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 Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]

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dewey decimal system
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 9:47 am

Original idea by Dewey


Wanderer Form
Captured by scientists:
How you died:
Reason for not crossing over:
Anything else?:

Living Form
Anything else?:

Scientist Form
Anything else?:
Finnian's app:

Name?: Timothy
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Captured by scientists: No
How you died?: Playing "The Choking Game"
Reason for not crossing over: He doesn't have the courage to.
Personality: Timothy is a mute wanderer, so he can't talk. Of course, he can lip words. He's shy, and you may think he blushes a lot.
Picture/Description:Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Banned11
Anything else?: His cheeks are red because his face is always cold.
Reserved spots

Last edited by Finnian on Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 10:02 am

Wanderer Form
Name: Alice ( No Last Name.)
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Captured by scientists: No.
How you died: She can't swim, and she drowned in her friend's pool.
Reason for not crossing over: She didn't want to be alone, and didn't want to leave her friends in earth.
Personality: Stubborn, Lonesome, Bossy sometimes, she boasts a lot, and doesn't like hearing others' opinions. In other times, she can be very determined and down-to-earth.
Picture/Description: Alice has very long, silky black hair that reaches her ankles. She has very pale skin, and a very faint red eye colour. She wears a black off-the-shoulder T shirt that is soaking wet, a pair of damp jeans, and soaking wet red converse. She has dozens of bracelets, and in her pocket she has a broken Ipod. She cannot change from what she died in.
Anything else?: Alice's sexuality is straight, and she's always trying to fix her broken Ipod because she believes that she will be able to text her friends from it. ( She has Imessage xD)
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 10:07 am

@Dreamer You are accepted!
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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
dewey decimal system

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 10:43 am

Living Form
Name: Tami Burk
Age: 15
Gender: F
Do you try to help the wanderers, or are you against them?: She tries to help them cross over and saves the ones who were captured by scientists.
Personality: Shy and quiet. She always loves to help people and tries to be as nice as possible. She pays attention in school so she is very smart. Tami comes from a poor family, growing up learning to appreciate what you have and not be selfish or greedy. She loves adventures and exploring. At times she can be sensitive/emotional but tries to hide it.
Picture/Description: Tami has dark auburn hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes. She wears thick black glasses that give her a nerdy look along with her neon green braces. She has dirty purple converse, ripped denim shorts, and a plain orange hoodie. There is a big scar going up her leg from an accident she had when she was young. A fire started in her house, and as she was running to get out, she tripped and cut it on some broken glass.
Anything else?: I added a form. x3
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 10:47 am

@Dewey You are accepted! Three more people and we will start!
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Legendary Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 1:39 pm

Save me a spot. I can't make my app now.
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 1:43 pm

@Pippin spot is reserved.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 1:44 pm

Scientist APP
Name? Phoebe
Age? 29
Gender? F
Story[optional]? Her father was a scientist and trained her to be one. As a kid, she didn't like being a scientist, but as she grew up she started to like the idea. Her father is now dead and she inherited her father's money, his lab and the job as a scientist.
Personality? Cruel, mean, a little greedy, shy to strangers, good fighter.
Description/Picture? Stunningly beautiful black hair up to her waist and bangs. Pale skin and triangular glasses.
Anything else?

Wanderer APP
Name? Naomi
Age? 13
Gender? F
Captured by scientists? By Phoebe.
How you died? Got ran over by a car.
Reason for not crossing over? Afraid of what she would find there, and thought there was a way of being alive again.
Personality? Shy, afraid, clueless (sometimes), afraid of humans, clumsy, childish, immature (sometimes.), spoiled sometimes, very kind and friendly aswell.
Anything else?

Wanderer APP
Name: Soleil [[Sun]]
Age: 12
Gender: F
Captured by scientists: Phoebe
How you died: She was trapped in a supermarket for a night. The next day she was found dead with a bitten apple in hand.
Reason for not crossing over: Fears.
Personality: Her name explains her personality. As a little kid, she was her mother's "little ray of sunshine." She was always very cheerful, happy, and filled of love. She was a happy-go-lucky girl. She had some health issues though. She'd get sick and have hallucinations, but she kept it a secret. One day, she was told by an imaginary friend that she could survive in a supermarket. Once it closed, she was stuck. She made mistakes and ate poisoned foods, all thanks to her imaginary friends, but this hasn't changed anything. She will continue being as friendly as ever.
Anything else?:

Last edited by Ribbon on Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 1:47 pm

@Ribbion you are accepted!
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 1:50 pm

I want to make another one c:

Scientist Form
Name: Percy
Age: 26
Gender: Female, Straight.
Story[optional]: As a child, Percy loved to make experiments in her mother's lab. However, When Percy was only 12, Her mother died and she moved in with her aunt. Her aunt was abusive, and when she died Percy became cold and un-forgiving.
Personality: Un-forgiving, Charming, Cold, Rude, grudge-holder, Quiet.
Anything else?: Thank you
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 1:52 pm

Dreamer wrote:
I want to make another one c:

Scientist Form
Name: Percy
Age: 26
Gender: Female, Straight.
Story[optional]: As a child, Percy loved to make experiments in her mother's lab. However, When Percy was only 12, Her mother died and she moved in with her aunt. Her aunt was abusive, and when she died Percy became cold and un-forgiving.
Personality: Un-forgiving, Charming, Cold, Rude, grudge-holder, Quiet.
Anything else?: Thank you

can you be Phoebe's lab assistant? :3
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 1:53 pm

@Dreamer Alright. Thanks for making another character!

