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 Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}

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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 5:59 pm

Oh you know me. I love roleplays even though most of the ones in this forum are rushed. Well read everything or else Ill make you fix your application and have fun.
The roleplay will start on Monday, and then apps will close after it starts. Two days should be a lengthy amount of time. Either that or I start tomorrow and apps close on Monday
I apologize for this roleplay being so dark and twisted, I can't help myself sometimes.
Important Things to keep in Mind:
My App:

Last edited by Clockwork Invention on Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:51 pm; edited 23 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 6:19 pm

Suffering is happiness...
Name: Leslie Anthony
Actual Age: 97
Physical Age:8
Gender: F
Species: Quarrel
Biography: She got changed into a Quarrel at age 8, but even though she was a normal human before that and lived a normal life, the magic made her forget all about it. Even after 89 years she has no idea she had a whole different life before. The magic also made her stuck in an 8 year olds body forever.
Personality: Shy and quiet. Very smart. Leslie is kind and caring but usually doesn't show it. She doesn't have many friends because she likes to keep to herself more. Plus, her flock usually leaves her out of things anyways. She's also very sensitive and gets upset easily. Leslie looks, and mostly acts like an angel, but if you get her mad you'd better watch out.
Picture/Description: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} 3513
Where they Live: Sildayne Woods
Anything Else: Nah

Last edited by Silent Night on Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 6:28 pm

suffering is happiness~

Name: Fonel Saynkal
Actual Age: Eighteen
Physical Age: Thirteen ((do like they age slower physically or something??))
Gender: Male
Species: Magician
Biography: Due to living near Sildayne Woods, he's learned to not be curious. Fonel had a younger brother, who as a curious little kid, wandered into the Woods, never to be seen by Fonel again. Because of his location, there were next to no other creatures he could communicate with. Thus, he's not really sure what having a friend is like. Fonel practises his magic, though to be quite honest---he isn't very good with it. It almost always backfires on him, either sending him up a tree or by accidently burning important papers.
Personality: He does not not know what it's like to have a friend. The only person he knew was his younger brother, and it's been years since his dissappearance. He sticks to what he knows, and doesn't make assumptions--what ever he has seen proven is true. There is no other way around things. Due to not being exposed to other cretures, he is rather timid and not very good at talking to them. His motto is usually something along the lines of "Believe all you see, and always study hard."
Where they Live: Outskirts of Sildayne Woods
Picture/Description: Wavy, side swept black hair, and abnormal sunset-coloured eyes. Fonel is not tanned at all, as it's usually misty near the woods. He usually wears a long, dark green turtle neck and a dark green hat. He also sports brown buckle boots and dark coloured pants with multiple pockets. Kinda on the short side, being around 5'3.

this is really creative i'm excited for this! if there's anything i need to fix please pm me!

Last edited by Len on Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:40 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 6:29 pm

Suffering is happiness.

Name: Syrena
Actual Age: 216 Years old
Physical Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Siren
Biography: Syrena is very quiet and humble. She's normally found alone sitting in a cave or just swimming to nowhere. Syrena is very gullible and weak. She's usually the first target for a prank or a fight. She likes to sing like a normal siren but isn't very good at it, so she only sings near the shore at night. If Syrena isn't in the ocean she's in the surface, alone as always and no one to talk to. She doesn't notice things too quickly and lots of people think she's freaky. Sometimes Syrena sings to get someone to talk to or a creature to play or hang out with. Syrena loves a little gold and pearls, she could be very greedy and want everything without thinking of another person. She also suffers a lot from her parents emotionally and physically so she tends to run away but comes back because she knows her father will look for her and hurt her.
Personality: Very Gullible, Could be very greedy and selfish, sort of freaky, very weak, alone, quiet, ignorant, naive
Where they Live: Syundia Beach
Anything Else:

Last edited by Kiyoko on Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 6:34 pm

@Len Accepted. We he can use magic to make himself look younger if you want UwU
@Kiyoko Accepted ^^
@Silemt Night Actually the Quarrels appear the age appeared became one. Your missing something too, check the rules but your app is really nice :3

Thank you all for joining ^^

EDIT: SilentNight Accepted!
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 6:38 pm

Clockwork Invention wrote:
@Len Accepted. We he can use magic to make himself look younger if you want UwU
@Kiyoko Accepted ^^
@Silemt Night Actually the Quarrels appear the age appeared became one. Your missing something too, check the rules but your app is really nice :3

Thank you all for joining ^^

EDIT: SilentNight Accepted!

