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 The ultamite Candy Collecting competition

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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 4:26 pm

Yes guys. I'm insane.


Since halloween is coming up, I've decided to make a trick or treating competition where forum users compete in different categories to win. If you do, I will give you guys a lame prize that you will have untill next halloween:

Your username in my signature and (possibly) your avatar, saying that you won in a certain category.

So, if you like lame prizes or you just want to be famous, heres what you have to do;

1. Go trick or treating.
2. Pick a category.
3. Count the amount of candy for that category (or whatever you have to do) and post it.
4. Remeber to post your categories for each candy amount and to follow the rules for that category!

Here are the categories:

Largest amount of chocolate: The amount of things that have chocolate in it or are chocolate flavored. 

Most lollipops: Most lollipops. Hard candy doesn't count and neither does gummy marshmellow thingies or something on a stick. Normal lollipops.

Most gum, taffy, or chewable items: Things like marshmellows, taffy, gumdrops, bubble gum, and any chewy and sticky stuff. Caramel or coffee squares of stuff are ok if they're chewy, but if the have chocolate put into chocolate section. Licorice is ok.

Most peanut butter items: Make use of your peanut butter candy if your allergic to it! Easy to find, check the label for peanuts if you like.

Most hard candy: Anything hard, not crunchy. No peanut butter butterfingers, they don't qualify as hard candy because they're only crunchy. No lollipops.

Most candy bits: Things that are in bits, like m and m's, skittles, and Tic Tac. Breath mints are ok, as long as they come in a package of more than one. No hard candy, they have to come in a box of multiple pieces of the stuff.

Most toys: Like when you go to a house and they're like "Hey kids!" and they throw some tacky yo-yo or vampire teeth at you and you're like "what the heck?" and get realllllyyy mad? Not to worry! Just count up all the non-edible things in your bag (not counting bags, wrappers, or any packaging) and submit to win something that is surprizingly much lamer!

Most Gift bags: Like those baggies people buy to give to you. You may use the contents of the baggies for other categories.

Wierdest candy: Post a pic or description of your weirdest candy and give the brand name for proof that you really did get it. If based on taste, at least save the wrapper or tell brand name and give a description so it can be found.

Best Candy: Post a pic or description of your best candy, and give the brand name for proof that you really did get it. If based on taste, at least save the wrapper or tell brand name and give a description so it can be found.

Worst Candy: Post a pic or description of your worst candy, and give the brand name for proof that you really did get it. If based on taste, at least save the wrapper or tell brand name and give a description so it can be found.

Biggest Candy: Post a pic or description of your biggest candy, and give the brand name for proof that you really did get it.

And the grand prize thingies:



No, nothing extra for grand prize winners.

So in total there are 14 categories to choose from, so there will be fourteen winners. I'd reccomend choose more than one category so every spot can have a winner.


1. Follow the restrictions for the candy categories.
2. If you want me to add a category, PM me first.
3. If you are cunfused about a certain candy, PM me.
4. Follow the requirements for your entry.
5. Don't cheat out numbers, I am psychic cyclops
6. Have fun!
7. Fill out one entry form per category you are entering.
8. If you made a mistake and want to change something, I will let you.

Entry form:

Candy amount/description/pic:
Anything Else?:

Change form:

Category being Changed:
Original Candy amount/description/pic:
New Candy amount/description/pic:
Reason candy was changed:
Anything Else?:

Please submit by November 14, 2013

All right let's do this

Entries so far:


Category: Most gum, taffy, or chewable items
Amount: 8


Category: Most Candy Bits
Amount: 48

Category: Most toys
Amount: 6


Category: Worst Candy
Type/Brand: Goeztes

Category: Hardest Candy
Type/Brand: Goeztes

Last edited by Cookie~ on Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:04 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 5:02 pm

uhm, its hard to count all of it. I got a pillowcase. My brother had 2 and my sister had 1 1/2pillow cases.

-we rob the houses.
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Officer Number Two
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 5:12 pm

Infinite wrote:
uhm, its hard to count all of it. I got a pillowcase. My brother had 2 and my sister had 1 1/2pillow cases.

-we rob the houses.
You have two weeks to count it...

I dunno how I'm going to help you here...

I'm insane, as I said...

Ah well I added a date hopefully people can count 123,243,567 gazzillion pieces of candy by then...

