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 Jailbreak {{App}}

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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Jailbreak {{App}}   Jailbreak {{App}} Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 12:42 am

You have committed a terrible crime and thought you could get away with it. Wrong. The police found you and now you got finger-printed and arrested. They put you all in a medium-sized cell with just a tiny window, a bed, and a dirty toilet with no sink.  Years has passed and you haven't got out since.  Until one day, you escape into the world running far away from the jail. Will you survive?


Okie~ lets get on with the apps

Crime you committed:
Anything else:
My app:

Last edited by Sa'laia on Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:52 am; edited 2 times in total
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Jailbreak {{App}} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jailbreak {{App}}   Jailbreak {{App}} Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 1:57 am

Name: Alicia Soto
Age: 17, 15 when jailed
Personality: More than anything, she seeks revenge for the person that had framed her.  She's tough and competitive, not letting anyone throw her down and trying her best to look her best.  On a side note, she has anger-management problems.  She's become more aware of it after time, though.  Sometime's she'll flip out and get offended over the smallest things.  She acts different around certain people, changing as she gets closer to you.  Nice at first, and as you pass the acquaintance stage she'll take it harder on you.  As a friend, she'll act normal, even treat you like family.  Basically, you have to get used to her, and she's hard to crack.
Crime you committed:  She was framed for the murder of six high school students.   Long story, but it's possible.
Picture/Description:  With a height around five foot ten, her upper arm muscles are fairly large.  Her skin is warm, at an olive tone.  Her face structure is normal, with a pointy nose and big lips.  Her eyebrows are angled perfectly, yet thick and fade out towards the end, and broad yet thin lips.  She has a pear shaped body, with wide hips and a thin waist.  
Anything else?:  freedom
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Jailbreak {{App}}   Jailbreak {{App}} Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 6:41 pm

Name: Zala Eto
Age: 15, straight
Personality: tough, cute, independent, nice (to her friends), gets angry.
Crime you committed: She murdered her father for raping and killing her brother. She was angry and burned her house. Her mother thought it was the stove. They moved and no one knew it was her for 1/2 of a year
Biography: Before all of this Zala was a straight A student. She used to sing at a local coffe shop, was popular and had an unconditional love for her mom and brother. But now she learned her way. She burned the body and fed it to a neighbor dog. She used gloves and burned them. The only reason they found out is that she kept a diary. She's been locked up for 1 1/2 years now.
How she looks:
Anything else: WEEE WE ARE FOR FREEDOM!Very Happy anyways... thanks

Last edited by ello_love on Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:35 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Jailbreak {{App}}   Jailbreak {{App}} Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 8:28 pm

Name: Penelope Jeggins
Age: 24; She was put in jail when she was 18/
Personality: Penelope is a very sneaky, evil, person. She lies for her own convenience and doesn't care how much she affects others. She doesn't respect anyone; Not even elderly or her parents. She believes that the whole world can wait for her, and she's very ignorant. She's a cocky person, thinking she's better at everything. When she was in High School she beat up several girls, resulting in her getting suspended 6 times and expelled twice. Overall, Penelope is the type of person who only cares about herself, and doesn't care about anyone else.
Crime you committed: Penelope beat up and almost killed several gang members and innocent people she stole from, broke into houses, cars, and small shops, and abused an older lady crossing the street by holding a gun to her head unless she didn't give her wallet.
Biography: When Penelope was very young, her Father was abusive towards his mother. Penelope was an accident that happened during an Affair, which resulted in her Father constantly beating up and arguing with Penelope's mother. Penelope became very violent because of this, and when her Father almost strangled her Mother, she helped. She got put into a group home, and her father went to jail. This happened when she was 14. Her mother is currently living alone; She's only in her 30s, and re-married, having another child.
Picture/Description: Penelope has long, purple-dyed hair, and Indigo eyes. She wears a yellow flower clip in her hair, that's plastic. Her clothes are usually track pants, Tang tops, and sneakers. She dresses very sluggish, making her look like a thug and like a violent gang-member.
Anything else: She's Bi-polar and has a lot of mood swings.

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Jailbreak {{App}}   Jailbreak {{App}} Icon_minitimeFri Jun 28, 2013 7:51 pm

When are we going to start date and time would be prefered
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Jailbreak {{App}}   Jailbreak {{App}} Icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2013 10:13 am

Is it possible to play a member of the police/someone working to catch the criminals?
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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Jailbreak {{App}}   Jailbreak {{App}} Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2013 12:56 am

sorry about the delay my house's internet got cut off for 1/2 a month but here I am.

ok im going to start the rp
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Amour Allure
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Amour Allure

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PostSubject: Re: Jailbreak {{App}}   Jailbreak {{App}} Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2013 12:06 pm

Name: Bella Marie Martinez
Personality: Bella is quite mysterious,she keeps things to herself and would rather be alone then we other people.She loves to sing and song write,but sometimes she can get a little crazy.
Crime you committed: Killed 3 people
Biography: Bella had a wonderful life,a great loving family,Someone to care for her,and her family was a bit wealthy.But when Bella began hanging out with druggies she soon became addicted.She killed 3 people,who she thought was her friend but was ratting her out to the popo.
Picture/Description:Jailbreak {{App}} Tumblr_mooltrHjoG1rlfwwdo1_400
Anything else:Nope!

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PostSubject: Re: Jailbreak {{App}}   Jailbreak {{App}} Icon_minitime

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