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 Dumb Things at School

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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2012 8:15 pm

I mean really, at school, there are plenty of dumb things I am forced to do dumb things all the time.
Besides homework. Which is pretty stupid but I'll have to live with it for some more years.
At the begging of the school year, Oh boy yay. Those little name games that aren't even fun. Even though we are going to be in 8th next year. So in the begging its usually all smiles.
And then later in the year all the teachers do is yell at the students for being over hyper and etc.
And apparently, that's what P.E is for. But you can't do anything in P.E. because the teacher just yells at you when you do something wrong. Well not mine but he embarrasses me in front of the whole class.

Ok I like my teachers but some are just ridiculous.

More stupid stuff, coming right up.
And In Spanish we have to do REALLY stupid dances and listen to these dumb songs. Catchy, yes. Helps you remember stuff? Yes. Helps your mental state? No way.

Ok I know some of you might be thinking How is this dumb? To me it just is, its embarrassing.

And the students. Don't get me started.
All I'm going to say for now is that my desk in math became a hair salon, and a gossip center. Its not exactly helpful when you are trying to do some work.

So what stupid things are at school? What dumb things are you forced to do in school? I wants to knows because me is such a stalker
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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2012 8:23 pm

OMG. IN MY SPANISH CLASS WE WATCH THESE STUPID VIDEOS AND THIS SHORT, ANNOYING LITTLE KID ALWAYS LAUGHS AT THE STUFF THAT ISNT FUNNY AND ITS SO STUPID. But I kinda have to admit the videos are so stupid that I have to laugh. There was this lady cow with a fat face and big eyes... And omg. At the beginning of school we had these little name tags and we had to say fun facts about our self. After Fall Break my S.S. teacher said she forgot all of our names so we had to tell a partner our name and tell what we did on the break. I was partnered with this really annoying kid but he knew my name and so he said "Ill just say you went water skiing in Florida" So my S.S. teacher asks me what part of Florida was it and I said "Uhmmmm. Miami I think..." And everyone got a kick out of that. ROFL. Ahh man. My school is pretty special. xD
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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2012 8:41 pm

Yep you a stalker. Well besides stuff like homework i hate pe. Mainly because my teacher explains what we are doing for 45 minutes, than we actually play the sport for 10 minutes. In German we dont watch those videos, so i guess i got lucky. The students. Dont even get me started. In ss, we had a political stance disscusion, and for her political view, she said, im middle class -_-. Theres more to but im too lazy to type it.

Last edited by wafflefries on Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2012 8:45 pm

Oh god, everyone in my classes are pretty immature, and annoying. Not that i'm not myself bu i'm less than they are, anyways... In P.E it was pretty good, but since out gym has a low ceiling we always are hitting the ceiling with volleyballs, and the other day it was "too cold" to go outside so we had to play soccer base-ball in the gym with cheap mats, it was terrible.. The only good subject is drama/art.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 6:28 pm

Pancakette wrote:
OMG. IN MY SPANISH CLASS WE WATCH THESE STUPID VIDEOS AND THIS SHORT, ANNOYING LITTLE KID ALWAYS LAUGHS AT THE STUFF THAT ISNT FUNNY AND ITS SO STUPID. But I kinda have to admit the videos are so stupid that I have to laugh. There was this lady cow with a fat face and big eyes... And omg. At the beginning of school we had these little name tags and we had to say fun facts about our self. After Fall Break my S.S. teacher said she forgot all of our names so we had to tell a partner our name and tell what we did on the break. I was partnered with this really annoying kid but he knew my name and so he said "Ill just say you went water skiing in Florida" So my S.S. teacher asks me what part of Florida was it and I said "Uhmmmm. Miami I think..." And everyone got a kick out of that. ROFL. Ahh man. My school is pretty special. xD

same thing with french... the actors are so bad. But the worst thing we have to do in French is complete these worksheets while watching the vid. So I have to turn my head to the paper then to the screen like *swishhhh* which is so annoying bounce
the actors speak FLUENT FRENCH. So when I hear them its like

gibbershgibberishgibberish merci!!!!!

should have took spainish...
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 6:46 pm

Clockwork Nightmare wrote:

More stupid stuff, coming right up.
And In Spanish we have to do REALLY stupid dances and listen to these dumb songs. Catchy, yes. Helps you remember stuff? Yes. Helps your mental state? No way.