Thanks for accepting, I actually had no idea to put for her so I just said she was some type of loner.. owo

Can't wait for the role play. ;D
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PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 6:40 pm

Name: Ally Locks
Actual Age: 14
Physical Age: 14, I guess.
Gender: F
Species: Wanderer
Biography: Ally wasn't one to stand out. That's how she's been most of the time. She can barely carry out a conversation and is horrible at making friends. She's just not a social person and doesn't see the need to have friends. She's quite the loner and apprehensive around new people. Every since she came to Paradise, she's been nervous around other creatures.
Personality: Calm, clumsy, bland, very sensitive, annoyed easily, and a perfectionist.
Picture/Description: Ally has dark hair and brown eyes. She's got olive-colored skin and a tiny appearance. On her face are many bruises she's received over the years from being clumsy. She wears a black sweater, floral-print skirt, black tights, and brown boots.
Where they Live: Sayreil
Anything Else: Suffering is happiness.
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PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 6:45 pm

Suffering is happiness!
Name: Lyra Dylans
Actual Age: 16
Physical Age: 18
Gender: Female
Biography: As soon as Lyra ran away from home, she met a magician. She became his apprentice, but exceeded him after a year of lessons. He told Lyra to go to Sildayne Woods since his family is there. Finally, she reached Sildayne Woods and she found it such a nice place. She became intrigued by the town and decided to live there. She, gets annoyed by all the talking and often floods the town.
Personality: Lyra is a shy girl and has many hopes and dreams. A dreamer, she doesn't really focus on reality. She's socially awkward, but always seeks comfort by other people. Lyra gets lonely often and she stumbles when she talks. She is a natural-born leader and often helps people when they're in trouble. Though she looks timid, she's pretty brave.
Where they Live:Sayreil
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PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 6:46 pm

Suffering is happiness, or what?
Name: Rika Gushiken
Actual Age: 1298
Physical Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Siren
Biography: She is sort of like a Siren Warrior.
Personality: Shy, sweet, sometimes aggressive
Where they Live: Syundia Beach
Anything Else:
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 6:47 pm

Everyone accepted and thanks for joining!
It means a lot to me.
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 7:21 pm

Suffering is Happiness...
Name: Silver
Actual Age: 211
Physical Age: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Galdian
Biography: Most people swat her away when she gets close. But all she wants is a friend, a nice friend who won't swat her away when she is bored.
Personality: sweet, feverish. She sometimes can be sad because she has no friends but otherwise cheerful.

Where they Live: Sildayne Woods
Anything Else: So far no one else is a galdian if no one else does it can I be like the last one of my kind? O.o

Last edited by ~Winterful~ on Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 7:26 pm

@Winterful thanks for joining! Your accepted!

I might change the start of the roleolay to tomorrow.
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 9:36 pm

Suffering is happiness~!
Name: Crimson
Actual Age:124
Physical Age:15
Biography:When the boy was still a boy, she fell in love with him. But he was too focused on magic to pay any attention to her. So she decided that if she destroyed all magic everywhere, he would notice her. The only way she could think of was to learn magic and destroy magical creatures. She worked on that until the boy created the Paradise. When that happened, she was caught in a strong burst of magic that made her become younger and lose the majority of her memories. The magic was also melded into her, so she isn't technically a magician- or a human for that matter. She still tries to destroy magic.
Personality:At first she seems sweet, friendly, and often embarrassed at herself. However, like everything else in this Paradise, that's not her true self. In truth, she is very lonely and feels like the only thing she can depend on is her work. She is often misunderstood, though. She tries to be a good person and truly believes what she's doing is right. Maybe it is, but maybe not. She is regretful, though and will sometimes burst into tears and say she's sorry.
Where they Live:Somkraine Fountains
Anything Else:Nope

