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 "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS}

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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
dewey decimal system

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"The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Empty
PostSubject: "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS}   "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2013 7:18 pm

You get a strange mirror for your 13th birthday as a present from your parents. They say it's been in your family for years, and it will take you on an adventure. You just roll your eyes and think, man my parents are weird. But once you get into your room, and you look into the mirror, you are sucked into another dimension. This is known as the "Mirror Dimension". At first, you never want to leave... Everything is so good here. Well, it seems to be. You have the parents of your dreams, the best friends ever. Everything goes your way. That's what they want you to think. Then, once your mirror breaks, everything goes wrong. Instead of having the best life ever, it quickly turns to the worst. And the really bad part? You cant get back to your own dimension until you fix your mirror. That is the only thing that can bring you back.
[u]Anything else:[/u]
My App

Name: Paxton Grant
Age: 16
Gender: F
Personality: Paxton has a strong tomboy personality and is very athletic, but dresses girly. She always pays attention at school and gets good grades, so some people consider her a nerd. She loves video games, anime, and vocaloid. She also has a band with some of her best friends called "Unknown Destination" and is the lead singer/guitarist. When you first meet her, she will be shy and quiet. But if you become her friend you will find out she is outgoing and loud. She loves to make people laugh and is very selfless.
Looks: Avatar.
Bio(optional): Grew up in a big, poor family, but after she went into the "Mirror Dimension" that all changed. Her family was rich and she was an only child, which made her parents spoil her. Even though they did, it didn't make her a brat. Unfortunately, many people think she is just because her family is rich.
Anything else:

Last edited by Insanity. ♥ on Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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"The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS}   "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2013 7:20 pm

Name: Adriana Felic
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Personality: Later
Looks: Later
Anything else: I'll finish my app when I have a chance.
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Hero Fantagian

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"The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS}   "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2013 7:42 pm

Name: Maya Kanani
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Bubbly, fun, outgoing
Looks: Madoka with brown hair
Anything else: When she gets sucked in, she is Madoka Kaname, her favorite anime character.
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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
dewey decimal system

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"The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS}   "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Feb 10, 2013 8:59 am

Madoka wrote:
Name: Maya Kanani
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Bubbly, fun, outgoing
Looks: Madoka with brown hair
Anything else: When she gets sucked in, she is Madoka Kaname, her favorite anime character.
Working on my app now...
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Loyal Fantagian

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"The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS}   "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Feb 10, 2013 9:22 am

Name: Charity Doxxie
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Random,Friendly,Bubbly, Trustworthy,Honest,jumpy
Looks: Long Blonde hair, pale skin,Hazel eyes,Denim skinny jeans,Short black jacket with white and black shirt. pink lipstick.
Anything else: everytime she feels the word mirror she'll cry
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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
dewey decimal system

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"The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS}   "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Icon_minitimeSun Feb 10, 2013 10:04 am

Wizzy wrote:
Name: Charity Doxxie
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Random,Friendly,Bubbly, Trustworthy,Honest,jumpy
Looks: Long Blonde hair, pale skin,Hazel eyes,Denim skinny jeans,Short black jacket with white and black shirt. pink lipstick.
Anything else: everytime she feels the word mirror she'll cry
Finally did my app woohoo
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PostSubject: Re: "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS}   "The Mirror Dimension" {RP~APPS} Icon_minitime

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