I got this song stuck in my head we learned.

*Old man with guitar pops out*

Hola! Hola! Buenos deas!

*I forget this part* Come stas!

And over and over again.

And we have to wave are hands and smile like crazy.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 6:55 pm

I think the dumbest do we're forced to do at school is change lunch rooms. Like one day we'll eat in homeroom, the next day we'll eat in some other room halfway across the building, then the next day we'll have to eat outside on the bleachers. It's tiring and pointless -_- I can barely remember which room to go to and end up walking into a random classroom filled with high schoolers or something.
(But recently I found out they use the rooms for student council meetings. I think they should just have a permanent room for those instead of moving students.)
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 7:04 pm

Spanish isn't that bad now in middle. Last year it used to be horrible (I really hate the teacher).

This is basically Spanish every day. It sounds really boring but it's actually ok.

The predictable schedule:

We did the song once. But never again.

My least favorite class is Math. You can tell the teacher just gives out work because first we had the Learn It for classwork and the Practice It for homework. But we finished the Learn It quickly so we had to do the Practice too.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 8:09 pm

I actually do really like Spanish. I don't get embarrassed easily. I like how in Spanish, you can just relax, dance, sing, and fool around. I have a relaxed teacher. It's not a bad class once you get over the fact that everyone is as embarrassed as you.

I'm currently in middle school, and I still have recess which is pretty awesome. The girls get so flipping upset about these little things. They're also huge fans of one direction if you didn't get the song reference, which I don't mind, it's just when they start ranting about them / singing. Like this one girl got so upset because some guy called her a liar and wouldn't tell her why. He was joking around, and smiling the entire time. Sometimes I feel like these girls don't understand when people are joking around. Another funny thing is that about 99% of the guys aren't taking dating seriously, while all the girls are. (except for me because I'm a very akward person) Let me also mention that we are in about 12/13 years old. So this guy asked all the girls out jokingly, and they just freaked out, "OMG OMG OMG HE ASKED ME OUT!!" "HE ASKED ME OUT TOO THAT LITTLE CHEATER" It's really funny to watch, not that I'm a mean person, just that I actually relize what's going on. Now not all the girls are super annoying like that, it's just how most of them are, I guess it's just growing up, and I haven't gotten to that stage yet. Razz

Last edited by cynthia on Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I add too many commas.)
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 8:12 pm

DoughnutKitten wrote:
Pancakette wrote:
OMG. IN MY SPANISH CLASS WE WATCH THESE STUPID VIDEOS AND THIS SHORT, ANNOYING LITTLE KID ALWAYS LAUGHS AT THE STUFF THAT ISNT FUNNY AND ITS SO STUPID. But I kinda have to admit the videos are so stupid that I have to laugh. There was this lady cow with a fat face and big eyes... And omg. At the beginning of school we had these little name tags and we had to say fun facts about our self. After Fall Break my S.S. teacher said she forgot all of our names so we had to tell a partner our name and tell what we did on the break. I was partnered with this really annoying kid but he knew my name and so he said "Ill just say you went water skiing in Florida" So my S.S. teacher asks me what part of Florida was it and I said "Uhmmmm. Miami I think..." And everyone got a kick out of that. ROFL. Ahh man. My school is pretty special. xD

same thing with french... the actors are so bad. But the worst thing we have to do in French is complete these worksheets while watching the vid. So I have to turn my head to the paper then to the screen like *swishhhh* which is so annoying bounce
the actors speak FLUENT FRENCH. So when I hear them its like

gibbershgibberishgibberish merci!!!!!

should have took spainish...
When you say you "should have took Spanish" you are wrong. I have Spanish, and once we watched this video of native Spanish speakers talking. It was like this: Mayestre,necesitomislibros?Losiento,yougetthepointbynowthatwordsgotblended.

Also our Spanish teacher... Lied! We did this "contest" where we tried to see which side of the room did the dance and knew the lyrics better. Then afterwards she said that it didn't matter because we were "the only class to have 100% people dancing that day"(I have 7th period). The next day I found out that we were not. I hate how the adults try to make everything happy-go-lucky-pot-at-the-end-of-the-rainbow kind of thing. Like when we have contests they say everyone was perfect.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 8:24 pm

I've had some pretty Spanish experiences meself~
Let me vent to you all~

OK. So you know that song "Head shoulders knees and toes"? Well, we had to learn it in wasn't too hard.. THEN the class clowns looked up the Spanish words for some inappropriate body parts (boys and girls), so when ever we sang the song the boys would sing those words and point to those body parts. And they didn't even get in trouble!! Mad
It was pretty horrible >.<

Only one of them has finally gotten in trouble, but that was for something different.

