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 Witch academy Rp app.

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Expert Fantagian

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Witch academy Rp app. Empty
PostSubject: Witch academy Rp app.   Witch academy Rp app. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 16, 2013 3:30 pm

Its about were you all live in a witch school academy also youve just got a kitten it's based on the worst witch book but their is no worst witch your kitten needs to know how to fly the broom
You can be a student  or a teacher.
Student app:
Teacher app:
Here are the rules!:
Please do not escape from the school the only places your allowed to go is the school and like in the playground and school trips.
If you be more idle than 2 weeks your charecter will be said by me like i will say "example ran away and got killed!" something like that
Apps will end next sunday.
And the rp will start on Wednesday.
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Witch academy Rp app.
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