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 ~Another~[RP APPS]

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Veteran Fantagian

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~Another~[RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: ~Another~[RP APPS]   ~Another~[RP APPS] Icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 10:47 pm

I was hosting another RP, but not enough people have applied for it to start it so I thought I'd just try to host another one! This is probably really stupid of me, but oh well.

RP plot:


Character types:

Apps for your main character:

My app:

Sorry if I made any typos, I was in a hurry while writing this. I'll need a minimum of 4 people before I/we can start the RP. If anything regarding the plot isn't clear or wasn't worded in an understandable manner you can PM me!
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Veteran Fantagian

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~Another~[RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Another~[RP APPS]   ~Another~[RP APPS] Icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 11:07 pm

I've been dying to watch the anime but I have no time. :c

*Name: Margaret Kiss
*Gender: Female
Personality: Shy & Quiet, Clumsy, Obedient, Patient, Easily hurt // weak; physically and emotionally, Sometimes likes to be in a group, Emotional & Depressing, Strange // Odd and Misjudged
Bio: Margaret has always been the odd ball of the family, she's way shyer than her brothers and sisters, a lot clumsy than her aunts and uncles, and is quieter than her other relatives. A lot of people misjudge her as a person who thinks highly of herself and doesn't talk to anyone else because of that. Margaret also likes being in groups sometimes since she doesn't want to be alone, but this always fails because she is too shy to talk to anyone unless she is brave enough. When she talks it's really quiet like a whisper. Margaret has a skill that she can remember things easier than a normal person, she gets good grades but is very sensitive; physically and emotionally. Margaret is very clumsy, due to her being too weak, it makes her worse like this. She also has a problem that when she tries to talk she will stutter and get nervous really quick.
Special skills (if any): Is able to remember things easier than an average student.
*New to the class or not: Yes, she is new.

I'd like to be the nonexistent. c:

Last edited by Kiyoko on Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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~Another~[RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Another~[RP APPS]   ~Another~[RP APPS] Icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 11:14 pm

Kiyoko wrote:
I've been dying to watch the anime but I have no time. :c

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. If you have time you should definitely try to watch it, the animation is adorable and the story was really well done.
Kiyoko wrote:
I'd like to be the nonexistent. c:
Alright. You now no longer exist! c;
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Senior Fantagian

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~Another~[RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Another~[RP APPS]   ~Another~[RP APPS] Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 11:44 am

*Name:Samantha Clark
Bio:Sam is very smart,but like those bad kids she thinks she has better things to do.She loves to play instruments and likes to play the Drums.Everytime during lunch,instead of hanging around people.Sam practices her singing and plays the drums in the music room.
Special skills (if any):Talent for Singing/Playing Instruments
*New to the class or not:No
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Veteran Fantagian

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~Another~[RP APPS] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Another~[RP APPS]   ~Another~[RP APPS] Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 11:57 am

Swift, you're accepted! c:
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PostSubject: Re: ~Another~[RP APPS]   ~Another~[RP APPS] Icon_minitime

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