(I'm really not looking forward to high school)
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Roc Hijohshiki
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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 8:31 pm

The only things that I'm forced to do at school is whenever in English, my teacher is strict. In the beginning of class, she's all smiles, so everyone feels good. The next thing that happens is that she yells at her students! We have these things called "Demerits". Demerits are basically a little paper that the teacher gives you (Let's just say that Demerits are"Papers of Punishment" (Each demerit you get costs 15 mins of your free time). You see, my teacher EXPECTS EVERYONE to be on their best behavior. One mistake equals one demerit. Luckily, I didn't get one yet. Sadly though, she's my homeroom teacher...

Ok, the dumb things in school are basically my classmates. They bully each other just because they think it's funny (literally). How did I not get bullied? I just ignore them. I also tell them on the teacher. (I have very little friends in school.)
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 8:54 pm

Has anyone heard that song "Dumb ways to die"?
Well now I'm singing it "Dumb things at school"

Dumb things at school~
So many dumb things at school~
Dumb things at sch-OO-OO-OO-l~
So many dumb things at school~

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 9:04 pm

yeah mexicnas talk really fast woooOOOOOO u gotaa speak real fast to u understnad us... lsiten it clea rnd stuf..
i hate my spanish teacher though shes an old lady and doesnt know nothin
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 9:08 pm

mara wrote:
Has anyone heard that song "Dumb ways to die"?
Well now I'm singing it "Dumb things at school"

Dumb things at school~
So many dumb things at school~
Dumb things at sch-OO-OO-OO-l~
So many dumb things at school~

lol. I hate that my teachers r super strict. but they do they only because they know that we can do better. But it stresses me out because of the classwork and homework.
I hate that there r fights on school(mainly because of Facebook). I hate that girls wear makeup and jewelry to get a guy. they gossip about boyfriends and other stuff that has nothing to do with school. I hate that people can b so mean.I hate that other kids call me stupid but the make bad grades on their work.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: idk   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitimeThu Nov 29, 2012 3:24 pm

JingleBell wrote:
DoughnutKitten wrote:
Pancakette wrote:
OMG. IN MY SPANISH CLASS WE WATCH THESE STUPID VIDEOS AND THIS SHORT, ANNOYING LITTLE KID ALWAYS LAUGHS AT THE STUFF THAT ISNT FUNNY AND ITS SO STUPID. But I kinda have to admit the videos are so stupid that I have to laugh. There was this lady cow with a fat face and big eyes... And omg. At the beginning of school we had these little name tags and we had to say fun facts about our self. After Fall Break my S.S. teacher said she forgot all of our names so we had to tell a partner our name and tell what we did on the break. I was partnered with this really annoying kid but he knew my name and so he said "Ill just say you went water skiing in Florida" So my S.S. teacher asks me what part of Florida was it and I said "Uhmmmm. Miami I think..." And everyone got a kick out of that. ROFL. Ahh man. My school is pretty special. xD

same thing with french... the actors are so bad. But the worst thing we have to do in French is complete these worksheets while watching the vid. So I have to turn my head to the paper then to the screen like *swishhhh* which is so annoying bounce
the actors speak FLUENT FRENCH. So when I hear them its like

gibbershgibberishgibberish merci!!!!!

should have took spainish...
When you say you "should have took Spanish" you are wrong. I have Spanish, and once we watched this video of native Spanish speakers talking. It was like this: Mayestre,necesitomislibros?Losiento,yougetthepointbynowthatwordsgotblended.

Also our Spanish teacher... Lied! We did this "contest" where we tried to see which side of the room did the dance and knew the lyrics better. Then afterwards she said that it didn't matter because we were "the only class to have 100% people dancing that day"(I have 7th period). The next day I found out that we were not. I hate how the adults try to make everything happy-go-lucky-pot-at-the-end-of-the-rainbow kind of thing. Like when we have contests they say everyone was perfect.

anybody here take italian? Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Dumb Things at School   Dumb Things at School Icon_minitime

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