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 Survivor - Remade APPS

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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeMon Nov 11, 2013 9:42 am

This RP was originally made by Primrose. It was a lot of fun and lasted hundreds of pages, so Lord Voldemort and I thought it should be brought back.

You find yourself on a sinking cruise ship. Either by grabbing a lifeboat or swimming, you manage to reach dry land alive. Problem is, you are on an uncharted island somewhere in the northern Atlantic with no means of sending for help. The main vegetation is pine trees, although there are a few edible plants scattered about. Bears, wolves, rabbits and other creatures are found here. The island also holds secrets, perhaps some of them supernatural. What will you find here, and how long can you survive?
The applications will be open permanently. Please feel free to join at any point.

1: I and Lord Voldemort reserve the right to accept or deny any application, including secondary characters.

2: Once you join, please do not quit or cease posting unless you have a serious reason for doing so. You don't have to be on 24/7, but please post at least once every other day.

3: You can have as many characters as you feel you can handle, but I would suggest no more than 3.

4: All original RP rules and guidelines apply.

5: Keep cussing, romance and violence at a PG-13 level.

6: Ghosts, faeries, unicorns and whatever are all allowed, but try not to derail everything.

7: If you disobey the rules, we will give you five warnings. On the fifth you will be kicked out permanently, so please be considerate.

8: Remember to have fun!


[b]Human or other (please specify):
Bio (optional):
My application:

Lord Voldemort's application:

Last edited by Jeff on Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:08 pm; edited 12 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeMon Nov 11, 2013 10:13 am

Oh my god thank you for bringing this back!!! I'm gonna edit this and post my application later ^^
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeMon Nov 11, 2013 10:14 am

You're welcome! You can finish whenever, since the apps are going to stay open even after the RP starts.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeMon Nov 11, 2013 10:03 pm

Name: Clarisse Collins
Age: 13
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Straight
Human or other (please specify): Human
Personality: Clarisse is a logical person and tends to think strategy in a problem. She likes a good puzzle and is peticularly good at solving mysteries. She is the type of person who sits at their computer all day, so she is sort of socially awkward and is referred to as "inspector gadget" at school. She takes risks and likes to climb trees, swing on ropes, things like that. She has knowledge of the sea and knows a lot about fish and coral from her fishing/snorkeling trips and books and articles online. She has adventures in her own mind and has never really solved a real mystery except in books she read and some stories she wrote. She has always wanted to have an adventure in real life but never considered herself ready.
Picture/Description: Clarisse has long brown hair and sea green eyes. She is pale and is sunburned easily, so she has some freckles on her arms from previous sunburns. She has large, strong hands and weighes about adverage for her age. She is 5 feet tall, and has pretty close to perfect teeth.
Bio (optional): Clarisse was born into a family of three; her mom, her dad, and her sister. She grew up in Queens, and lived near the atlantic ocean where she could see Manhattan's skyline from her porch. Then, one night, her family was robbed. The TV, cellphones and computers were stolen. Clarisse was determined to find out who did it, and almost did.  She had found a piece of the man who stole the stuff's sweater, a part of the sleeve. She traced the clues down using the sweater piece, and acussed her neighbor of stealing the stuff.  But she was wrong; three feet wrong, for the man who did steal the stuff lived next door. Clarisse spotted him escaping the scene and reported hom to the authorities. Clarisse was a hero; sort of. Turns out that the police also thought that the person Clarisse had wrongly accused of was a suspect. They took them to court and found the right person, but Clarisse's family was sued by the damages Clarisse happened to cause while investigating. They did eventually recover, but Clarisse never forgave herself.
Other: Clarisse is allergic to peanuts.

Last edited by Cookie~ on Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 4:52 am

Cookie~ is accepted.

