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Veteran Fantagian

Posts : 3369
Join date : 2011-12-22
Age : 24
Location : In Hell, With Sebastian..

Christmas[12/25/12] Empty
PostSubject: Christmas[12/25/12]   Christmas[12/25/12] Icon_minitimeTue Dec 25, 2012 10:09 pm

Well sorry for my late post.. ^.^
Sooo What we did in Christmas is We change gifts and and when we change gift my parents and sisters gave me Gifts.. ^.^ and hmmm I think the gifts i receive is 5 :> soo yeah and I opened it..

The gifts I receive are, one Bag, one Shirt, one Anime CD , one stuftoy and the last one small statue.. ^^ and yeah we open our Gifts exactly at 12mignight dec 25 so yeah when we are done opening it, we eat already our food then sing sing then get tired.. we done our christmas party at 1midnight then we sleep because we are really tired lol.. xD.. ^^ sooooo i really have fun with it..

Soo Ill be reading some threads here and see what happens to others christmas..

Happy Holidays again~~
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