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 Amulet <RP APPS>

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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 9:21 pm


[b]Name - [/b] Your character's name goes here.
[b]Physical Age - [/b] How old they look.
[b]Gender - [/b] Male or Female.
[b]Sexuality - [/b] Your character's sexuality goes here.
[b]Personality - [/b] Your character's personality goes here.
[b]Physical Appearance - [/b] How they look. Picture or description is okay.
[b]Anything Else - [/b] Any extra information?
[b]How Powerful - [/b] How powerful your character is! Must be in between 1 - 10, 10 being strongest and 1 being weakest.
When doing your APP, delete everything that isn't in bold!

My APP -
Name - Alexis
Physical Age - 12
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Straight
Personality - I might do this later
Physical Appearance - Ruby red eyes that glimmer in the sun with many freckles all around her face, light blonde hair which is usually wavy, with long bangs that are always very straight, that cover about half of her eyes. Her lips are a nude pink color and she pale skin which she covers with face powder to make it a bit darker. A bit taller than average, about 1.64 cm (5"38), and has a high-pitched voice which is very sweet.
Anything Else - Alexis lives in a small wooden cabin in a high mountain filled with green wildlife and a pond. She's only about 30 minutes away from the city, walking. She is very wealthy since she's stolen stuff to go on successfully for many years, and she got the most money when she stole a machine that made money, so she's a completely different person in the city. Later on in the RP, she buys a mansion in Luxe Condo.
How Powerful - 7.9

ill finish it later.

Last edited by Primrose on Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:30 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 10:55 pm

I'd like to join~
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Legendary Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2013 7:17 am

I will join as well.
Say, do you have to be a member of the 20 ruby people, or can you be an outsider or someone else who wants to reforge the ruby for their own reasons?
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2013 8:53 am

I would like to join.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2013 3:33 pm

When are you going to post the application form?
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 12:00 pm

The APPS have been opened!
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 12:18 pm

Name - Oliver Fabian
Physical Age -  13
Gender - Male
Sexuality -  Straight
Personality - 
He has a tendency to put little value on his life. Not that he won't try to stay alive, but if he feels that he has little chance of escaping he won't try to fight his way out.
Aside from that, he is loyal to his friends and never backs out of a deal. He can tell when someone is being untrustworthy. He can, however, be bribed into doing things he wouldn't do under normal circumstances.
He tends to be rather quiet, but it's not impossible to get him to open up.
Physical Appearance - 
click :

Anything Else - Oliver is an adopted child, as his mother was only 15 years old when she gave birth to him and didn't want to be a parent so early in her life. He's good at climbing trees, and has a mild cat allergy.
How Powerful - 2.5

Last edited by Jeff on Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 12:21 pm

Jeff wrote:
Name - Oliver Fabian
Physical Age -  13
Gender - Male
Sexuality -  Straight
Personality - 
He has a tendency to put little value on his life. Not that he won't try to stay alive, but if he feels that he has little chance of escaping he won't try to fight his way out.
Aside from that, he is loyal to his friends and never backs out of a deal. He can tell when someone is being untrustworthy. He can, however, be bribed into doing things he wouldn't do under normal circumstances.
He tends to be rather quiet, but it's not impossible to get him to open up.
Physical Appearance - 
click :

Anything Else - Maybe later but not at the moment.
How Powerful - 2.5
Accepted! Does anyone else want to join?
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Legendary Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 12:35 pm

Primrose wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Name - Oliver Fabian
Physical Age -  13
Gender - Male
Sexuality -  Straight
Personality - 
He has a tendency to put little value on his life. Not that he won't try to stay alive, but if he feels that he has little chance of escaping he won't try to fight his way out.
Aside from that, he is loyal to his friends and never backs out of a deal. He can tell when someone is being untrustworthy. He can, however, be bribed into doing things he wouldn't do under normal circumstances.
He tends to be rather quiet, but it's not impossible to get him to open up.
Physical Appearance - 
click :

Anything Else - Maybe later but not at the moment.
How Powerful - 2.5
Accepted! Does anyone else want to join?
How many people do we need to start?
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 12:37 pm

Jeff wrote:
Primrose wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Name - Oliver Fabian
Physical Age -  13
Gender - Male
Sexuality -  Straight
Personality - 
He has a tendency to put little value on his life. Not that he won't try to stay alive, but if he feels that he has little chance of escaping he won't try to fight his way out.
Aside from that, he is loyal to his friends and never backs out of a deal. He can tell when someone is being untrustworthy. He can, however, be bribed into doing things he wouldn't do under normal circumstances.
He tends to be rather quiet, but it's not impossible to get him to open up.
Physical Appearance - 
click :

Anything Else - Maybe later but not at the moment.
How Powerful - 2.5
Accepted! Does anyone else want to join?
How many people do we need to start?
I'd say 4 more.
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Legendary Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 12:53 pm

Primrose wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Primrose wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Name - Oliver Fabian
Physical Age -  13
Gender - Male
Sexuality -  Straight
Personality - 
He has a tendency to put little value on his life. Not that he won't try to stay alive, but if he feels that he has little chance of escaping he won't try to fight his way out.
Aside from that, he is loyal to his friends and never backs out of a deal. He can tell when someone is being untrustworthy. He can, however, be bribed into doing things he wouldn't do under normal circumstances.
He tends to be rather quiet, but it's not impossible to get him to open up.
Physical Appearance - 
click :

Anything Else - Maybe later but not at the moment.
How Powerful - 2.5
Accepted! Does anyone else want to join?
How many people do we need to start?
I'd say 4 more.
That's fine with me. Are you going to make an app or no?
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 1:37 pm