Last edited by JingleBell on Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:19 am; edited 2 times in total
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 10:00 pm

JingleBell wrote:
Suffering is happiness~!
Name: Crimson
Actual Age:124
Physical Age:15
Biography:When the boy was still a boy, she fell in love with him. But he was too focused on magic to pay any attention to her. So she decided that if she destroyed all magic everywhere, he would notice her. The only way she could think of was to learn magic and destroy magical creatures. She worked on that until the boy created the Paradise. When that happened, she was caught in a strong burst of magic that made her become younger and lose the majority of her memories. The magic was also melded into her, so she isn't technically a magician- or a human for that matter. She still tries to destroy magic.
Personality:At first she seems sweet, friendly, and often embarrassed at herself. However, like everything else in this Paradise, that's not her true self. In truth, she is very lonely and feels like the only thing she can depend on is her work. She is often misunderstood, though. She tries to be a good person and truly believes what she's doing is right. Maybe it is, but maybe not. She is regretful, though and will sometimes burst into tears and say she's sorry.
Where they Live:Somkraine Fountains
Anything Else:Nope
Thank you sus for joining. App accepted 'w'

We have some new areas added in thanks to SilverBell and I'm going to add more creatures. It is highly appreciated if you submit your ideas!

I'd really love it if we had more dark or twisted characters but that's just me... Being me....
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 12:19 am

happiness is suffering
Name: Mr. Malloy
Actual Age: 245
Physical Age: 27
Gender: male
Species: magician
Biography:He entered this paradise many years ago, and any time before that he doesn't recall, but not as a result of living long past what a human would in the other world. He hated that old world completely, and here in this new world, a paradise, it was a blank slate, ready for him to paint himself a new life.
Personality:He is extremely arrogant, but he hides it well. (It seems his arrogance may be caused by an inferiority complex from his life in the other world). He uses his magic to heal those who suffer from any ailments (Calling it miracle work), but as a result of their recovery, someone or multiple people suffer from misfortune. His miracle-healing has caused far more people to suffer than it has helped. It is unknown whether he truly realizes that he causes any harm. However, he seems to think he does good. but only through the means of ignoring any misfortune repeatedly and lying to himself so many times that he believes that all he does is for good and only good.
Picture/Description: He is a tall thin man with a hookish nose. He wears spectacles and has a rather dark appearance and mien that seems to be caused from the shadow cast by his top hat. He wears a dark leather trench coat and carries around a brief case that seems to hold no contents and has no purpose whatsoever, but he claims he uses it for his magic.
Where they Live: He moves around to wherever happens to be the most populated. (So wherever that will be when we start~)
Anything Else: Nope I think that will be it~

Name: Peter
Actual Age: 40
Physical Age:19
Biography: He accidentally came through a portal, just like everyone else, and he was extremely confused. He left The Gate as quickly as he could and wandered, learning of the new world and its ways.
Personality: Now being a citizen of paradise for several years he thinks it his life's purpose to make other's understand how evil magic really is, and to do that, he will do whatever it takes. His hatred of those who use magic seems to have no basis, and his divided personality makes him an extremist. He exerts extreme kindness to those who do not use magic, and will gladly kill any who do use it.
Picture/Description: He is of average height and build, with dark hair and grey eyes.
Where they Live: Once again, wherever the most populated area will be once the roleplay starts~
Anything Else: nada.

Last edited by S on Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 12:24 am

