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 a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]

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Veteran Fantagian

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a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Empty
PostSubject: a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]   a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 12:12 am

WARNING: this topic contains A LOT of emotion barf. Where I just barf out emotions like crazy and do t make sense at all.
Also this isn't really just one day. This is kind of a really long summery of my past month.


I'm not expection anyone to read the whole thing. It's really long and stupid.
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Veteran Fantagian

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a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]   a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 2:37 am

BTW I read it all and I understand.
Maybe make him jealous? Then Tada~ he will realize you're better than that girl that he was hanging or wut?
But my question do you still love him right? right.
Just make him jealous. Do things that could make him jealous like having friend with boy and jokes around with boys? Like some lesbian doings but your not lesbian I know I know. Just pretend to be cool and yeah yeah. It's all your choice xD I'm not forcing you.

And P.S Yes, It's long but it's not stupid!
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Veteran Fantagian

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a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]   a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 7:48 pm

Xerxes Break wrote:
BTW I read it all and I understand.
Maybe make him jealous? Then Tada~ he will realize you're better than that girl that he was hanging or wut?
But my question do you still love him right? right.
Just make him jealous. Do things that could make him jealous like having friend with boy and jokes around with boys? Like some lesbian doings but your not lesbian I know I know. Just pretend to be cool and yeah yeah. It's all your choice xD I'm not forcing you.

And P.S Yes, It's long but it's not stupid!

Aw thanks for reading it all >.<
Like idek of I still like him? But I do have two guys friends and I started playing terraria and they like talking to me about I that ;u; like idk maybe I'll try. It's like I don't know if I still like him and yet it still hurts some how.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]   a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 7:53 pm

I totally understand how you feel..I don't know how to help, but I really hope it gets better.
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Veteran Fantagian

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a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]   a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 7:58 pm

I relate... I relate totally. that happened to me a while ago. I never knew anyone could feel that way like I did. I know exactly what happens. but let it out.
make him jealous. do something that he will notice you not her. I tried to do stuff but nothing seemed to work. do something differently. Boys do have an attention span of a dog. seriously I had a friend who was my friends since we were 3 this year he doesn't see me at all. he ignores me. he goes with more popular girls. sorry to bore you with this. try something i didnt do.
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Hero Fantagian

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a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]   a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 8:35 pm

Hun, If he's claiming to like you more, but not willing to give her up, That's saying something about the kind of person he is. Ignore him; He doesn't deserve someone like you, and if he claims he likes you more but won't even hang with you, he's obviously not worth your time.
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Veteran Fantagian

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a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]   a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 8:39 pm

Lenka wrote:

Aw thanks for reading it all >.<
Like idek of I still like him? But I do have two guys friends and I started playing terraria and they like talking to me about I that ;u; like idk maybe I'll try. It's like I don't know if I still like him and yet it still hurts some how.

Urmm.. I think you still love him?
And I agree with weeping angel.. Do something that he will notice you more. Let him know that you are better than that girl she is hanging with.

And yeah, I also agree with Ocean.. You could just ignore him and then wait until he'll be the one who's going to chase you and realize that he loves you more.
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Veteran Fantagian

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a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]   a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 12:37 pm

Ah thanks guys ;n; idk maybe I'll try to make him jealous but like idk.
@Weeping Angel thank you and I'm really sorry that happened to you.
And hehe I have been ignoring him but it's kind of awful ;~;
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PostSubject: Re: a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13]   a whole bunch of dumb junk [5/24/13] Icon_minitime

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