Jeff wrote:
Primrose wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Primrose wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Name - Oliver Fabian
Physical Age -  13
Gender - Male
Sexuality -  Straight
Personality - 
He has a tendency to put little value on his life. Not that he won't try to stay alive, but if he feels that he has little chance of escaping he won't try to fight his way out.
Aside from that, he is loyal to his friends and never backs out of a deal. He can tell when someone is being untrustworthy. He can, however, be bribed into doing things he wouldn't do under normal circumstances.
He tends to be rather quiet, but it's not impossible to get him to open up.
Physical Appearance - 
click :

Anything Else - Maybe later but not at the moment.
How Powerful - 2.5
Accepted! Does anyone else want to join?
How many people do we need to start?
I'd say 4 more.
That's fine with me. Are you going to make an app or no?
Yes, I will.
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Expert Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 1:48 pm

Can I join here's my app:
Name - Emma Uki
Physical Age - 16
Gender - Female
Sexuality -  Straight
Personality - She is friendlly and will be kind and considerate around others she's always fair and never gets bullied she has weak feelings about some jokes like accusing her of loving someone as a joke she will go mental,And she can go hyper sometimes so someone has to calm her down like at night when she's doing fun games she likes she'll go hyper when you first meet her she's a bit quiet and shy she feels like she can escape out of her body but sometimes she'd rather not so she leaves it.
Physical Appearance - Ginger/Brown hair and she has ruby like eyes but something happend so they are half green and half ruby,has pale skin and always nostlly wears flat shoes.
Anything Else:She lives in a house on her own and it was all payed for,for doing a job for 1 year and now gets payed off her auntie for food.Her family is rich but nowone wants to take care of her and she can care for herself.
How powerful:6.2

Last edited by PurpleBook on Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 1:48 pm

PurpleBook wrote:
Can I join here's my app:
Name - Emma Uki
Physical Age - 16
Gender - Female
Sexuality -  Straight
Personality - She is friendlly and will be kind and considerate around others she's always fair and never gets bullied she has weak feelings about some jokes like accusing her of loving someone as a joke she will go mental,And she can go hyper sometimes so someone has to calm her down like at night when she's doing fun games she likes she'll go hyper when you first meet her she's a bit quiet and shy she feels like she can escape out of her body but sometimes she'd rather not so she leaves it.
Physical Appearance - Ginger/Brown hair and she has ruby like eyes but something happend so they are half green and half ruby,has pale skin and always nostlly wears flat shoes.
Anything Else:Nothing
How powerful:6.2
Accepted.. as long as both of her eyes are ruby.
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Expert Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 1:50 pm

Okay I meant to put her eye is fully red and her other is half emerald and ruby.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 1:51 pm

PurpleBook wrote:
Okay I meant to put her eye is fully red and her other is half emerald and ruby.
the rules are the eyes have to be both ruby.
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Expert Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 1:52 pm

Ok they will just be both ruby sorry.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 1:55 pm

PurpleBook wrote:
Ok they will just be both ruby sorry.
No need to feel bad! Hopefully you'll have fun in the RP!
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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 2:39 pm

Name - Lucina
Physical Age - Around 14
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Lesbian
Personality - Lucina somehow ended up being adopted by a wealthy family. She grew up with luxuries, riches, and was spoiled
Physical Appearance -
Just a quick drawing:
Anything Else - Any extra information?
How Powerful - 8

I'm not done yet, I'll finish it later

Last edited by Witch on Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 2:46 pm

Witch wrote:
Name - Lucina
Physical Age - Around 14
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Lesbian
Personality - Lucina somehow ended up being adopted by a wealthy family shortly after she
Physical Appearance -
Just a quick drawing:
Anything Else - Any extra information?
How Powerful - 8

I'm not done yet, I'll finish it later
You'll be accepted as soon as you finish.
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Legendary Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 2:47 pm

I edited the "anything else" section of my application.
Just thought I'd put up a notice.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 3:00 pm

1 or 2 more apps and the rp can start!
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Legendary Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 7:31 am

If no one has joined by tomorrow or so, can we start? I don't know if anyone else is going to join.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
Officer Number Two

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PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 8:13 am

Name- Jeanne West
Physical Age- 13
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Straight
Personality Jeanne always trusts anyone who's everyone, but if she finds out they lied, she will almost never speak to them again. She has an active imagination and tends to run around the park pretending she's an alien or explorer or some kind of superhero. She is very optimistic and open-minded, but when there's a situation, she reacts. But when she isn't being a superhero running around the park, she just sits on the bench and thinks. She wonders about her current situation, and the amulet, and writes everything she wonders in a book. She is very secretive about though and sometimes hides deep in the woods of the park so she can stay completely secret.
Physical Appearance-Long, flowing dark brown hair and red ruby eyes. She has pale skin and some freckles on her face. She is dirty.
Anything Else- She lives in the park with a homeless lady.
How Powerful- 8.4
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Amulet <RP APPS> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 4:49 pm

Cherry235 wrote:
Name- Jeanne West
Physical Age- 13
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Straight
Personality Jeanne always trusts anyone who's everyone, but if she finds out they lied, she will almost never speak to them again. She has an active imagination and tends to run around the park pretending she's an alien or explorer or some kind of superhero. She is very optimistic and open-minded, but when there's a situation, she reacts. But when she isn't being a superhero running around the park, she just sits on the bench and thinks. She wonders about her current situation, and the amulet, and writes everything she wonders in a book. She is very secretive about though and sometimes hides deep in the woods of the park so she can stay completely secret.
Physical Appearance-Long, flowing dark brown hair and red ruby eyes. She has pale skin and some freckles on her face. She is dirty.
Anything Else- She lives in the park with a homeless lady.
How Powerful- 8.4
accepted! good job with your app
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PostSubject: Re: Amulet <RP APPS>   Amulet <RP APPS> Icon_minitime

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