S wrote:
happiness is suffering
Name: Mr. Malloy
Actual Age: 245
Physical Age: 27
Gender: male
Species: magician
Biography:He entered this paradise many years ago, and any time before that he doesn't recall, but not as a result of living long past what a human would in the other world. He hated that old world completely, and here in this new world, a paradise, it was a blank slate, ready for him to paint himself a new life.
Personality:He is extremely arrogant, but he hides it well. (It seems his arrogance may be caused by an inferiority complex from his life in the other world). He uses his magic to heal those who suffer from any ailments (Calling it miracle work), but as a result of their recovery, someone or multiple people suffer from misfortune. His miracle-healing has caused far more people to suffer than it has helped. It is unknown whether he truly realizes that he causes any harm. However, he seems to think he does good. but only through the means of ignoring any misfortune repeatedly and lying to himself so many times that he believes that all he does is for good and only good.
Picture/Description: He is a tall thin man with a hookish nose. He wears spectacles and has a rather dark appearance and mien that seems to be caused from the shadow cast by his top hat. He wears a dark leather trench coat and carries around a brief case that seems to hold no contents and has no purpose whatsoever, but he claims he uses it for his magic.
Where they Live: He moves around to wherever happens to be the most populated. (So wherever that will be when we start~)
Anything Else: Nope I think that will be it~

I will most likely have a second male human character, but I will edit that app onto this post tomorrow, or create a new post. Whichever is more convenient for you clock~ ~
Accepted. Thank you for joining!
Ah either way is fine with me, take your time, all that matters is having fun. u.u
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Expert Fantagian

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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 12:08 pm

Name:Joy Summers
Actual Age:17
Physical Age:14
Biography:Joy isn't the type of girl who is out going and innocent,you have certainly got that wrong.Shes lived in the woods basically all her life,she never comes out EVER.Unless someone/something happens and she has too.She wanders in the woods trying to find things that are useful.Joy is very independent she isn't the social type of girl,and she isn't great with boys knowing she acts like one.Joy can never carry out a conversation more than 1 sentence.
Personality:Joy is very unsociable (if that's a word),she doesn't like talking and if she does it comes out odd.She loves animals and is very quite.
Picture/Description:Joy has red short hair that reaches above her shoulders,she has purple/blackish eyes that aren't very normal.Her freckles make her eyes stand out more,with no sun around her mainly shes pale.She has a fragile body,and nice lips I guess?
Where they Live:Outskirts of sildayne Woods
Anything Else:Nope...

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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 12:19 pm

Noah wrote:
Name:Joy Summers
Actual Age:17
Physical Age:14
Biography:Joy isn't the type of girl who is out going and innocent,you have certainly got that wrong.Shes lived in the woods basically all her life,she never comes out EVER.Unless someone/something happens and she has too.She wanders in the woods trying to find things that are useful.Joy is very independent she isn't the social type of girl,and she isn't great with boys knowing she acts like one.Joy can never carry out a conversation more than 1 sentence.
Personality:Joy is very unsociable (if that's a word),she doesn't like talking and if she does it comes out odd.She loves animals and is very quite.
Picture/Description:Joy has red short hair that reaches above her shoulders,she has purple/blackish eyes that aren't very normal.Her freckles make her eyes stand out more,with no sun around her mainly shes pale.She has a fragile body,and nice lips I guess?
Where they Live:Outskirts of sildayne Woods
Anything Else:Nope...

Thanks for joing Noah, app accepted! ^^
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 12:25 pm

My second character has been added~ :3
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 12:33 pm

Name:Johanna Simms
Actual Age:21
Physical Age:16
Biography:Johanna is the odd one out.She doesn't have many friends because everyone envy's her for her gift.Johanna still hasn't found out what the ''gift'' is and is hoping she'll find it in the Outskirts of Sildayne Woods.She isn't letting ''friends'' get in her way but if she needs to attack she will.
Picture/Description:She has dirty blonde hair that reaches her waist.She has nice piercing green eyes.She has slight freckles and a scar that reaches her neck half way down her back.She wears a green loosen sweat shirt with baggy ripped pants and a pair of old sneakers.
Where they Live:Outskirts of Sildayne Woods
Anything Else:nurp

happiness is suffering
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 12:35 pm

@S Okie! Accepted.
@4Fun App accepted. Thanks for joining.
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 1:47 pm

Decided to make another~
Actual Age:18
Physical Age:9
Biography:She wandered into a portal when she was just three. She was a wanderer for six years by the gates until a ripple caught her.
Personality:She's a bossy girl who considers herself the leader of the flock. Whenever she's bothered, she'll get really mad and start shouting at you. She can't imagine anything beyond her small world and often picks on the younger quarrels.
Where they Live:Sildayne Woods
Anything Else:Maybe she could be part of Eve and Silent Night's flock?