P.S: I added a quick, choppy biography to my character application.
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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 3:37 pm

Edit: My application has been added. We'll be starting the RP once we have enough people.
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 5:05 pm

Name: Delilah Smith
Age: 15
Gender/sexuality: Female straight
Personality: Katie is a smart, straight up, blunt person that will support anything as long as it benefits her or leaves her unchanged. She can come across as shy and even introverted but once you get close to her she can be the loudest wackiest people you know. Tumblr is her life and she loves being part of many fandoms. She has a very quick reaction time and if you try to sneak up on her she will know before you get more than 5 feet close to her.
Picture/description:long dark hair, hazel eyes, green t-shirt, jeans.
Bio: how about no thank you
other: noooope

Last edited by colorora on Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lord Voldemort
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Lord Voldemort

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 6:56 pm

Ok, so colorora you're accepted.
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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 8:41 pm

I'll try my best to be active b/c I really like stuff like this but I may be busy with school ;=;
Its a bit lazy because..I really had to go to bed x)
Name: Julie (Julianna) Lonjers (the fourth??)
Age: 14
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Bisexual.

Human or other (please specify): Human
Personality: Julie never speaks. Never. She loves coral and shiny objects, horses and hot bubble baths. She isn't a artsy loner, she is interesed in music instead. Her knowledge is beyond her point for a 14 year old girl. She suffers from tiny anxiety and will bite her fingernails. She has a poised back and sits up straight. Her childhood didn't go well. Shes skilled at riding horses, violin, piano's and some drums. She likes to pick up things quietly, old toys, change, bugs, anything! She loves the flute the most, and always brings it with her.
Picture/Description: She usually wears small, dresses. Her parents insist to wear long velvet ones.
Big! Credit to Shockshame♥:
Bio (optional): Her childhood was terrible. Both of her parents we're rich, but busy. Her father was a buisnessman, her mother was a secretary working for Big Co. She's always wanted to travel, her parents refused, she said she wanted to go to India and she was grounded. She thought she was a peasant. However, a lucky day showed up. Her mom's job wanted them to unwind on a luxury cruise, her parents we're delighted to unwind. Julie wasn't very happy, because she thought the ship would sink. She brought a journal to record what happened.
Other: Has a phobia of bee's and will get hives on her neck, legs, and chest.

Last edited by Twist on Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to add sexuality!)
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2013 5:17 am

Twist is accepted.
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Lord Voldemort
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Lord Voldemort

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2013 6:50 am

Looks like I forgot to add in something to the legend, the grey parts are caves. The one close to the centre has trees growing onto it, over it and around it - it's very secretive.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2013 7:49 am

I was in a remake of the original of this once I believe, and I do recall it being really fun and active! I haven't been able to be on the forum much lately, but I'll definitely try to be on more for this and try to reply at least a few times each day unless like, the internet goes out or something (which probably won't happen).
Name: Tom Andrews (I'm not good w/ names - sorry.)
Age: 19
Gender/Sexuality: M, Homosexual
Human or other (please specify): Human
Personality: Tom isn't a very serious guy and likes to joke around, even at the most inappropriate times. He's a sort of laid-back, 'take it as it comes' sort of guy and has the tendency to brush things off no matter how important they might be. He doesn't have a particular attachment to life, so he's not bothered by near death situations and just sort of 'goes with the flow', so to speak.
As far as communication goes, he's a little bit socially awkward. It's not that he doesn't understand people or enjoy communication with them, he's just often at loss with what to say while conversing with others, and often the wrong sorts of things come out. He's not really the emotional type either, evidently, and has trouble connecting with people on any sort of emotional levels. It's hard for him to build up great attachments with people, and unless he is attached to someone he has no problems disregarding them for himself. He prides himself in being clever, and always having a few tricks up his sleeve.
Picture/Description: Tom has a tanner complexion, and is of average height. His muscles are decently toned, but he is by no means a 'muscular' guy, and instead would probably be on the brink of being considered emaciated looking. He bleaches his hair a light blonde color, and bleaches his eyebrows the same color. Naturally, his eyes are green, but he often wears colored contact lenses to make them appear a light shade of blue. He has very noticeable eye bags underneath his eyes, and therefore appears tired even when he has gotten plenty of rest.
Bio (optional): Tom lead a rather isolated childhood. He was mostly raised by his grandparents, and loved them very dearly, but had the tendency to avoid social interaction with other children his age. He grew up in a small southern town in the U.S., and unfortunately many of the residents there were awfully bigoted. Because of that, Tom often had attempted to shun his sexuality, rather than embracing it, though in more recent years his feelings in regards to that have definitely changed.
After Tom turned 18 he decided to move away to a larger city to try to 'start anew'. After scoring quite a bit of cash in an *accidental* drug deal, Tom has found himself with quite a bit of wealth, and not a certainty on what to do with all of it.
Other: I'm going to try to finish this later today! I don't really have the time rn, but will later, and I'll also be able to look over what I've written so far and edit it if needed.

