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 My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]

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Dedicated Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 10:24 am

i guess that explains it then XD everything quite clear now
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Junior Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 4:34 pm

Mace wrote:

You guys don't understand. Half of these rules are in here (such as personal information) so I won't get banned from Forumotion.

The spam rule. I took out posting games due to spam. Yes, it may not be perfectly spam, but some of those topics got 200 posts a day. That is not fair, because some of the games are 3 word posts. Until forumotion releases a "do not raise post count in this forum" feature, then it will stay locked.

And advertising. This is a forum. I don't want other people going around posting links to their sites, when I'm trying to work on mine. You have a signature to put all the ads you want.

And do you realize no one here as said gay as "homosexual" or "happy". They have been using it as stupid, or even like their swearing.

Yes, I agree Donut's rule about the swear abbreviations are strict, so I will possibly take that out, but I am not allowing "gay".

And Hearts, I really should ban you for this post but I won't.
exactly what i was trying to get thru us's thick skulls
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Dedicated Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 5:57 pm

Mace wrote:

You guys don't understand. Half of these rules are in here (such as personal information) so I won't get banned from Forumotion.

The spam rule. I took out posting games due to spam. Yes, it may not be perfectly spam, but some of those topics got 200 posts a day. That is not fair, because some of the games are 3 word posts. Until forumotion releases a "do not raise post count in this forum" feature, then it will stay locked.

And advertising. This is a forum. I don't want other people going around posting links to their sites, when I'm trying to work on mine. You have a signature to put all the ads you want.

And do you realize no one here as said gay as "homosexual" or "happy". They have been using it as stupid, or even like their swearing.

Yes, I agree Donut's rule about the swear abbreviations are strict, so I will possibly take that out, but I am not allowing "gay".

And Hearts, I really should ban you for this post but I won't.

ohh so forumotion has it own rules too, i though they didn't

click the eggs plz!

My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 LZrQMy opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 PbJTMy opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 NXlRMy opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 PL8S
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Hero Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 8:12 pm

Jake12 wrote:
Mace wrote:

You guys don't understand. Half of these rules are in here (such as personal information) so I won't get banned from Forumotion.

The spam rule. I took out posting games due to spam. Yes, it may not be perfectly spam, but some of those topics got 200 posts a day. That is not fair, because some of the games are 3 word posts. Until forumotion releases a "do not raise post count in this forum" feature, then it will stay locked.

And advertising. This is a forum. I don't want other people going around posting links to their sites, when I'm trying to work on mine. You have a signature to put all the ads you want.

And do you realize no one here as said gay as "homosexual" or "happy". They have been using it as stupid, or even like their swearing.

Yes, I agree Donut's rule about the swear abbreviations are strict, so I will possibly take that out, but I am not allowing "gay".

And Hearts, I really should ban you for this post but I won't.
exactly what i was trying to get thru us's thick skulls
Wait, what? But Forumotion I guess requires rules for the admins to at least makea forum now. But I think the word "gay" is weird to use.
But it has two meanings.
First Meaning
Having or Showing a Merry, lively mood
Second Meaning
A homsexual person
That's there definitions. The first definition is better
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Regular Fantagian

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My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 9:01 pm

Mace wrote:

You guys don't understand. Half of these rules are in here (such as personal information) so I won't get banned from Forumotion.

The spam rule. I took out posting games due to spam. Yes, it may not be perfectly spam, but some of those topics got 200 posts a day. That is not fair, because some of the games are 3 word posts. Until forumotion releases a "do not raise post count in this forum" feature, then it will stay locked.

And advertising. This is a forum. I don't want other people going around posting links to their sites, when I'm trying to work on mine. You have a signature to put all the ads you want.

And do you realize no one here as said gay as "homosexual" or "happy". They have been using it as stupid, or even like their swearing.

Yes, I agree Donut's rule about the swear abbreviations are strict, so I will possibly take that out, but I am not allowing "gay".

And Hearts, I really should ban you for this post but I won't.

I see, This explains a lot.
I do know they've been using it as stupid. So what's wrong with allowing it?
And about your thing on advertising, Yes it's nice to put the links in our siggy but i don't see what's wrong with just saying something like 'Hey [ Insert name here ] i know you like [ insert video game name here ] so would you want to join my forum about it?' And give them the link. Not spamming it crazy, Ah well to each his own.

I find some of these things a tad bit stupid but like i said to each his own. Anyways thank you for taking your time to read it and thank you for replying to it in a explaining way.
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PostSubject: Re: My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ]   My opinion. [ Mace Please Read ] - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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