics got 200 posts a day. That is not fair, because some of the games are 3 word posts. Until forumotion releases a "do not raise post count in this forum" feature, then it will stay locked.

And advertising. This is a forum. I don't want other people going around posting links to their sites, when I'm trying to work on mine. You have a signature to put all the ads you want.

And do you realize no one here as said gay as "homosexual" or "happy". They have been using it as stupid, or even like their swearing.

Yes, I agree Donut's rule about the swear abbreviations are strict, so I will possibly take that out, but I am not allowing "gay".

And Hearts, I really should ban you for this post but I won't.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 10:14 am

Mace wrote:

You guys don't understand. Half of these rules are in here (such as personal information) so I won't get banned from Forumotion.

The spam rule. I took out posting games due to spam. Yes, it may not be perfectly spam, but some of those topics got 200 posts a day. That is not fair, because some of the games are 3 word posts. Until forumotion releases a "do not raise post count in this forum" feature, then it will stay locked.

And advertising. This is a forum. I don't want other people going around posting links to their sites, when I'm trying to work on mine. You have a signature to put all the ads you want.

And do you realize no one here as said gay as "homosexual" or "happy". They have been using it as stupid, or even like their swearing.

Yes, I agree Donut's rule about the swear abbreviations are strict, so I will possibly take that out, but I am not allowing "gay".

And Hearts, I really should ban you for this post but I won't.
Ohhh... I get it now... so forumotion has its own rules for admins of other forums too? o.o
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