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 Middle school clubs! (9/4/13)

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Ultimate Fantagian

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Middle school clubs! (9/4/13) Empty
PostSubject: Middle school clubs! (9/4/13)   Middle school clubs! (9/4/13) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2013 3:48 pm

Today in middle school was the first day where you can sign up for clubs. From what I heard, you should sign up for clubs on the 1st day so you can get in. When I looked at what clubs there were, there were 2 that I want to be in. One was the animated movie club! The teacher who was in charge of that club told us that one of the movies we would be watching were spirited away. The next club is...The Doctor Who club! It turns out that a 7th grade teacher I know LOVES the new Doctor Who. I signed up for both, and I really hope I get into at least one of them. I just wanted to get that out, you know, that feeling you get when you are so happy that you just have to tell someone.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Middle school clubs! (9/4/13)   Middle school clubs! (9/4/13) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2013 4:12 pm

Good for you! I'm going to be in color guard! Maybe Drama club~
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Middle school clubs! (9/4/13)
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