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 Family RP APPS (Redone)

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 3:57 pm

Okay, so this is pretty much just an obvious redo/rip-off of Wish's 'Family RP'. , I've just changed it a bit. I really enjoyed the old roleplay so I'm doing my best to bring it back but not make it exactly like the old roleplay even though that one was super awesome and fun. c':



My application:

Last edited by Castiel on Wed May 08, 2013 7:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 4:14 pm

This was a good RP. I'll rejoin.
Just try not to do what happened in the last RP where everyone was all emo and no one talked to each other.

Age: 13
Adopted/Foster kid or not: Foster. He's only been with this family a month so far.
Personality: Tends to be on the quiet side, but not exactly antisocial.
Bio: His parents and two little sisters were all killed in a house fire. He and his older brother escaped, and were initially living at their grandmother's house, until she hung herself a few months after the fire, driven by grief after her daughter's death. Oliver's brother went to live with his girlfriend, and Oliver went into foster care.
Likes/Interests: He likes cats, reading and playing guitar.
Dislikes: He dislikes babysitting, heights and people who whine about their pasts.

Family RP APPS (Redone) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTD9PznpobYOPaj-BICRnUZz7PJHzWVkowxcgoeRqMo1CetOsQQyg
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here): None.


Last edited by Pippin on Tue May 07, 2013 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 4:58 pm

Castiel wrote:
I'll take this down if Wish wants me to, as well.
No, of course not! c:

I'll be joining; too busy to complete my app now but I'll start. =3= Also I'm going to cross-play mkay. Haha first time so this will probably suck.

Name: Riley
Age: 17
Gender: Male.
Adopted/Foster kid or not: Not.
Personality: Riley's pretty... normal. Laid back, rarely gets angry. Except when people make comments about his blindness. Yeah, he's blind, but gets around the house well since he's been living there for 17 years. Plus, he wasn't born blind. An accident happened when he was 12 that he really doesn't like to talk about. Other than that, he's a cool guy to hang out with; always talking to everyone, smiling, trying to lighten the mood whenever he can. Riley's a smart kid, even though he doesn't show it all the time. When you first meet him, it'll take a while for him to open up to you and stuff. But eventually he will. He's a good listener, too.
Bio: Not much, really. All his life, he's been some regular boy that nobody really paid attention to. But, when he was 12, he started to hang out with the wrong crowd at school. One day he had a huge fight with some other kid, and it was bad. Riley was in the hospital for a long time, but made it out okay... though he was blind ever since.
Likes/Interests: All types of food and music. He really loves his dog, too. Other than that, not much but taking walks and sleeping!
Dislikes: When people make comments about his blindness.
Picture/Description: someone help me find a picture erg
Riley is very tall and pale. He has freckles scattered all across his face. His hair is short, shaggy, and layered in the back, with sidebangs covering his right eye. The color is bleach blonde with some red streaks in random places. He always wears sunglasses so you cant see his eyes, and most of the time you'll see him with neon green converse, his favorite hoodie (blue and orange stripes), black ripped jeans, a pink rubber bracelet (because real men wear pink), and a cross necklace.
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here): Riley doesn't really have any habits, other than his eating. He eats like a pig. He's kind of a flirt, but he really never notices it. He is addicted to music of all kinds, and loves his dog Patch (Patch also helps Riley get around when he needs it). He has a secret: sometimes, he smokes. Nobody knows though, and it's very rare. He started when he began to hang out with the outcasts in middle school. Also, his sexuality is bi.

Last edited by Wish on Tue May 07, 2013 6:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 5:24 pm

Name: Heather
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Adopted/Foster kid or not: Foster kid
Personality: Heather is not like any other young teenage girls you've possibly encountered. She's a tomboy. A total tomboy. She would rather live single for her entire life instead of having a boyfriend. Deep down, she's a softie. She can feel sorry for someone else. Most likely for a friend, and sometimes a complete stranger!
Bio: Heather grew up in the suburbs. She lived in a quiet, peaceful neighborhood and had a lot of free time on her hands. She would always be seen outside sitting underneath the beautiful sakura tree in the front yard reading a book or writing in her journal. Her mother has died recently of cancer. Her father became depressed and he missed his wife. He was so depressed he didn't pay any attention and didn't spend any time with his daughter.
Likes/Interests: She likes to write short stories in her journal. She has a growing interest in Science Fiction, so she reads books based on them. Not education books... made-up stories that are sci-fi genre. She also likes Japanese-pop.
Dislikes: People that have personalities that are exactly like the stereotypes. The stereotypical jock, blonde, football player, etc.
Picture/Description: too lazy to use Bannedstory
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here): She hopes to become a famous author someday, so she is always writing in that journal of hers.


