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 Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]

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Veteran Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 17, 2013 9:47 pm

Name; Nev Kisler
Birthday; February 26
Age; 18
Grade [[ 9 - 12 ]]; 12
Likes and Dislikes;
+ Boys. All of the boys.
+ Video games
+ Getting good grades
- People who are better than him
- Exercising
- Racism/sexism/homophobes/etc.
Personality; Nev is calm and intelligent. Even though he may seem like he'd be more on the quiet side, he's actually quite loud and open. He can come off as a bit obnoxious, but once you get to know him, chances are you've known him long enough and you get used to it. He changes his mind pretty easily. Also, he's pretty flirtatious. Wink
Biography; Maybe later
Appearance; Nev looks very feminine, and could pull off being a girl easily. Despite this, he's not too short, about 5'6. He has hair that reaches the middle of his neck, and tends to be somewhat messy. He has freckles scattered along his face. As for clothes, he wears t-shirts containing various video game references, usually accompanied with knee length shorts or worn out jeans. During the colder months, he wears a navy blue sweater with a half-way zipped, over-sized jacket over it.
Additional Info; Yolo Rolo

Sorry this is kinda crappy
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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 17, 2013 10:01 pm

Application -

Name; Alicia Soto
Birthday; January 17
Age; 18
Grade; 12 (senior)
Likes and Dislikes;
+ Girls (girls girls girls)
+ STRONG muscles (im luahigng at thisn)
- Worry-wusses
- Snobs
- Cats
- Repeating herself
Personality; She's tough and competitive, not letting anyone throw her down and trying her best to look her best. On a side note, she has anger-management problems. She's become more aware of it after time, though. Sometime's she'll flip out and get offended over the smallest things. She acts different around certain people, changing as she gets closer to you. Nice at first, and as you pass the acquaintance stage she'll take it harder on you. As a friend, she'll act normal, even treat you like family (which varies between good or bad depending on the situation). Basically, you have to get used to her, and she's hard to crack.
Biography; She grew up with parents that discipline in a special way-- make you feel guilty for what you did and fix it. Living in a decent-sized home, she has four younger brothers and one older, who's away in a college dorm.
Appearance; With a height around five foot ten, her upper arm muscles are fairly large. Her skin is warm, at an olive tone. Her face is somewhat short, with a pointy nose and big lips. Her eyebrows are angled perfectly, yet thick and fade out towards the end. She has a pear shaped body, with wide hips and a thin waist. (Shes hispanic, of course.)
Additional Info; #yoloswag
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Expert Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 18, 2013 1:53 am

Madoka wrote:
heh im gonna join it looks like its gonna be fuN

Application -

Name; Rachel Johnson
Birthday; 4/12 (my birthday kids #stuffUs)
Age; 15 (turning 16 soon)
Grade [[ 9 - 12 ]]; 10
Likes and Dislikes;
+ Anime, manga, and vocaloid (it's a secret!!)
+ Fashion
+ Her friends
+ Her crushes
+ Art (draws/sketches a lot)
+ Singing and Acting
+ Social Networking
+ Joking around
- Over-Pessimistic Pessimists
- Haters (h8ters gonna h8 tho)
- People who make fun of her.... not a lot of those though
- Her "bad" side
Personality; She's very perky, and usually can make you smile just by cracking a couple of jokes. Rachel doesn't separate herself from the rest of the school because of her differences, most of the time she doesn't bring it up. She feels sort of depressed on the inside though, because she can't usually share her true feelings with her friends or family. She has this problem where her personality can quickly change, so one moment she could be talking to someone with a huge smile, and she could come over to you another moment like "What do YOU want?!" Frankly, she has a million different emotions, and hopefully you're on her good side... not that you need any help getting onto it.
Biography; She moved to this school district in 6th grade, the same type of person. But it was harder for her to talk to people. She always has been able to keep up with the latest fashions, and she always tried her hardest with everything. A lot of people went to her Bat Mitzvah, and the other 7th graders talked about it everyday for 2 weeks! She made Honors in 9th grade, and she's still in Honors classes at the end of the day. Rachel has a lot of friends that support her with everything, and they love her a lot. She's hopeful that she'll make lots of new friends now in 10th grade, and her Sweet 16 is drawing closer every day!!
~will find something~
Additional Info; N/A


On ur last name of ur charecter is the same as mine !!! :o
Anyway I'm so excited for it to start.
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Hallow ween
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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 18, 2013 2:18 am

Application -

Name; Maddie Dawson
Birthday; June 20
Age; 14
Grade [[ 9 - 12 ]]; 9
Likes and Dislikes; likes : candy, school, pink, skating, drawing, IPads, games, and sparkly things dislikes: vegtables, bullying, no wifi, and losing
Personality; Maddie is one of those mean popular girls, who everyone thinks is perfect. But her secret is that she loves school and everything about it, but no one can know or else she will get kicked off the popular team. She is talkative, nice to her friends, but mean to everyone else.
Biography; she was adopted and has 1 brother and 1 sister. Her family is very rich. Linda comes from England but mosed to the US when she was 5.
Appearance; brown wavy hair that is long. Blue eyes, and usually wearing a dress
Additional Info; YOLO!

