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 This is the End - RP APPS

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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 2:17 pm


Far in the future, a great war has caused the downfall of the human race. Four of the seven continents are competely devoid of human life, and 21 animal species have gone extinct. You are one of less than 100 people left living in what was once a densely populated city. You have a small group of comrades, 5 guns, and a slowly shrinking stock of food and ammunition. You have to go out and fight for supplies amongst hunger-driven maniacs who are very much willing to kill you for your resources. Defend your home and your friends to the extent of your ability. Will humans reign once again?

Warning: This is yet another of my complicated RPs with extensive battle rules and whatnot. If you can't follow along, you may not want to continue.

Rules - General:

Rules - Combat:

Talents/Flaws - Combat (Shooting, Karate...etc):
Talents/Flaws - Mundane (Sewing, playing guitar...etc):
Biography (optional):


My app:
Name: Julian Cullen
Age: 14
Gender/Sexuality: Male, straight
Personality: Julian masks his antisocial tendencies and insecurities with reckless overconfidence. He's almost always the first one to shoot, the one who takes crazy risks instead of planning things out safely. Let it suffice to say that he isn't always very smart, but puts in an effort to be at least a bit agreeable.
Talents/Flaws - Combat (Shooting, Karate...etc): He has a great aim with a gun and can use a knife effectively. However, his reflexes aren't all that great and he's a poor climber.
Talents/Flaws - Mundane (Sewing, playing guitar...etc): Julian is good with small machines like phones and computers. He knows nothing about driving and will crash almost any vehicle within half an hour, though.
Biography (optional): Julian spent most of his childhood in hiding, trying to escape the war. After it ended his home was attacked and raided by a group of survivors. Julian made it out with his father's gun and some food, relatively unscathed. He presumes his parents did not survive the attack, since he didn't see them leave, but has no evidence to back this up so he doesn't mention it. He joined a group as a last resort after narrowly escaping another mob. He will do pretty much anything to stay alive at this point.
click this :

Other: Paradichlorobenzene

Last edited by Jeff on Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:52 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 3:09 pm

Name: sally woodworth
Gender/Sexuality: female straight 
Personality: Sally hates when people tease her about being very good at combat and a woman, she is very energetic and loves being around other people she is quick to stand up for somebody  if they are being bullyed.
Talents/Flaws - Combat (Shooting, Karate...etc): sally has very bad aim with a gun but great aim with a bow and arrow though she is mostly a karate and blade weapon person if some offers her a bow and a few arrows she will be quick to take it and will use it well 
Talents/Flaws - Mundane (Sewing, playing guitar...etc): knows how to bake cookies well and can sing ok but dances horribly can also play soccer
Biography (optional): in her teen years Sally was in many curricular activity's she was in soccer, writing club and a few other activitys but in her senior years she was on debating her schools debating team and made it to the finals only to lose to kalee baker and to this day she swears if she finds her alive she will kill her.
she is the one on the right
Other:  Sally has a twin sister ( as seen in the pic above ) that she often bickered with when she was younger  oh and btw before i forget Paradichlorobenzene  Sally is always able to look at every sides of disagreements.
two questions for jeff 
1: as i said Sally was on the debate team and almost won the finals is it ok if she occasionally sorts out small fights between 2 characters? 
2: if you dont get hit for a long time can your HP go up?

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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 3:40 pm

@Colorora: You are accepted. However, it would be pretty cool if you made an effort to improve your grammar/punctuation. It's okay if you can't, though.

Question 1: That's up to the other characters. If your character tries to sort out fights often, she's pretty sure to succeed at least every now and again.

Question 2: Yes. I'd say you regain 2 HP per page, more if someone is actively caring for you.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 5:37 pm

Name: Sierra Mccormikk
Age: 13
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Straight
Personality: She is sweet, smart, strong, confident, some times a little freaky, sporty and friendly
Talents/Flaws - Combat (Shooting, Karate...etc): +She was in kick boxing as a kid. She is also pretty good with a dager she has and was in cross country. -She is not good with guns at all.
Talents/Flaws - Mundane (Sewing, playing guitar...etc): +She is good at singing (is that okay?) and she is good at making bracelets -she is not good with pressure. But she is learning to deal.
Biography (optional):Rest Later- She came from a family that supports sports. She was in dance and kick boxing and cross country. She has ADHD and ADD. That is why she is not good with far aim. She is getting used not taking her pills. So she is almost always active and ready to run. Her dad died fighting off gang bangers. Her mom and her are the only ones left in her famliy. Her twin Taila is gone. She disapered when they were asleep.