Last edited by JingleBell on Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 2:01 pm

JingleBell wrote:
Decided to make another~
Actual Age:18
Physical Age:9
Biography:She wandered into a portal when she was just three. She was a wanderer for six years by the gates until a ripple caught her.
Personality:She's a bossy girl who considers herself the leader of the flock. Whenever she's bothered, she'll get really mad and start shouting at you. She can't imagine anything beyond her small world and often picks on the younger quarrels.
Picture/Description:Pale brown wings, add more later.
Where they Live:Sildayne Woods
Anything Else:Maybe she could be part of Eve and Silent Night's flock?
Accepted! One more app and I'll start!
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PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 2:42 pm

Name: Evangeline Willow (Willeva)
Actual Age: 400
Physical Age: late teens early twenties
Gender: Female
Biography: Evangeline Willow is bet known by everyone as the alchemist and mistress of darker magic Willeva. Only those very close to her know her as Evangeline the tired and sad sorceress Evangeline. At the beginning of her life she was slaved in the right cheek by an abusive boyfriend trying to show her he was the boss. A year late she learned alchemy and magic and quickly dispersed of him keeping his soul locked in her magical mace.
She is seductive and manipulative towards strangers and prefers solitude so that no one see hers her beyond ugly scar. One might think that the act would turn away lovers but her eyes are an irresistible feature that have gotten many young men in trouble.
She enjoys the darker aspects of alchemy, enchanting and magic but she fights for the greater good. She tries to help women mostly but herders can seem sinister and evil even if the effect of them may be good the evil that leads up to it diminishes the valiant intentions.
She loathes most wanderes and hates excess attention. She looks to the Castle of Sorrow with want because she wishes to get her hands on Queen Evelynns garden for alchemy purposes.
Personality: Sane, highly moral, seductive, mysterious, manipulative, cool headed, sinister in her plans, somewhat superstitious, pleasant to be around for the most part, vengeful and unforgiving.
Where they Live: Silday e woods and Farlo
Anything Else: double crossing her, mistreating her, and other negative acts toward her can result and torture or death, or so rumor says.
She killed he boyfriend without a second though, the one who destroyed her right cheek.
She loves the places she lies for the abundant supplies of alchemy items.
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}   Paradox of a Paradise {APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 2:51 pm

Relora wrote:
Name: Evangeline Willow (Willeva)
Actual Age: 400
Physical Age: late teens early twenties
Gender: Female
Biography: Evangeline Willow is bet known by everyone as the alchemist and mistress of darker magic Willeva. Only those very close to her know her as Evangeline the tired and sad sorceress Evangeline. At the beginning of her life she was slaved in the right cheek by an abusive boyfriend trying to show her he was the boss. A year late she learned alchemy and magic and quickly dispersed of him keeping his soul locked in her magical mace.
She is seductive and manipulative towards strangers and prefers solitude so that no one see hers her beyond ugly scar. One might think that the act would turn away lovers but her eyes are an irresistible feature that have gotten many young men in trouble.
She enjoys the darker aspects of alchemy, enchanting and magic but she fights for the greater good. She tries to help women mostly but herders can seem sinister and evil even if the effect of them may be good the evil that leads up to it diminishes the valiant intentions.
She loathes most wanderes and hates excess attention. She looks to the Castle of Sorrow with want because she wishes to get her hands on Queen Evelynns garden for alchemy purposes.
Personality: Sane, highly moral, seductive, mysterious, manipulative, cool headed, sinister in her plans, somewhat superstitious, pleasant to be around for the most part, vengeful and unforgiving.
Where they Live: Silday e woods and Farlo
Anything Else: double crossing her, mistreating her, and other negative acts toward her can result and torture or death, or so rumor says.
She killed he boyfriend without a second though, the one who destroyed her right cheek.
She loves the places she lies for the abundant supplies of alchemy items.
Thank you for joining,I'm starting and accepted.
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Paradox of a Paradise {APPS}
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