Last edited by anna's banana on Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:11 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : finished it and will try 2 check for typos later~)
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2013 8:08 am

@Anna's banana: Once you finish the last section you will be accepted.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2013 8:17 am

Rest later in a rush at the moment...
Name: Mckaylee Greene
Age: 14
Female, Straight
Human or other (please specify): Human
Personality: she is shy, she is from Nebraska and where she lives its miles and miles of corn fields that of course has made her personalty. She sometimes can be a bit stubborn (but aren't all teenagers like that) she loves being in clubs. She is a great friend to be around and she loves to be a friend. She isn't good with younger kids. She is much better arround mature people. She is very mature at that. She is also very smart (her mom home schooled her for some years and sent her to a real high school (fresh man))
Bio (optional): She is a dancer. Her mom owns and dance school in Nebraska. Sence there was a spike in sales (her Mom also has a line for "Perfect Buns") she decieded to spend some money into a cruise. Mckaylee isn't complaining. She lives a normal life. She lives in a modern country life style. Her father left when he found out his wife was pregant. So Mckaylee has no brothers or sisters. Her mom never did remarry. She never found the right person.

Last edited by अनंत♥ on Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2013 8:21 am

अनंत is accepted.
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Rookie Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2013 8:36 pm

Name: Dominic Williams

Age: 16

Gender/Sexuality: Male, bi

Human or other (please specify): Human

Personality: He prefers not to be alone, but can handle it because he's lived mostly by himself for most of his life. He prefers to hide the fact that he's apart of a rich family so he dresses like a normal teenager. Because his parents left him in charge of the servants for a large portion of his life he can by bossy at times. He prefers to be a leader of anything that doesn't involve physical strength, but doesn't take any more risks than he needs to. He can be very picky about the things he eats.

Picture/Description: Neat brown hair that's about average in length. He has blue eyes. He has pale skin, and he's not very strong either. Average in height.

Bio (optional): Dominic is a single child who has grown up in the same place for his entire life. He grew up on the outside of an average sized town in a big mansion. He is alone a lot because his mother travels the world with his father because of their work. He goes to a private school in the center of the town. He's made a couple friends and is fairly social. The only life goal he has is to travel the world like his parents. For his 16th birthday his parents bought him tickets for the cruise, but couldn't make it because of a business offer.

Other: Nothing.

Last edited by Ender on Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot something :P)
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2013 4:54 am

Ender is accepted.

We'll start when we get two more people.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2013 7:11 am

I've finished my application now~
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2013 7:18 am

Anna's banana is accepted.
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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2013 4:10 pm

Forgot to add sexuality to my character (x Updated and I CANNOT wait to start!!
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeFri Nov 15, 2013 4:52 am

Do you guys want to start now, or wait for more people?
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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeFri Nov 15, 2013 3:54 pm

I think this is alright for now, people can join after if they'd like.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeFri Nov 15, 2013 4:00 pm

Okay. I'm starting.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2013 5:53 pm

Name: Arriana
Age: 9
Eh, straight?
Human or other (please specify): CAN I BE A MYSTICAL MERMAID thank you very much
Personality: Shy, adventorous, very picky.
Picture/Description: She is a purple-haired mermaid who had color-changing eyes and green scales. Bam.
Bio (optional): Eh, no thx
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor - Remade APPS   Survivor - Remade APPS Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2013 6:19 pm

Marshy is accepted.
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