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 Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)

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Veteran Fantagian

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Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:09 pm

Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Tumblr_muw7putj4O1sg8l59o1_250

Welcome to Bingo Club. The first rule of Bingo Club is: you do not talk about Bingo Club. The second rule of Bingo Club is: you DO NOT talk about Bingo Club! Third rule of Bingo Club: someone yells "stop!", goes limp, taps out, the game is over. Fourth rule: only six people at a time per game. Fifth rule: one game at a time. Sixth rule: No shirts, no shoes (maybe shirts depending on who you are but don't you dare wear shoes). Seventh rule: games will go on as long as they have to. And the eighth and final rule: if this is your first time at Bingo Club, you have to play.
I remember when I was trapped, just like all of you. In the consumerist, anti-old people mess that is today's society. "If you like bingo you're a loser" they would all say. You know what I say to that? Pathetic.
I'm old. I'm proud of being old. Yes, these are wrinkles from aging, and yes these bruises are from bingo. Yes, I am comfortable with that. I am enlightened, as you should be.
Reject the consumerist society. The suppression of old people and the suppression of Bingo. How much can you know about yourself if you've never played a round of Bingo? The answer is 'nothing', my friend.
Application form:

I'll add my application later yeehaw.

My application:

Last edited by anna's banana on Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added my application yEEHAw)
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Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:30 pm

Name: Ysteb Black
Age: 73
Gender and sexuality: Female, Straight
Bio: She grew up with no momma or poppa.  This caused her to get addicted to bingo.  It was a sad time for her but each day she trained for bingo, and once she found bingo club her talent was given an opportunity.
Personality: She is very sassy.  She loves bingo and is a sore loser, and brags when she wins. Most people don't like her at first, but she is funny when you get to know her and helpful at times. Ysteb is a swag grandma, she gives her grandchildren hot gold chains and ALL the Nikes.
Likes: bingo, parrots, cake, swag, skiing
Dislikes: people who are bad at bingo, ugly people, people with no swag
Other: jills nipples

Last edited by Anna on Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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Age : 17

Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:33 pm

god bless u anna u are already accepted idc if u finish it but do if u want bc its awesome ily ily ily many praises from ur banana over here
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Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:37 pm

anna's banana wrote:
god bless u anna u are already accepted idc if u finish it but do if u want bc its awesome ily ily ily many praises from ur banana over here
im proud of u ur a full grown platano now

Last edited by Anna on Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:40 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : gay baby typo)
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:38 pm

Anna wrote:
anna's banana wrote:
god bless u anna u are already accepted idc if u finish it but do if u want bc its awesome ily ily ily many praises from ur banana over here
im proud of u ur a full grown platino now
and im proud of u ur all ysteb black now<3
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:40 pm

Name: Bobby Jones
Age: 69
Gender and sexuality: Male, Straight
Personality: Bobby is a very grumpy and sad man. The only thing that gets him out of bed in the morning is a good game of bingo in the bingo club. And his pudding. Oh yes, especially his pudding. He's also quite religious.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Pudding, gray, Jesus
Dislikes: The number 666, kids on his lawn, new music
Other: I am Jill's nipples

Last edited by Makotos on Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Location : *lights up a fire* yeah, trying to surivve in a fores.t *smokse a cig* il kill you

Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:40 pm

Name: Santiago "The Hawk" Guerrero
Age: 84
Gender and sexuality: Male, ???
Picture/Desc.: his face is rugged and tough, and his mostly grey hair still has wisps of black from back when he was younger.... his eyes are bold brown, and his skin is pale. Has a nice smile, but he never smiles. because hes the hawk. facial stub and a build that was once buff...
Bio: was born to a life of TORUBLE and gangs.. the hawk grew up in constnat fights, but bingo let him release the dark shadows inside of his soul. hes been doing it since he was 10, and he is known as the hawk because whenever he plays bingo, you feel like he is flying. Is this just a feeling... or is the old mans soul genuinely floating? no one knows
Personality: serious, cold, and silent. he only talks to old friends kindly, but even then has a strong air of maturity and is not a very warm person at first glance. 
Likes/Dislikes: he likes bingo and he HATES CHARADES
Other: jill nipple
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:43 pm

@elliot and oliver ur both accepted bless ur souls im glad im not alone in bingo club
long live bingo
long live bingo club
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:48 pm

Name: Dorothy Johnson
Age: 79
Gender and sexuality: female, straight
Picture/Desc.: She has curly gray hair and green eyes. She has a lot of wrinkles, and she always wears athletic attire. She is in shape from always working out,
Bio(optional): Dorothy has gotten used to the "Modern Age," and has been working on "getting slim" for a couple of years. Now, she's really in shape.
Personality: She's very competitive, and she likes to show off all her wins. She plays bingo like its a million-dolar competition.
Likes/Dislikes:  Likes- Good foods, working out, winning. Dislikes- people who criticize her, losing.
Other: omg this is great

i am jill's nipples
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Veteran Fantagian

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Age : 17

Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 19, 2013 8:53 am

alRight i added in my application we'll start soon if every1 acknowledges they r ready 2 start ok
u can still apply if u haven't already
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PostSubject: Re: Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN)   Bingo Club (RP APPS - OPEN) Icon_minitime

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