We will start when Pippin does his app.
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 1:55 pm

Ribbon wrote:
Dreamer wrote:
I want to make another one c:

Scientist Form
Name: Percy
Age: 26
Gender: Female, Straight.
Story[optional]: As a child, Percy loved to make experiments in her mother's lab. However, When Percy was only 12, Her mother died and she moved in with her aunt. Her aunt was abusive, and when she died Percy became cold and un-forgiving.
Personality: Un-forgiving, Charming, Cold, Rude, grudge-holder, Quiet.
Anything else?: Thank you

can you be Phoebe's lab assistant? :3

Sure! They won't experiment on my Wanderer, though, because she doesn't get captured.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 2:17 pm

Wanderer Form
Name: Alex
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Captured by scientists: no
How you died: She was Juggling with axes, one of the axes hit her in the head
Reason for not crossing over: She didn't feel like she fulfilled her life yet, she wanted more, she didn't want to leave yet.
Personality: Lonely, quiet, glumly
Picture/Description: she has dark black hair, blue t-shirt, dark blue jeans, black converse (Shoes), green eyes.
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 2:23 pm

@crona accepted!

I think we have enough people. We will start now!
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Legendary Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 2:45 pm

Name: Dave
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Captured by scientists: No.
How you died: Blood loss. He fell of his bike onto a shattered beer bottle, and he cut himself badly. No one found him until the next morning, when he was already dead.
Reason for not crossing over: He didn't want to leave, no real reason.
Personality: He's a bit cross at times, and doesn't talk that much. However, he's not a bad person as a whole, and can be quite nice if he can trust someone.
Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThyo6cOhYxFVUeEAu4kcQZFCWqoRY2v1kQBM3RZhwBr9A6dJpzcQ
Anything else?: Should be all.
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 2:52 pm

@Pippin accepted
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Legendary Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 2:54 pm

Thank you, Finnian.

This is a pretty epic RP idea.
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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
dewey decimal system

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 2:58 pm

I love how when I posted this only 3 people joined. Anyways making another character (this one will probably be my main)
Name? Lily Heart
Age? 17
Gender? F
Captured by scientists? Yes
How you died? Suicide, she was bullied.
Reason for not crossing over? Scared of what will happen after she does.
Personality? She's very shy and scared to trust people because of her old life when she was bullied. The only reason she was bullied was because she was smart and the popular girls called her a nerd. Then everyone started to call her that even her friends... So she couldn't take it and killed herself. She's very observant and is quick to notice things. She is a scaredy cat and is scared of what will happen if she crosses over. She hates mean people. She is always ready to lend a helping hand even though she is shy, if she sees someone in need she will help them. She was often called the "Angel Spirit" in her town before she was captured by scientists one day. She is very sensitive and emotional and will get sad very easily. She also has depression and gets depressed easily.
Picture/Description? Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] 78610
Anything else? When she committed suicide she was in her school uniform so she wears that. And her eyes change color, but are normally white.
Merp this was my APP when I created the RP and idk, I just like it..
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 3:00 pm

@Dewey Okay. Second character accepted.
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 3:33 pm

Scientist Form
Name: Dr. Calypso Mitro
Age: 25
Gender: female, bisexual
Story: Fresh out of college, Calypso quickly took a job offer to work as as a research scientist for Phoebe's father before he died. While she has had to wait patiently before she was permitted to work in the lab, she was accepted and is considered brilliant. Calypso's parents were both Greek immigrants who named her after the goddes Calypso for her silky blonde, hair and brilliant blue eyes.
Personality: Focused, cunning, intuitive, and analytical. Calypso has a knack for staying out of trouble and keeping up with the need to know. She is very easy to talk to and can be very persuasive.
Description/Picture: long blonde hair worn up in a sloppy pony tail. Wise, light blue eyes and thick eye lanes and "perfect" eye brows. Her skin isn't pale, but it isnt tan either. She has a slim figure with slightly wide hips and slightly pronounced chest. She has a light sprinkle of freckles across her nose and her ears are pierced. She usually wears no makeup except for some lipgloss and pale pink blush.
Anything else?:
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Hero Fantagian

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Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade]   Apps: The Wanderers RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 3:35 pm

@Relora accepted
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