Wow this character is so much like me.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 5:45 pm

Name: Capri
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Adopted/Foster kid or not: Nope.
Personality: Capri is a very smart child for her age. ( She's gifted.) She's fantastic at actives that require proper thinking and listening to others. However, she is extremely clumsy and is horrible at anything to do with sports or athletic activities. However, Capri is a pretty fast runner, she just doesn't run often due to her clumsiness. She'll often scrap her knee or trip or something.
Bio: Capri is pretty young, so there isn't much to her life so far. However, when she was three years old her eyes changed from green to grey. She also fell down the stairs and knocked her two front teeth out when she was four, so it's harder for her to eat and she talks oddly.
Likes/Interests: Capri likes reading books, practicing writing, adding and letters. She's gifted and is quite the brainiac for her age. She also likes playing learning computer games, and playing with her siblings. She's not annoying to them; She simply likes sitting in the same room as them, or next to them.
Dislikes: Bugs. Animals. The only thing she won't freak out about is cats. She's allergic to dogs, and pretty much any other animal. She HATES bugs and doesn't go to sleep if her mother doesn't spray her room with bug repellent.
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here: Capri is straight. She has a habit of biting her nails, and is addicted to lollipops.


I might not be to active, claiming I quit the forum. However, I liked this role-play A LOT. That's why I joined this remake.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 6:08 pm

Everyone's accepted! I'm really happy to see that nobody forgot to read the rules. c;
Also, Flower, I understand completely and that's alright. n_n
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 7:06 pm


When Will we start? I'm sort on anxious to.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 8:21 pm

I'll make my App later. Please dont start without mee Smile)
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 8:22 pm

@Sebastian Alright!
@Flower As soon as Sebastian has her application up, I'll edit the main post with mine (don't be alarmed if I use a real person for my FC. >.>) and then we'll start. c:
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 8:38 pm

Name: Alice
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Adopted/Foster kid or not: Foster girl
Personality: Always quiet. Always alone. Always day dreaming. Always shy. antisocial girl.
Bio: When she was still 7, She saw her parents got killed in front of her. Starting that day her grandmother is now the one who's living with her. Until she aged at 12 her grandmother died and then she starting to live alone even though she is still too young to live alone.
Likes/Interests: Sweets, Cats fur, Music.
Dislikes: Pervert Guy, Dresses, heels, super girly things.
Picture/Description: Family RP APPS (Redone) Anime-girl_007-1-1-1
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here): She always gone out to walk in the park just to have some fresh air.

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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2013 8:54 pm


Name: Nicole Laurette
Age: 12
Gender: F
Adopted/Foster kid or not: Adopted
Personality: At first sight, she's a goody-goody. A totally perfect child, but she's just insecure, silent and shy. She will only focus on her work and studies. She'll be nervous and anxious about just everything. She'll be a perfectionist, and also very awkward to talk to, but after some time, she'll open up because she knows you are a trustworthy friend. She'll talk to you about her ideas. She'll express herself clearly and without any regrets or awkward pauses. She'll show off her uniqueness and will also share her feelings from deep in her heart. She can be quite a hipster, a tomboy but wears girly clothes and girly colors.
Bio: She was abused by her father, it was terrible. Her father abandoned her at the age of 5, and she was found in a building that had been burnt down, crying, 3 months after she was abandoned. She was hospitalized until she turned 7. She was put up for adoption and got adopted quickly.
Likes/Interests: She likes flowers and roses.
Dislikes: Pollution, child abuse, slavery, horror movies, nightmares, etc.
Picture/Description: Long honey blonde hair, straight, down to her hips, light blue eyes, tanned skin, tall and has a nice, round face, a short neck, nails are painted with pastel nail polish, wears crop-tops, shorts, leggings and skirts on daily basis, wears 'nerdy' or 'hipster' glasses, nice hot pink lips.
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here): She's straight and very girly, but at the same time she is a bit tomboyish and has a hipster attitude. She's gifted in academics: Maths, grammar, drawing/painting, writing, social studies.. you name it.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeWed May 08, 2013 4:58 am

