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 Slave- RP Apps Remade

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Slave- RP Apps Remade   Slave- RP Apps Remade Icon_minitimeSat Nov 16, 2013 8:07 am

Rp Origanally made by Jeff. 
You are a slave, a person who's sole reason for existence is to labor for another. How you got in this situation varies. Perhaps you were kidnapped from your home country and taken here, perhaps you were simply born into slavery. You are not paid, or fed, or really taken care of at all. When you disobey you are punished brutally, sometimes even killed. Running away would warrant instant death should you be found, but perhaps you believe you have the guts to do so. Do you?

. Name:
. Age (5-75):
. Gender:
. Personality:
. Job (Cook, housemaid...etc):
. Skills - Mundane (Playing the guitar, riddles...etc):
. Skills - Survival   ( Throwing axes, making a fire...etc):
. Picture/Description:
. Bio (optional):
. Other (hobbies, allergies...etc):

Slave owner/relative of slave owner:
. Name:
. Age:
. Gender:
. Personality:
. Good/Evil/Neutral:
. Skills - Mundane:
. Skills - Survival:
. Picture/Description:
. Bio (optional):
. Other:

Slave owner/relative of slave owner:
. Name: Dana Minoti
. Age: 13
. Gender: Female
. Personality: Smart, stubborn, spoiled, but yet she is nice to people
. Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral
. Skills - Mundane: She is a talented singer, violinist and acro/ dancer artist
. Skills - Survival: She has a gun in her room but doesn't know how to use it. She is good with a knife/ sword
. Picture/Description:Slave- RP Apps Remade 2lu6s9d
. Bio (optional): Later.
. Other:
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Slave- RP Apps Remade   Slave- RP Apps Remade Icon_minitimeSat Nov 16, 2013 9:42 am

. Name: Delilah
. Age (5-75): 10
. Gender: female
. Personality: very nice caring girl. she knows how to fight but chooses not to, she cant stand up to anyone and doesn't usually follow she gut feeling  
. Job (Cook, housemaid...etc): housemaid
. Skills - Mundane (Playing the guitar, riddles...etc): she knows riddles and jokes very well and knows how to make anyone laugh she also can play the violin but only simple songs. 
. Skills - Survival   ( Throwing axes, making a fire...etc): if she is in a dire situation she is a red belt in martial arts.
. Picture/Description: Green eyes, red long curly hair, tall and skinny for her age. 
. Bio (optional): Delilah was kidnapped from her family when she was 3 she learned how to do martial arts and play the violin herself at night and her life has been horrible ever since she never dares to say no to her masters and she is the only house maid in the entire mansion and barley gets 2 hours of sleep a night and if shes lucky and gets ahead 3. She is the only kid under 18 in the house so she never has any fun at all ever.  
. Other (hobbies, allergies...etc): She is allergic to parsley, dogs and roses they all make her sneeze and even bloat up  
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Dedicated Fantagian

Posts : 1319
Join date : 2012-08-25
Age : 23
Location : My own little corner of the world

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PostSubject: Re: Slave- RP Apps Remade   Slave- RP Apps Remade Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2013 11:19 am

colorora wrote:
. Name: Delilah
. Age (5-75): 10
. Gender: female
. Personality: very nice caring girl. she knows how to fight but chooses not to, she cant stand up to anyone and doesn't usually follow she gut feeling  
. Job (Cook, housemaid...etc): housemaid
. Skills - Mundane (Playing the guitar, riddles...etc): she knows riddles and jokes very well and knows how to make anyone laugh she also can play the violin but only simple songs. 
. Skills - Survival   ( Throwing axes, making a fire...etc): if she is in a dire situation she is a red belt in martial arts.
. Picture/Description: Green eyes, red long curly hair, tall and skinny for her age. 
. Bio (optional): Delilah was kidnapped from her family when she was 3 she learned how to do martial arts and play the violin herself at night and her life has been horrible ever since she never dares to say no to her masters and she is the only house maid in the entire mansion and barley gets 2 hours of sleep a night and if shes lucky and gets ahead 3. She is the only kid under 18 in the house so she never has any fun at all ever.  
. Other (hobbies, allergies...etc): She is allergic to parsley, dogs and roses they all make her sneeze and even bloat up  
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