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 You could say...I pretty much improved.

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Veteran Fantagian

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You could say...I pretty much improved. Empty
PostSubject: You could say...I pretty much improved.   You could say...I pretty much improved. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 5:47 am

I think the title is cocky anyways!
I was soooooooooooo bored so I decided to draw and improve so here it is!
(It is in DA,too!)
(C) Copyright (The eyes should be darker and have eyeliner)

Critique here (if you don't have an account) and if you do,critique there!(well..if you want haha)

I found the dress and Hairstyle in Polyvore.
The bag is one of my creations.Simple i know T_T also the necklace.If you didn't know what is it.
It is the infinity sign.
As you could see I didn't draw the toes because it's hard so.....I don't know if it's apporaite (I don't know how to write it!HELPPP),if it's not um...
Her body type is big on the top (The chest or breast) and petit down (Waist or Hips?I don't know the difference)she doesn't have the PERFECT body.
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You could say...I pretty much improved. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You could say...I pretty much improved.   You could say...I pretty much improved. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 11:07 pm

Its pretty nice. I have a DA but I'm lazy to comment there.
Well unless if you intended a chibi, the head is rather large and the arms seem too thin. And are pretty stubby. The hands are puny, and look like part of the arm.
I personally think a girl without makeup looks better than one with, but i like lips here
I like the clothes though. Especially the dress.
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Veteran Fantagian

Posts : 3089
Join date : 2011-07-15
Age : 23
Location : somewhere

You could say...I pretty much improved. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You could say...I pretty much improved.   You could say...I pretty much improved. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 4:06 am

She is thin.I don't know why made her but... yeah.
What does 'puny' mean?
and She has natural pink cheeks she only made eyeliner and mascara
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You could say...I pretty much improved. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You could say...I pretty much improved.   You could say...I pretty much improved. Icon_minitime

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You could say...I pretty much improved.
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