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 Really, really, really annoying ads!

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2 posters
☆ Dreamlight ☆
Senior Fantagian
☆ Dreamlight ☆

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Really, really, really annoying ads! Empty
PostSubject: Really, really, really annoying ads!   Really, really, really annoying ads! Icon_minitimeTue Apr 23, 2013 12:27 pm

You know what's really annoying? Ads. Especially the:
Really, really, really annoying ads! Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT0s7qvwo7myYD19JsBBNDFYnl3C2U4KOs9wXRcjC0D1h3qm53joA
Who would actually believe this?
Other ads that I hate are the: [You have won an iPhone! Click before time runs out!] sort of ads.
I'm fine with any other ads, but these ads just get on my nerves. They've been on the internet for forever now, and I don't get how anyone would actually believe them.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Really, really, really annoying ads! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Really, really, really annoying ads!   Really, really, really annoying ads! Icon_minitimeTue Apr 23, 2013 4:08 pm

Install adblock then. It's free.
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Really, really, really annoying ads!
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