Other:Paradichlorobenzene By the way- what does that mean?

Last edited by Infinite on Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:40 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 11:20 pm

Name: Elle Quint
Age: 14 1/2
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Straight/Questioning
Personality: Elle is a girl with many thoughts, but also one with very little words. Elle can be cold when it comes to people she doesn't know, and her trust isn't easy to gain. Along with those other qualities, she also subconsciously wander off by herself from time to time and may get lost while at it.
Talents/Flaws - Combat: Elle has good dexterity. Though if you give her a mechanical weapon such as a gun, she probably will harm one of her allies due to her lack of experience. Her strengths in combat are with weapons ones such as daggers, knives, swords and katanas. She was also taught the basics of weapon crafting by her guardians before they went. 
Talents/Flaws - Mundane: Elle has a decent ability to draw and is very good on the violin. She is an awful cook and loathes sports.
Biography: Elle was raised by people that were not her parents. They abandoned her - left her in a narrow alley. It seems like that was the correct thing to do, since a group of people found her. She was taught how to throw while moving, how to steady her own breath to not be heard, and how to craft weapons/utensils. Her guardians disappeared during their 'daily hunt' before she got taught how to use a gun. Elle realized that they were not coming back and decided to move shelter. There weren't many supplies, since her teachers took most of them. Just a small gun with one refill, and her favorite weapons - two daggers. 
Picture/Description: ☩ (Click)
Other: Elle must wear a medical eye bandage at all times because of her strange-looking right eye. I'm also not sure if this application makes much sense. It's kind of all over the place.

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Legendary Fantagian

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This is the End - RP APPS Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeThu Oct 17, 2013 4:59 am

Infinite and Angelic are accepted.

Luka, your application is denied for now. Your character has no flaws, and self-defense is technically a combat skill.

Also, remember that humans are practically endangered. Most schools will have closed down or simply been abandoned. Not to mention there are no jobs to go around, no mail service, no open stores, and almost no electricity. Money is a thing of the past. It's grab what you can while you can. Who cares about education when your own life is at stake? This isn't to say your character can't have been a bit lucky and gotten a bit of schooling while it was available, but I'd prefer that no one forgets the entire plot.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeThu Oct 17, 2013 8:10 pm

save me a spot.. i want my app to be well done and it will take some time.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 4:57 am

Spot saved for Primrose.

Please finish your application by Monday.
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 2:42 pm

Not sure if you noticed; but Luka has updated her application.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 2:53 pm

Name: Skyla
Age: 15
Gender/Sexuality: Girl, Straight
Personality: Swift, smart, serious, responsible.
Talents/Flaws - Combat (Shooting, Karate...etc): She can chuck a blade 17 feet and still hit a bullseye.
Talents/Flaws - Mundane (Sewing, playing guitar...etc): She is very good at drawing, and since she used to go to girls scouts, she knows alot of tips/tricks.
Biography (optional): Skyla was an ordinary girl doing ordinary things. She did her homework, took piano lessons, and loved shopping, just like the ordinary girls. But one day, a bomb hit her house. It killed both of her parents, and all she has left is her cat. She has trained it over the years, so now she thinks she is brave enough to fight for herself. She has disanvantage, because her cat needs food and water too.
Picture/Description: meow later

Other: Paradichlorobenzene

If we die, can we become spirits, and try to 'help' the alive people?
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 3:08 pm

Luka is still denied. This country has been at war for the last couple years. As of now, no one is working or in school. Maybe you were a while back, but there are barely any people left alive, and those who are tend to be preoccupied with not starving or freezing to death or whatnot. And the fact that you're "getting twice the money the other employees get" strikes me as Mary-Suish.

Marshy is accepted (even though she has no flaws in the appropriate sections, the fact that her cat is weighing her down will suffice as long as that remains an aspect of the game). It would be nice if you added some flaws to the appropriate sections, though.