Edit: You can also enter the weirdest cnady, best candy, biggest candy, worst candy categories if don't feel like counting OwO
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 5:36 pm

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 6:09 pm

This contest is a GREAT IDEA
PLUS I'm trick or treating with my friend this year (I used to always trick or treat alone where I used to live :c) so since were both ~*WARRIORS*~ (it's an inside joke between us sorry not sorry) WE WILL GET ALL THE CANDIES
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 6:21 pm

So doing this, the people that live on my street give out FULL chocolate bars so I'm hoping to win the biggest peice/ best peice category Smile
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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 7:21 pm

Trying out for this! It would be cool to win since this is my last year trick or treating.
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 9:42 pm

can we enter in more than one category?
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 4:11 am

Cookie Can i enter i might not go trick or treating because I'm unwell i hope I get to go...So it's a maybe.
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 4:17 am

ugh my area is the most boring area ever like no one celebrates halloween so i'm going to win the least candy award hands down
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 5:31 am

I am going to participate! I have halloween tonight:3
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 11:19 am

Yay i feel better so for 90 percent sure i will go trick or treating.(I'll see whats the highest on my sweets.)
Entry form:

Category:Chewy stuff.
Candy amount/description/pic:Candy amount:4 description:Pin balls by MAOM  And stripes by maom and 2 of refreshers.and another type of chewy things similar like stripes by maom.
Anything Else?:Nope.
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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 2:12 pm

Can we enter in everything?!
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Officer Number Two
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 3:40 pm

Okay guys, you can enter in every single category you want. You can have candy overlap, such as caramel chocolate in chocolate and in chewy stuff.

@Snowy you are accepted! If you want to change you may use the change form to do so.
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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 3:44 pm

Haha I dressed as a cop this year so I'm just going to say "Police! You have the right to remain calm and hand over your candy!", this is going to be so fun! But it's cold *shivers*.
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 5:17 pm

Category: most candy bits
Candy amount/description/pic: 48
Anything Else?: most of these are smarties and m&ms 

Category:most toys
Candy amount/description/pic:6
Anything Else?:nope
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Officer Number Two
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 5:20 pm

You are accepted colorora!
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeFri Nov 01, 2013 6:11 am

i accidental,,y the whole candy! help!
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Officer Number Two
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeFri Nov 01, 2013 2:55 pm

Anna wrote:

i accidental,,y the whole candy! help!
You can try out for best, worst, weirdest or biggest candy. To do this save the wrapper or at least name the brand for the candy so you have proof. Or, try and remember how much candy you had by counting the amount of wrappers you have. If they are in more than one piece put it together or just figure it out.

No one has tried out for the largest or least amount of candy yet, so I guess you have a good chance of winning that

Also the best worst weirdest and biggest so yea join as many as you want
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2013 8:47 am

Category being Changed:Most chewy,taffy stuff
Original Candy amount/description/pic:amount:4
New Candy amount/description/pic:amount:8 description:they are drumsticks when i have them they are chewy.
Reason candy was changed:I got some candy that was meant to be for halloween.
Anything Else?:Nothing.
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2013 9:51 am

Category: Worst candy
Candy amount/description/pic: + It's literally the most disgusting candy I've ever tasted. It's hardened caramel around a cream filling? A marshmallow? I can't even tell what the white thing is.
Anything: It's called Goetze's. My sister told me it's from Spain, but it's still nasty.

Category: Hardest candy
Candy amount/description/pic: + Rock-hard caramel around some white thing (read above.)
Anything else: I'm not putting it in "chewy" because I couldn't even bite through it. I had to take off a bit with a knife to taste it.
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Officer Number Two
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2013 8:41 pm

You guys are all excepted! Since I am on a kindle and not on a computer, I can't add you yet. *_*

So, I will add them into the entries when I can.

@Anna there is no section called hardest candy? Lol it's actually a good idea so I can add it in or you can put it in a different category
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2013 8:44 pm

Cookie~ wrote:
You guys are all excepted! Since I am on a kindle and not on a computer, I can't add you yet. *_*

So, I will add them into the entries when I can.

@Anna there is no section called hardest candy? Lol it's actually a good idea so I can add it in or you can put it in a different category
ahhh oops i mustve misread something i thought i saw it in there /)_(\ you can add it in if you want, though!
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Officer Number Two
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PostSubject: Re: The ultamite Candy Collecting competition   The ultamite Candy Collecting competition Icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2013 8:59 pm

I think it's a good one lol

To be added when I get a chance to use my computer
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