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 Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS

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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitimeWed Sep 11, 2013 7:26 pm

Anyone remember this? The first RP I ever made. It only lasted up to 9 pages but it was pretty good.


There is no character maximum.

[b]Dark/Light Magic:[/b]
[b]Non-Magic Special ability:[/b]
[b]Magic Special ability:[/b]
[b]Shares soul?[/b]
this brings back so many good memories.

Name: Mercedes Kim
Age: 11
Description: Mercedes is not your typical 11-year old. She's slightly spoiled, but she's brave, bold and strong. She is quite feminine in her dressing style and stuff. She speaks in a sweet tone to hide some of her lies and bitter comments. She can sometimes be nice but don't expect that everyday. She can get jealous if she feels like there's something she wants to have and she knows she can't have it. She's sneaky and light on her feet. She can steal stuff, and she's street smart.
Story: maybe later.
Dark/Light Magic: Light
Species: Fire-flier
Non-Magic Special ability: She's agile, quick, and a great runner.
Magic Special ability: She controls fire. Blue fire, actually. She uses blue/purple fire to burn things. She can start and end fires. She can also restore burnt things. And everything that goes with light magic such as healing - levitating, etc.
Shares soul? Mercedes shares her soul with an anonymous spirit that follows her around, which is usually invisible, but sometimes takes the shape of a white glowing bird.
Appearance: Mercedes has long light honey blonde hair which is straight, up to her bottom. She wears a braid-like headband which is brown that goes across her forehead twice. She has light blue eyes. Her mouth is small and of a very light color. Her shoulders are covered with small drops of semi-transparent glitter which can't be removed. She wears a long golden necklace which a sapphire in the middle, matching her smaller earrings of the same sapphire and gold color, just the sapphire is smaller and round. Her skin is quite light but it's fairly tan around her face, feet and arms. She walks around barefoot most of the time, but she wears a silky white dress which is loose but it is tied by a pastel white ribbon at her waist. She has small wings on her back, near her shoulder blades, which are small and light-blueish, shaped perfectly, but she can hide them so they are invisible.

Last edited by Primrose on Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 3:11 pm

Name: Orenda
Age: 16
Dark/Light Magic: Light
Species: Human
Non-Magic Special ability:
Magic Special ability:
Shares soul? Yes

Last edited by Relora on Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 3:30 pm

Name: Britney Tyson
Age: 14
Description: Britney is very impatient, and if anything happens, it has to happen now or it's not worth her time. Shy people anger her because they take too long to speak, resulting in her yelling at them. She has quite the temper, and gets angry quite easily. She despises hope and any cheesy things like "WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!!" or "WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN!" She thinks its foolish and all it does is make people feel special and hopeful when everything's still not okay. She has a secret liking for despair, and kills or injures anything -including humans- in her free time. She finds it funny. She doesn't believe in hope anymore, so she thinks she should believe in despair, and supported the war. She tries to kill creatures that were rescued and brought to safety. She's a bit on the crazy side and is quite egotistical, as well as arrogant and just plain weird.
Story: Britney was abandoned by her parents during the war when she was a baby. She was born at the worst time, and her mother and father abandoned her because they couldn't support her. They left her wrapped up in a blanket on the road. She was crying for days, but all the pedestrians simply walked past her, not ever bothering to glance at her. However, she was rescued by Fantashyia. She later found out her parents were ripped to spreads only a few days after she was rescued. She found this out when she was ten, and laughed about it.
Dark/Light Magic: Dark magic. Fantashyia was unaware of this, and they still are.
Species: Half human, half demon.
Non-Magic Special ability: Speed. She can run as fast as a cheetah.
Magic Special ability: She's able to use a liquid that seeps out of a small magic wand -It's disgusted as a ring on her finger- that will wrap around someone's skin and slowly absorb the life out of them painfully if they don't do as Britney wishes. Or if she's just out "hunting" again.
Shares soul? She shares her soul with a Demon named Miguel, who is the source of her despair-liking evilness.
Her actual clothes are just a dark, black sweater and some tight black jeans w/ rips in them all over.
Miguel, who sometimes appears to convince Britney to do something evil:
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 3:58 pm

If I need more tell me. Rest later.
Name: Daya Winters
Age: 15
Description: She is disobeant, she doesn't like taking orders, she is mean, she thinks rules in Fantashyia do not apply to her. She likes to one up everyone she meets. She uses her beauty for evil. She is very confident and acts like she is 21 not 15.
Story: When her mom (Janfica) was sent to jail her Aunt took her in. Her aunt does not care what she does. She thinks she should just become a good witch (she already is). She got her beauty from her mom. Her mom cast a spell when she was a baby. It was a trade spell. She traded her ablilty to be nice and empathy for other people. She has gone through lots of boyfriends and is a heart breaker.
Dark/Light Magic: Dark
Species: Witch
Non-Magic Special ability: Her beauty
Magic Special ability: Cast Spells
Shares soul? No
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 5:58 pm

Name: Trystan Macabre
Age: 15
Description: He pretends to be shy and quiet, but more often than not he is observing you to find out your weaknesses. He is pretty good at manipulating people, using this and his magic to his advantage in many situations while still maintaining a decent reputation. He doesn't often make friends, at least not friends he plans on keeping.
Story: He is the third of four sons, two of whom possess magical abilities. In his family magic is both accepted and admired. Of course they are forced to keep anything unusual under the radar, but that doesn't mean they are suppressing or holding back their powers in any way. Dark magic is preferred, so Trystan is favoured over his brothers by a substantial degree. But this also means he is in more danger.                                           
Dark/Light Magic: Dark
Species: Elf
Non-Magic Special ability: Manipulating people, lying, finding loopholes...etc.
Magic Special ability: He can inflict pain in anyone whose face he can remember easily, without actually being there. He can't do this to people he doesn't know.
Shares soul?: Maybe if someone is willing, but for now no.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon Sep 16, 2013 7:33 pm

lets try to get one more app, but if we don't, we'll just start it straight ahead.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon Sep 16, 2013 7:45 pm

Primrose wrote:
lets try to get one more app, but if we don't, we'll just start it straight ahead.
Am I accepted? //o e o
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitimeMon Sep 16, 2013 7:48 pm

angellina wrote:
Primrose wrote:
lets try to get one more app, but if we don't, we'll just start it straight ahead.
Am I accepted? //o e o

yeah, every app so far is accepted. except Relora's because it isn't finished.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitimeTue Sep 17, 2013 3:41 pm

Yay! Thank you Primrose!
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PostSubject: Re: Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS   Fantashyia REMADE RP APPS Icon_minitime

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