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Cutie Patootie
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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 18, 2013 7:51 am

Name; Marina Bering
Birthday; Feb 14
Age; 16
Grade [[ 9 - 12 ]]; 11
Likes and Dislikes;
+Being herself

-people telling her what she can/cannot due
-not being the lead in a play
-getting bad grades
-picking things
-Mary sues
Personality; She is an easy going girl, she thinks of everyone to be her friend, she has always been nice, she is kind of poplar, she doesn't have a dark side or anything
Biography; When Marina moved in from Wales she had no friends or family here, she always had some one to talk to, but she always felt like she looked different from every other girl. She is kind of moody at times, she doesn't have any family issues. She is an only child coming from a rich Wales family. She is the girl from the different country, hopefully people here will like her.
Marina Bering:
Additional Info; Yolo Yolo Yolo
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Expert Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 18, 2013 10:30 am

Just telling you i edited my likes and dislikes on my app.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 18, 2013 5:53 pm

Name: Dawn
Birthday: September 6th
Age: 14
Grade: 9
Likes and Dislikes:

+Good Grades
+Computer/Video Games (Portal, Minecraft, Cookie clicker =D)
+Horror Movies

-Bad Grades
-Tuna Fish Cassarole
-Social Networking (Facebook type things)
-People who find violin boring
-People from her old school who came here too

Personality- Dawn is a nerd. She goes to school, does her work, gets straight As, and goes home to do her homework. She will absolutely flip under the smallest situations, and can't go to sleep at night when something seems to have been missed in her homework. She absolutely hates this and hates school altogether and hates the fact how smart she is and how hard she works anyway. Dawn would rather spend her time outside skateboarding and practicing her violin. She is short tempered, rude, and absolutely the least wanted person to be around, and even the slightest bit of sunshine that is driven out of her will be destroyed instantly. Dawn used to be one of the cool kids, so she likes to skateboard.
Biography- Way back when Dawn started kindergarden, she was happy. She had many little friends and lived a normal life, and took up the violin too. As elementary school went on, Dawn was more and more popular, and was in the popular bunch. Then she went to middle school. She was still popular, as usual, and she was liked by everyone and she was happy and kind to them back. Then, at the school talent show, she went against many other contestants and almost won. It was her and another finalist, and the other finalist made a small mistake in her magic act that revealed her best trick. The other finalist was so angry, that she pranked Dawn during her violin piece. The other finalist poured dish soap during intermission on the stage and in the middle of her song, Dawn slipped. And the rest is history. She never heard the end of it; she was laughed at constantly and it continued on until the end. Dawn luckily was on the honor roll and was allowed to go to any high school she wished, and chose this one, and she moved.
Appearance: Long brown hair, tall and brown eyes. Pale skin and many freckles.
Additional Info: Yolo
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 18, 2013 6:25 pm

you can start without me.. it will take me long to do my app so i don't want to make other people wait Smile 
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Legendary Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2013 5:00 am

Can we start now please? We have almost 20 people already.
Also I'm really freaking exited. I like school-based RPs and I'm looking forward to improving my skills RPing as a woman. Because I think I might be sucking just a little.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2013 10:19 am

Ehhhhhhhhhh wait ~
I just need to finish bio okay ^o^
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2013 6:46 pm


Don't expect queen to reply anytime soon, guys. She's not on very often.

Also, I'm just as excited. My face is like this!: Exclamation
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Veteran Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2013 6:58 pm

Name; Carol
Birthday; December 31st (last day of teh year)
Grade [[ 9 - 12 ]]; 10
Likes and Dislikes; Likes: Video games, homework, pizza, colorful things, graffiti, milk bombs (water ballon filled with milk) kitties. Dislikes: Preps, the color pink, squirrels, tomatoes, ducktape.
Personality; Shy, but when u get to know her she goes CRAZY creative and wierd (in a good way :3)
Appearance; Big glasses, long brown hair with blonde tips, biiiiiig dragon tatoo on back, always wears a jean skirt.
Additional Info; YOLO she is a rebel/nerd

Last edited by Marshy on Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I EDDITED IT CUZ SHE NEEDED TO BE NERD/REBEL)
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Veteran Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 7:46 pm

I edited ma app.


Edit for this post: Should i delete this...? I was sure someone posted after me, i didnt mean to double post....

Last edited by Marshy on Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 7:55 pm

please start i'm getting rly impatient
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 8:36 pm

Imma start it myself if this doesn't start in the next week Razz
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Dedicated Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 8:50 am

Application -

Name;Daichi Lau
Birthday;15th October
Grade [[ 9 - 12 ]];9
Likes and Dislikes;+
+Sports, especially basketball
+Enjoys helping people
+Music and Dancing
+Friendly people
+People with talent/passsion
+Making people smile

- Jealousy

Daichi is a person who can be independent but prefers to be with others. He tries to be friendly to everyone because he believes that everyone should be treated equally. In school he’s usually camouflaged; he isn’t the attention seeker nor is he the lonely-left out person.

