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 Exciting things today! ( 10/26/13)

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Legendary Fantagian

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Exciting things today! ( 10/26/13) Empty
PostSubject: Exciting things today! ( 10/26/13)   Exciting things today! ( 10/26/13) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 26, 2013 4:52 pm

Sorry if I got the date wrong......................

Ok so I was at a fall festival and my friend came with me too ( alot of my friends were there but this friend doesn't usually come) we ate cotton candy, popcorn, and went in the bouncy houses and slides. My brothers friend cussed in the bouncy house. ( the bouncy house was filled with 1 st graders!!!!!) then my friends friend brother threw people on the floor of the bouncy house. The bouncy house went sideways....some other really really short kids my age were on there too and they were causing problems also. Then someone came and told the older kids to get out. Then I asked which age group. And they said it doesn't matter only size does. So I didn't get out because I'm not fat or tall. No one did until it was time to take turns and then an 8th grade kid who was taller than me went on and I thought the tall and fat people weren't allowed???!!!! Then we went on pony rides, hay rides, and all that stuff and me and my friend found a wasp nest in the little kids playground in the telescope and we took it out and kept it in a jar then smashed it. We were a bit afraid of getting it out. Next in a few hours ( 8:00 pm ) we will go to the bonfire and rost marshmallows, hangout, and talk until midnight.
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Hallow ween
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Hallow ween

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PostSubject: Re: Exciting things today! ( 10/26/13)   Exciting things today! ( 10/26/13) Icon_minitimeSun Oct 27, 2013 4:20 am

MARSHMELLOWS!!!!!! I love MARSHMELLOWS <3 but my brothers friend curses a lot. But I want to see the bouncy house go sideways that must've been funny. That must be like the best day ever
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Exciting things today! ( 10/26/13)
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