In answer to Marshy's question, I'm a bit dubious about having supernatural beings in the RP. What I'll say is that I don't mind, but if they start becoming overpowered I'll have to take the option away. Remember that if your character dies, making a new one is perfectly okay.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 3:36 pm

Name: Icy Darkness (my beautiful banana anna suggested this<333)
Age: 77
Gender/Sexuality: Male, bisexual.
Personality: He tries to be nice for the most part, but sometimes comes across as being cold. He's really overemotional and melodramatic, especially when it comes to things like kittens and knitting. If you insult his hair or any of his interests/hobbies he will immediately ignore you, and most likely never speak to you again.
Icy is an older man, but he still values socialization and will mingle with nearly anyone, unless they voice their distaste for kittens, sewing, etc.
Talents/Flaws - Combat (Shooting, Karate...etc): He has no talents when it comes to combat only flaws. He does use bad back excuses to distract enemies, though.
Talents/Flaws - Mundane (Sewing, playing guitar...etc): He's really good with sewing, knitting, crotchet and taking care of cats. He's also a pretty good cook. He doesn't really have any talents besides those, unless doing the flippy thing with his hair counts.
Biography (optional): Icy grew up before the war happened (or at least I think, but there's no specification on when the war started so I'm not completely sure), and so he has had a taste of what the country was like before it went to war. He grew up in a poorer family in a small town, and had to labor a lot as a younger child/man, until eventually he was able to move to a more heavily populated place to acquire a better education and also to get a decent paying job.
Other: Paradichlorobenzene
the title of the rp has the end by the doors stuck in my head now i
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 3:44 pm

Anna's banana accepted.

Good job!
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 4:15 pm

Name: Florence Rivera
Age: 15
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Straight.
Personality: Florence is quite moody. She can go from being happy-go-lucky to the grumpiest bean in a matter of minutes. She's easily affected by the atmosphere around her, and one little change of energy will change her emotions/vibe completely. She may come off as strange or sort of frightening because of this, but it's just her nature. She talks really fast and gets fixated on nothing in the air; it's as if she can see something others can't. She smiles during sad/serious situations, mostly because she wants to keep from crying. She can be very violent as well as very gentle. People tend to put space between themselves and her because she's just really weird to them, and there are very few people that understand she's going through trauma of watching her family be murdered for their resources. Before the incident, she was seen as a very bubbly, extroverted person who hated being alone. However, now, she's changed completely and people doubt she'll ever go back to how she used to be.
Talents/Flaws - Combat (Shooting, Karate...etc): She's a really fast runner and can "stalk" or analyze someone/something without them noticing. She's also an averagely-talented shooter. She's not amazing, but out of about three bullets she's likely to get at least one in a decent shot.
Talents/Flaws - Mundane (Sewing, playing guitar...etc): She used to be really good at the guitar, but it was destroyed when the war broke out. She also has a liking for knitting, but barely haste to do it anymore. Other than that, she has an old-wrinkly brown-leather covered journal that she writes in everyday. Or, tries to, anyways.
Biography (optional): When Florence was very young, her parents divorced. They were arguing a lot and it became physical. When they did, her mother was pregnant, so she was left with her father, who had developed a liking for gambling. She'd stay home alone for most of the night starting at about eight years old, only to find her drunken father passed out on the couch. Although he gambled A LOT and seemed to like beer, he was an amazing father to Florence and never one got angry at her due to his gambling/alcoholism. He'd never hit her and he'd explain everything to her. They had a very strong bond. However, gambling was taking over his life. It became so bad that Florence caught him rummaging through her drawers, looking for something to sell. He already sold the golden watch Florence's mother had bought him for their anniversary three years prior to their divorce, his father's old gold chain, and Florence's red velvet dress. He had many bills to pay, and at one point his brother had to help them out. Florence was scared, especially when she saw the cupboards were bare. They became very poor, and Florence's mother took her away, angrily blaming her ex-husband. She had given birth to a baby girl, who was three months old. She also remarried a wealthy man who she lived with in a more posh neighbourhood. Although she was happy to have enough to eat and to have a roof over her head, she missed her father and was worried about him. When she heard he was kicked out of their shabby apartment, she begged her mother and step-father to let him live with them until he could fix his gambling problem. They agreed, so he moved in. Florence was over-joyed, and now 10 years old, was able to understand why he drank and gambled so much. Her father showed her how to play poker, which made her mother angry. She threw out all his cards and told him they'd kick him out if he didn't stop gambling. He stopped gambling for about three weeks, but began again. He wasn't addicted, though. He'd just play a few games and then call it a night. He bought her her journal for her eleventh birthday. She's gone through about five of them. By the time she was 13, her mother had fallen pregnant again, with a baby boy. He was healthy and happy. They named him Richard. Her little sister was now five, and Florence had a strong bond with her. Her name was Theresa, but the family called her Thea. Around the winter time, Florence's step-father had fallen ill with an unknown illness. After many sleepless nights listening to her mother and father talk, she found out he developed cancer in his leg. He was to have surgery immediately. Her mother told her this, not Thea and Richard. However, he died about two days before the surgery of a heart-attack. Everything was left to her and the children, and surprisingly, his wife's ex. The war started not too long after her 14th birthday, and about a week before her 15th birthday her family was murdered while she watched from her hiding spot, with little Thea and Richard tucked in it with her. After the murderer's left, Florence boarded up the house with some of her deceased step-father's chains, and found his gone and a bit of ammo. She vowed to protect her siblings, and after she hid the mangled bodies in the garage in the back yard, she took the leading roll of protecting her siblings. They had a decent supply of food in the basement, along with the kitchen, so that wasn't a worry. However, sickness was. And getting hurt. Florence stayed up every-night, waiting for attackers. When they came, she shot. When they didn't, she was relieved. Thea stayed in her room a lot, and Richard was usually sleeping for the most part. It was very difficult for a 15 year old to handle all this, and she was astonished to find out that less than 100 civilians were left in the once populated town. SORRY THIS IS SO LONG AAAAA.
Picture/Description: Florence has long, brown hair. It's frizzy and reaches her hips. She wears it in two braids. Her eyes are green and her face is red with acne. She has really flaky, dry skin. However, she doesn't care about appearance anymore. She sees practically no other human beings other than Thea and Richard.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 4:20 pm

