[b] I disagree with the statement of the people at Fantage being lazy. OBVIOUSLY, you guys have no experience what-so-ever with virtual gaming creating if you think that it's easy. You only say that its "easy" because you play on the site AFTER it's done being made. You must not realize how long it takes to sketch out things, come up with ideas, animate, etc. to think that.
I am great friends with M, (he's my buddy and he's always telling me inside scoops on whats going on next) and he is always saying how long everything takes. I saw him about two months ago, and he said he was working on a mission. I saw him a few days ago, and he said he is still working on the same mission. It's a long process.
And how can you say that Fantage is lazy? That's way too big of a generzation. They are so many different departments in Fantage. The ones I think you guys are thinking of are the support teams.