Can we start now? 7 kids is a lot.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeWed May 08, 2013 6:21 am

((Can this be a Jewish family??? I'm not racist, I'm a reform Jew. Which means, you do normal stuff, but you celebrate important holidays, like Hanukkah. OHH MAN BAT/BAR MITZVAHS you'd love those))

Name: Julia
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Adopted/Foster kid or not: Nope
Personality: A bubbly, creative person who is very fun, and loves to hang out with her family. She has problems making friends at school, but is very social at home.
Bio: She was born into this world with a lung infection, and had pneumonia twice when she was 2. She had to be nebulized for awhile. In Kindergarten, she had many wonderful friends, up until second grade, when they all turned on her. She regained friendship with those girls in fourth and fifth grade, but in sixth grade, some of them really changed.
Likes/Interests: Art, she requires new canvases and paint everyday. She also listens to many music categories. She has a best friend named Emme.
Dislikes: Her school's bullies, spiders, annoying siblings, bad music, scribbles.
Picture/Description: later
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here): She's lactose-intolerant.

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeWed May 08, 2013 7:56 am

@Madoka Accepted! And why not? You'd just have to get a couple of more people's opinions about the family being Jewish and you'd have to help me out with that a bit because I honestly don't know anything about that as my only knowledge of Judaisim comes from Kabbalah and what I've heard from Jewish friends. I really do like your idea and I think it would be fun to try, though. c':
@Flower&Ribbon Accepted!

I've edited the main post with my application and I'll start up the roleplay when a few more of you are online. c': You can come back and edit your applications or add another one whenever you want. ^^
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeWed May 08, 2013 7:59 am

Madoka wrote:
((Can this be a Jewish family??? I'm not racist, I'm a reform Jew. Which means, you do normal stuff, but you celebrate important holidays, like Hanukkah. OHH MAN BAT/BAR MITZVAHS you'd love those))

Why not?
Sounds kind of cool, actually, although like Castiel I'm not very familiar with it.
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeWed May 08, 2013 4:16 pm

Name: Trust Mills
Gender: Female
Adopted/Foster kid or not:Adopted
Bio: Trust had bad parents who were abusive and also alcoholics,when her neighbors found her locked in the shed with no food for days,they turned her in to the Adoption Center.Where she soon got adopted
Likes/Interests:Juice,Tv,Cartoons,Running,Singing,Brushing Hair,Fruits
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here):Has a habit of,biting her toe nails.Addicted to Juice.

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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeThu May 09, 2013 4:51 pm

I know nothing about Jews. (Jewish people slang short form thing)

Name: Hallie
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Adopted/Foster kid or not: Not.
Personality: Hallie loves being active. She makes every sports team she signs up for and can be very sarcastic. Gymnastics is a big part of her life, she's good with weapons. If you piss her off she will snap, she has some kind of issue with her anger. Hallie is a good friend - very loyal, but if you stab her in the back watch out.
Bio: Born June 20th, father's day. Lived in a different city until she was 2, went to John Marshal school until grade 4, at grade 5 moved to River view school which she's at now. She will be graduating in June.
Likes/Interests: Sports, gymnastics, boys, hair, eyelashes.
Dislikes: Sassy people, liars, haters, trolls, annoying people. She also hates when people gloat and act like they're "All that".
This character is my friend, Hallie:
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here): Straight.

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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitimeSat May 11, 2013 1:18 pm

Name: Tristan Monroe
Gender: Male
Adopted/Foster kid or not:Adopted
Personality: Tristan can be very confident. He has no problem interacting with people right away, Tristan is very Vain his mirror is his best friend.He doesn't like girls who try so hard,he loves to run a few miles every morning and is great with kids.
Bio: Tristan had a very disgusting family,they all either sell drugs or mess about with women or males.Tristan ran away from home and told the Adoption Centre his families abandoned him and took him in right away.
Likes/Interests:Playing Piano and Guitar,Loves Cereal,Rain,Music,Food
Dislikes:Getting Dirty,Cleaning His Room,Washing Dishes
Other(things like habits, addictions, sexual preferences or w/e go here):Has A Habit of Biting his lip when hes nervous.Addicted to taking Midnight Strolls (Stress Reliever)

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PostSubject: Re: Family RP APPS (Redone)   Family RP APPS (Redone) Icon_minitime

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