Flower is accepted.

We'll start when Primrose finishes her application, or when we get 2 other people. Whichever comes first.
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Regular Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 4:31 pm

jeff i was working on my application but i'm going to sleep because it's like 10:30 here so i'll have it submitted by tomorrow morning (my time) if i'm even allowed to?????
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 4:33 pm

That's completely okay. The deadline for unfinished applications is Monday so you have plenty of time.

EDIT: I feel dumb for not mentioning this. The war started around 12 years ago, and ended around 1 year ago.

EDIT TO THE RULES: Only one attack per post. Long strings of attacks are annoying since the other player is probably going to be dead before they even get a turn.
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Regular Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Oct 19, 2013 6:18 am

i'm not even sure if this makes any sense but anywayyy
i'll check for any holes, grammatical errors and stuff in this later
Name: December Holdes  
Age: Sixteen
Gender/Sexuality: Female, straight
Personality: The traumatic experience of her parents' death in the war had led December to build an emotional barrier around herself, hence her inept ability to trust. Her heart is as cold as the month she was named after and her icy personality has managed to repel people away from her, leaving her with little to no friends.
Talents/Flaws - Combat (Shooting, Karate...etc): December discovered her natural ability of utilising a knife when she was eleven. After her parents' death, she was forced to live inside the bins with only a tin of food and a kitchen knife to keep her going for the remaining duration of the war. However, on one night as black as the shadows inconspicuously creeping behind the bins every night, December was attacked by a mob of gangsters. She managed to instinctively kill two of the five gangsters using her knife and leave the remaining either badly injured or unconscious.  She also managed to steal a bag full of dry food, water and weapons, including a two combat knives and a gun which she doesn’t know how to use. December’s aiming skills are fairly mediocre. She is extremely quick to react, which may backfire in the most catastrophic of incidences.
Talents/Flaws - Mundane (Sewing, playing guitar...etc): Before her parents died, she was an aspiring singer. December breathed music and was constantly singing songs of love and friendship, completely oblivious to the events of the war where everyone hated everyone. The sudden death of her parents led December to leave singing as the last of her priorities and survival as her first. She is also very good at textile related activities. December doesn't have any talents other than that (or any she hasn't discovered yet) and her athletic ability is lacking in most areas, aside from running.
Biography (optional):
December Holdes spent an abundant portion of her childhood living a relatively stable life in comparison to other children her age; who spent every waking moment anticipating attacks which could mean the difference between survival and the loss of life. However, her house along with other residencies in the neighbourhood was bombed by a mob of terrorists, leaving her out in the ruins with no parents and only a tin can of food and a knife to keep her going. The tragic event emotionally scarred her and she spent the remaining duration of the war inside the bins outside a poky bakery, deprived of sleep. Haunted by nightmares and twisted hallucinations, December refused to sleep and stayed awake throughout the days and nights. The first time she killed a person was at the tender age of eleven. She was found and attacked inside the bins by a group of gangsters, leaving her with no choice but to whip out her kitchen knife and stab them all. She ended up with various wounds on her neck, arms and face but the incident had shaped her as an attacker, and prepared her for more attacks to come.
A few days after the war ended, December crawled out of the bins to find herself in the midst of ash and dead bodies.  
December is unhealthily pale and is drained out of any colour she had before the effects of the war kicked in. She has dirty blonde hair in a tangled mess and bleary, brown eyes. Purple circles ring her eyes due to fatigue and her body structure resembles a skeleton blanketed in skin.
Other: Paradichlorobenzene
December displays many symptoms of anxiety and experiences panic attacks from time to time.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Oct 19, 2013 9:14 am

