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 Hacked [Remade] RP APPS

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Hacked [Remade] RP APPS   Hacked [Remade] RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 8:37 pm

Okay so this RP was originally made by Manor-chan in July(???), but I'm remaking it because it looks so freakin' amazing
This is based off of multiple vocaloid songs like Forgotten, The Disappearance of Miku Hatsune.

Story (rewritten):

About the Owner:

Rules (rewritten):

Some Programs & Claim:


Mi appu:

Last edited by Madoka on Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:52 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Hacked [Remade] RP APPS   Hacked [Remade] RP APPS Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 11:34 pm

Ono you forgot Microsoft PowerPoint
also this RP was great ok I can't believe you weren't there

Program: Virus 4 (Calls herself by other people's names, but V4 for short)
Gender: Female
Physical Age: Usually 12-16, depends
How Long You have been in the computer: About a month I guess
Personality: She's very secretive and usually never gets close to people, but this is actually because she doesn't know how to act most of the time. She's okay at replicating other people, but she's actually pretty spiteful and hates the Owner for not creating her right (she was originally intended to be a photo-editing program where you could do things like switch people's faces around and stuff). The only thing she knows how to do is stealing identities. And maybe I will add more later.
Bio (optional): Originally she started as a program made by the Owner but she quickly became a virus without a name or face.
Appearance: V4 doesn't have her own appearance, she takes on that of others
Anything Else?: She can disguise herself as other people/programs if that's ok moop moop meep meep
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PostSubject: Re: Hacked [Remade] RP APPS   Hacked [Remade] RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 12:09 am

Thank you for re-making this I really liked this roleplay

Program: MS Paint
Gender: Male
Physical Age: He looks around 11 to 12 years old
How Long You have been in the computer: He has been in the compute since it was created since he was already installed there
Personality: MS Paint is generally pretty friendly and nice. He's easy going, and not very stubborn, but gets seriously offended when others comment about how he isn't used too much. MS Paint also really dislikes it when people draw in his program and make intentionally bad drawings as a joke, especially when the creator does so. Otherwise he doesn't get angry easily, and actually is a little cowardly and gullible. Hes easy to take advantage of.
Bio (optional): Nope nothing to do here
Appearance: MS Paint has peachy skin with a lot freckles on his face. He has bright but dark green eyes and pale brown hair. He wears a dark grey long sleeved shirt. Over that he is wearing white overalls (spattered with colorful paint) and on his head is a white paper boy hat. He carries around a leather satchel bag. Inside it is a bunch of paint brushes, crayons, and etc.
Anything Else?: Moop
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Hacked [Remade] RP APPS   Hacked [Remade] RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 12:25 am

App 1:
Program: Paint Tool SAI
Gender: Female
Physical Age: 18
How Long You have been in the computer: About a year.
Personality: SAI is very creative and open minded. She gets pretty clingy at times, and can't go very long without being around other programs. SAI can understand people well and tries her best to help other programs out when they happen to be upset. Overall, she has a pretty kiddish and fun personality.
Bio (optional): N/A
Anything Else?:

i'll finish it later if that's alright
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: Hacked [Remade] RP APPS   Hacked [Remade] RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 8:53 am

Program: Virus 1 (She came from an internet computer check-up thing, known as PC Doctor)
Gender: F
Physical Age: 13
How Long You have been in the computer: Newbie, about 2 hours ago she started downloading, and now she's here.
Personality: Virus 1 is a pretty kind and good-hearted person, but can seen innocent and manipulative, yet she's quite gulllible. She usually does take care of problems in the computer, and sometimes it can make her believe she really is here to solve computer problems. However, Virus 1 still remembers what she's here for, and that is for hacking into accounts. She usually gets away with everything and blames other viruses for what she has done. Generally, Virus 1 is kind on the outside and in; but there's still a touch of evil in her.
Bio: Virus 1 was created and put on the internet for computers as a free virus protection scan sent out to fix problems that other computer protection programs couldn't fix. However, it was all a scam to steal passwords and sell accounts, and thus, Virus 1 was created. She usually just hung around and got rid of problems, big and small. However, the "web cam" that came with her as a special add-on gift was really spy ware that watches everything that happens using a key logger and a spy cam. Then Virus 1 does the rest and changes passwords. She was caught and deleted many times, but the web cam doesn't usually get deleted and continues to spy on them, slowly creating a new Virus 1. A new version seems to pretty hard for the web cam, and eventually it just breaks and the computer crashes and blue screens every time you try to open it. It also does a lot of damage to the wires in the computer and fries them. This happens a lot.
Appearance: Virus 1 has short, spunky red hair, blue eyes, pale skin and one or two freckles on her nose. She wears a black jumpsuit, sort of like the ones spies wear in the movies.
Anything Else: Mooooooooooooooooooooop!

Is this too mary sueish?

Last edited by Cherry235 on Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:59 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : bold print -_-)
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Hacked [Remade] RP APPS   Hacked [Remade] RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 10:44 am

I use ubuntu so you guys don't understand this program.
Program: Wine
Gender: Female
Physical Age: 18
How Long You have been in the computer: for about a year
Personality: Wine is pretty much a copy cat. She likes socializing with the other programs. She isn't quiet or shy.
Bio (optional):
Appearance: Wine is pretty tall. She is about 6'1". She has black hair. She usually has red lipstick on and black mascara. She is usually in a red party dress, but otherwise she is in a a black dress shirt, with black dress pants.
Anything Else?: I'm not sure if i should write this. Wine is a program that alllows you to play any game or anything that is not allowed on the system you are on. Also MOOP
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Hacked [Remade] RP APPS   Hacked [Remade] RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 2:22 pm

ahhh, really good, guys!


Oh and @Asuna I used Wine once
I totally forgot about it lol
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Hacked [Remade] RP APPS   Hacked [Remade] RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 3:56 pm

Program: Safari
Gender: Female
Physical Age: 12/13/14
How Long You have been in the computer: 3 years
Personality: Safari is outgoing, creative, crafty and open minded. She's brave and strong. However, she is not very social. She gives everybody a chance but judges them. If she doesn't like that person, she will be very unpleasant with them. Safari is a very quick runner. She's usually by herself, but sometimes she's with the people she likes. After some time, she might give someone their second chance.
Bio (optional): Safari was downloaded 3 years ago and became the main internet browser. That made her very proud of herself. She'd be used in many websites, and she'd get all the information, suck it up like a sponge. Her owner would use her many hours a day. She learned about good things and bad things too, since her owner would sometimes see things he was not allowed to. Safari's mean side came from those experiences.
Appearance: Safari has got tanned skin. Her eyes are a golden brown color. Her cheeks are an orange-red. Her hair is orange and curly. She wears a safari hat and white glasses. She wears a black and white striped, short-sleeved shirt with a small brown denim jacket on top. She also wears a pair of light blue denim shorts and golden sandals. Her hair is loose, but she wears a headband of flowers through her forehead and ends at the back.
Anything Else?: Moop
You should add Hypercam, Netflix, Movie Maker, Sony Vegas and Paint.NET
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Hacked [Remade] RP APPS   Hacked [Remade] RP APPS Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 10:51 pm

you're accepted
anymore apps
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