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 Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)

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Passionate Fantagian

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Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Empty
PostSubject: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 28, 2013 8:28 am

I started crying yesterday and today.... I lost my bff (no she didn't die or anything) I won't be able to see her anymore I DON'T WANT TO MOVE I HATE MY LIFE I WISH I WAS DEAD .. why do I have to move tho I will miss her bad she was like my sister and cousin! At least I have a picture of her but I can't sleep nor eat just because of her can you help me? PLEASE I NEED HELP NOW I'M CRYING A RIVER!
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Legendary Fantagian

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Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 28, 2013 8:31 am

You can email her or write a postcard or something.
I can't really say anything from experience since I've never really had any friends, but all I can say is that you don't have to not be friends just because you're going to be further away.
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 28, 2013 8:33 am

I can't email her I don't know her e-mail I can't send her a postcard I don't know where she lives (she told me she lives near Lake pearl Minnesota) her b-day is this July 27th if u didn't know
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Senior Fantagian

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Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 28, 2013 1:00 pm

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, don't panic. Sad(((( It stinks, but you can try asking her email if you don't know, ask for her PO Box to send letters, ask for any social media websites(Twitter, Facebook, and etc.) Or you can simply ask for her number. Razz Very Happy
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 28, 2013 1:03 pm

She doesn't have any of those sites and I can't ASK for her number because it was the last day of summer school! :'(

Like my cousin said if I come back and see her she might change but memories don't... But we promised we won't replace other people to be our 1st bff :')
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Hallow ween
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Hallow ween

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PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2013 9:26 pm

dont worry. i rarely get to see my best friend. i can email her but she never sees it because shes so busy. you get use to it someday.
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2013 9:38 am

Okay Smile I might see her maybe (or never)
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Hero Fantagian

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Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2013 10:18 am

I can totally relate. I moved about 5 years ago to the current house I live in. I was upset about losing my friends, too. I can't talk to them now, since I don't have their emails.

Do you have her phone number? You can call her and you can just talk on the phone! At least you get to hear her voice.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2013 10:33 am

look up her mom or dad's name on the internet. Like I did that with my friend that moved to utah and it worked! Now we skype.
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PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2013 3:03 pm

ello_love wrote:
look up her mom or dad's name on the internet. Like I did that with my friend that moved to utah and it worked! Now we skype.
yeah do this i've done this with a couple internet friends and it's all good now flower 
best of luck!
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PostSubject: Re: Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13)   Can anyone help me stop this -cries- (6/29/13) Icon_minitime

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