Daichi’s father, Luhan Lau, who’s Chinese, is a multi millionaire business company who creates idols, and musicians. His mother, Japanese, is a fashion designer for the business company. They are both very successful, but not very well known. Daichi’s mother and father loved him very much, and usually took care of him when they had the time.

At the age of seven, Daichi and his parents were involved in a car crash. Unfortunately his parents died in the car crash, leaving only himself and the money he inherited. Even after the accident Daichi was able to remember it, almost as if it happened yesterday, many people tried to adopt Daichi but failed, as they were only after the money and didn’t want to look after him. Daichi doesn’t tell anyone about his past, neither does anyone else who knows about it.
He was unloved, neglected and ignored. Most of his childhood was with himself, alone in the enormous house. He had no one to talk to and nothing to do.
He mostly used his time in the piano, his talent and passion was unbelievable, he also loved it.

Right now, Daichi wants to have a normal life, with normal friends, or even more. That was one of the reasons why he went to a “normal” high school, rather than going to a “fancy/Rich” schools.
Additional Info; #YOLO@#SWAG
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Hallow ween
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Hallow ween

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 8:55 am

hello? queen? you there?
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Veteran Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 1:53 pm

AMGAMGAMG SORRYRYY GUYS. I was sick, had homework and was just lazy this week. orz I'll start it right away. And I'm a little lazy right now so everyone is accepted. I saw a lot of YOLOs so everyone's good. ^ v ^
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 2:04 pm

let us start now
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Veteran Fantagian

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Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 2:04 pm

Queen wrote:
AMGAMGAMG SORRYRYY GUYS. I was sick, had homework and was just lazy this week. orz I'll start it right away. And I'm a little lazy right now so everyone is accepted. I saw a lot of YOLOs so everyone's good. ^ v ^
bLESs u im so excited ahhhh
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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 8:08 pm

TuT i'm late

Name; Bethany Harver
Birthday; August 18
Age; 16
Grade [[ 9 - 12 ]]; 10th
Likes and Dislikes;
Personality; Bethany is a nerd that would always have a book by her side. She doesn't show much emotion so you'll never know what she is thinking or feels. Most of the times she'll be sarcastic when someone asks a stupid question. She acts like a smarty pants when herself, isn't THAT smart. She is nice and steady but could be pissed of if you tend to bug her.
Biography; Out of the 3, Bethany is the most strangest. She would be in her room all day, everyday reading manga. Her mother got worried and said that she needed 'fresh air' so Bethany would open her windows for a cold breeze. In the past, she would cross the street to the park and play with her neighbors. All of a sudden, they all moved away and Bethany never heard of them away.
Additional Info; yolo dudeszzz
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 9:17 pm

Application -

Name; Juliet Mercedes Lanes
Birthday; 11 days after the start of school, 25 September.
Age; 14
Grade [[ 9 - 12 ]]; 10
Likes and Dislikes; later
Personality; She has a light Australian accent which is slightly mixed with a light British accent. She's silent and not very talkative. She focuses on her studies very much. She's used to discipline and doesn't really know how to have fun. She's socially awkward and won't ever break a tear. She's a good writer and writing is her hobby - one of her characters is her role model. She dreams of having adventures, sneaking out and doing rebellious acts, but she's too afraid to turn those thoughts into words and actions. She's also been trained to hunt and swim, basically survive, if she ever got lost. She has good skills in archery, throwing knives, swords and she's quick at running. When she's hungry, she can eat anything. Which is not good. She is allergic to bees, wasps, spiders, butterflies, ants, almost any sort of insect, and berries. Any sort of berries - blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc. She acts in a sophisticated way and sometimes she just feels superior. But that is not all the time. She plays the guitar, the piano, the violin and the harp but she has no talent at singing. She usually spends her head in a book. She also knows how to ride horses. Her mission in 10th and 11th Grade, is to become a popular girl, be on top of everyone and be the most important girl in her Grade. To be admired, to know how it feels like to walk over people, to manipulate others. She's brave so she feels that in her temporal life in high school, she'll make a change before she comes back to London.
Biography; Juliet was born in Australia. Her family is extremely wealthy. Juliet recently moved from London, where she attended a private boarding school in which she had great grades. But in order to finish a course, she had to go as an exchange student to a typical american high school. Juliet was put ahead because of her experience making her really young for her grade.
Appearance; Medium-length blonde hair which turns slightly ginger as it goes down to her elbows. Her eyes are a light green. She's got tan skin. Nude pink lips, long eyelashes. Not tall, 4.79 feet. She likes patterned clothes, but she doesn't wear them all the time. Her hair is wavy and curly but she plans to have a makeover after she turns 15.
Additional Info; yolo!!
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PostSubject: Re: Typical High [[ RP - APP ]]   Typical High [[ RP - APP ]] - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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