Electrified is accepted.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Oct 19, 2013 7:53 pm

Name: Lilly Wright
Age: 11
Gender/Sexuality: Female, straight
Personality: Lilly is strong. She barely complains or asks for things. She's a good hunter and she gets her own food. She is often cold at nights. Lilly talks a lot. She is protective like Kim. Kim is her rolemodel. She hopes to find her dad. Lilly is sneaky. She is a good runner, a good climber, and she's got great aim. During daytime, she's in hiding. During nighttime, she steals from people. She can also be a murderer. Lilly is curious. She's funny but shy around others. She's got no manners or education at all.
Talents/Flaws - Combat (Shooting, Karate...etc): She can basically turn almost anything into a lethal weapon. She's agile in climbing and very athletic.
Talents/Flaws - Mundane (Sewing, playing guitar...etc): She makes her own clothes
Biography (optional): Lilly was born in war. When she was 5 years old, thieves broke into her house, using a rock to break the windows. The glass shards scattered all over, and Lilly was there. A tiny piece of glass made her have a scar across her left eye. But even worse: her mother came running to give Lilly some aid, but she slipped over the glass. Sadly, a sharp glass sharp penetrated at the back of her head. Lilly screamed and screamed. Her older sister came, picked her up, took a gun from a nearby shelve, and ran outside. Lilly was taken care of by her older sister, Kim. Kim raised Lilly in the woods outside the city. Kim would leave Lilly alone when she went to get food and things she needed. Kim, who was 17 at that time, would drive a taxi cab. She would make it cheaper. Then she would drive them away from the city, to the darkest parts of it, and then she'd rob them. Of course, Lilly didn't know. Lilly usually had to live a day without much food or much sleep. One day, when Lilly was 8, Kim came back with a lot of money she had robbed from a politician. She bought her a good amount of clothes and food. But when she heard heavy footsteps, she knew it wasn't going to last. She pushed Lilly behind a tall bush and tried to put most of the clothes and food with her. Two police officers came to meet Kim. Kim answered a bunch of questions. Lilly kept quiet. The two police officers grabbed both of her arms and dragged her along towards prison. Not long after Kim was out of Lilly's sight, Kim's voice was heard in the form of a scream. Followed by a gunshot. Kim was defenseless against an assassin than snuck up behind her. Then two gunshots. The police officers were killed too. Lilly was 8. She was homeless, probably orphan. She never knew if her dad was still alive. When she ran out of resources Kim gave her, she was forced to enter the city. Now Lilly lives in the city. She's homeless, poor, with nothing but hope.
Picture/Description: Lilly has medium-sized, messy, reddish brown hair, with long bangs. Her hair is mostly a little frizzy and wavy but it's usually put into a side braid. Her eyes are light blue but her left eye has got a long scar going across it, starting at her nose and ending a little before her ear. Her skin is light and pale but it's taken a cocoa tone from dirt and dust. She's short and she's got tiny feet. She wears a small white shirt which is about half a size too small, a dark pink cap that says the name "Tara" which she stole it from, and a pair of shorts. Ripped shorts that used to be jeans. She wears nothing in her feet but socks with a couple small holes in each. She wears a white hoodie in where she stores her black gun. She has also got a small razor and a knife in her dull brown backpack in where she also puts her food and other valuable resources.

Last edited by Primrose on Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 12:26 pm

Primrose: This looks good so far. Once you're done we'll start the RP.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 1:15 pm

@Jeff: I finished my application.
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Legendary Fantagian

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Join date : 2012-01-14
Age : 25
Location : The gallows

This is the End - RP APPS Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 1:22 pm

Okay. I may have to start tomorrow, though. My mom is home and she's not in a great mood so I'm dealing with that right now.

If I can start sooner I will.

Your application is accepted.
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This is the End - RP APPS Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is the End - RP APPS   This is the End - RP APPS Icon_minitime

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