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 Critique Wanted!!!!

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Critique Wanted!!!!   Critique Wanted!!!! Icon_minitimeMon May 06, 2013 11:15 pm

Sorry if I should've posted this on my art topic but this is more of a critique thing than something to go in an art gallery.

So this is basically how I draw humans now, and I was wondering if I should improve anything.

Human Elka (design by DarkManor):

So yep. Any critique? You can rate too if you want.

I know the shirt is a little weird because I didn't really know how to draw it so I just looked at a frill tutorial and tried my best...

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Veteran Fantagian

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Critique Wanted!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique Wanted!!!!   Critique Wanted!!!! Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 12:24 am

I think you should only improve the fingers. Its too sharp. xD.
And It's a Chibi version right?
I love how you did the clothes and also the wings :''3 I also love how you did the face.. :3
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Critique Wanted!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique Wanted!!!!   Critique Wanted!!!! Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 1:08 am

okay, since you wanted a critique ill give you one. let me just break down the different parts of your drawing here:

-wings. you really need to work on your wing anatomy. im actually really not being rude, it's the truth. i can give you a couple tips:
1). wings are NOT all the same. they vary. your wings look like the typical pair you'd see anywhere.
2). feathers are round. they're not pointy, or stringy, or furry-- they're round.
3). feathers are also messy. vary them, ok? dont do the teddy-bear technique.
4). here are a couple tutorials:
1, 2, 3

-face. you also need to work on face structure. let me state a few things here:
1). the eyes are off focus. where is the girl staring? they are in two different directions.
2). the nose is off perspective. it would be accurate if she was facing to the side or in a 3/4 view to the right. in this case, make your nose simply forward. work on noses.
here is a simple tutorial.
3). the mouth is fine, honestly. nothing wrong here.
4). eyebrows. where are her eyebrows? eyebrows are important in facial expression-- they help dictate if youre angry, sad, worried, etc.
5). to sum it up, im not really sure which direction shes facing.

-head. this girls head is way to big to even fit on her current body. either that, or make her neck wider so it can support it.

-hands. her hands are extremely pointy, and they are also backwards. try using the tube is a great tutorial for basic hand structure and shape. try it!

-hair. great job here. it works, it flows. nothing wrong here either. just work on your strands.

i also noticed you have a cartoony style. when it comes to styles like your own, please start off doing realism and then transition it slowly to your own. it'll help give you a better understanding of anatomy and scaling. dont immediately start off cartoon, otherwise you'll have no idea what youre even doing yourself.

this is great, keep it up! i would like to see more of your art in the future.
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PostSubject: Re: Critique Wanted!!!!   Critique Wanted!!!! Icon_minitime

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