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 02/03/13 My interesting day & weekend

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Hero Fantagian

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Join date : 2012-12-20
Age : 22

02/03/13 My interesting day & weekend Empty
PostSubject: 02/03/13 My interesting day & weekend   02/03/13 My interesting day & weekend Icon_minitimeSun Feb 03, 2013 5:01 pm

On Saturday Night, I went to sleepover at my friend's house. My other friend lives next to her, so she came over. We went to the park and pretended we were " Survivors" of a shipwreck. My character got attacked by a polar bear and lost her memory Razz

Sadly, my friend had to go home because her parents were going out. SO, It was just me, my friend, and my friend's little sister. Up until twelve o'clock, we were getting pretty bored. Then, my OTHER friend came for a sleepover! We stayed up chatting and laughing like crazy until two in the morning. My friend has this really weird book, and we were reading it and laughing a lot xD We were talking about clubs at school, gossiping, and our crushes xP

The next day, my friend that was mentioned in the first paragraph came over, and we were making our own cheerleading thing while listening to music. We would dive into each others arms, then fall onto the ground xD
Then, we played a really weird family game thing. I was the mean teenager LOL.
Then, it happened. I jumped, and landed RIGHT on something pointy. I SCREAMED, the fell onto the floor and held my foot. At first my friends thought I was faking, then blood started gushing out, even though the cut was small, it was deep. Now, I can't walk and it really hurts.

Anyways, we went to the park before that happened, and played THE HUNGER GAMES! No, I wasn't Star xD!

I was climbing a tree, but I had to make my " weapon" ( A stick) lean against the tree. Then this dude comes out and he's like, " TREES ARE ALIVE.." And yeah.

But now i'm going to take a long jacuzzi and then do my homework :3
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02/03/13 My interesting day & weekend
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