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 How to Surrive RP Apps Remade

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: How to Surrive RP Apps Remade   How to Surrive RP Apps Remade Icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2013 8:43 am

Your on a plane going from South Dakota to some Island in Polynesia. All is well until you here a sudden shaking. You just assume that's the wind and dismiss it. Then the flight attendant starts screaming and throwing around parachutes at people you get one, find your lugage and jump. You know one thing. You are not in Polynesia. The flight attendant says its like it isn't any people. Guess this Island vacant. It's summer time renember!!How will you survive? If you read this say "Miranda"


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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: How to Surrive RP Apps Remade   How to Surrive RP Apps Remade Icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2013 1:31 pm

Name: Lari McCoy
Why did you want to come to Polynesia?: Vacation. She came with her sister, Marta, who did not survive the crash.
Age: 16
Description or pic of how you look:
How to Surrive RP Apps Remade 9k=
Personalty: Lari is spunky, and a quick thinker. She's braver than most, not easily daunted even in the worst situations. Despite this she has a reasonable amount of common sense and knows when to back down. Her survival/self defense skills aren't the best in the world, and she knows it. Her major personality flaw is that she's quick to insult and slow to apologize.
Bio (opp): Lari, for the most part, lived a pretty normal life. She was the oldest of two children, and her family was in the upper middle class and had money to do fancy stuff, like vacations. One day their parents wanted them out of the house for a few days, and thought the girls would enjoy a quick trip to Polynesia. Of the two that boarded the plane, only one would come off alive.
Likes and Dislikes?:
+ Pretty girls
+ Food
+ Graphic novels
+ Animals
+ Walking

- Boredom
- Homophobes
- Gore
- Labor
- Confinement

Other: Miranda
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Dedicated Fantagian

Posts : 1319
Join date : 2012-08-25
Age : 24
Location : My own little corner of the world

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PostSubject: Re: How to Surrive RP Apps Remade   How to Surrive RP Apps Remade Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 5:05 pm

Jeff wrote:
Name: Lari McCoy
Why did you want to come to Polynesia?: Vacation. She came with her sister, Marta, who did not survive the crash.
Age: 16
Description or pic of how you look:
How to Surrive RP Apps Remade 9k=
Personalty: Lari is spunky, and a quick thinker. She's braver than most, not easily daunted even in the worst situations. Despite this she has a reasonable amount of common sense and knows when to back down. Her survival/self defense skills aren't the best in the world, and she knows it. Her major personality flaw is that she's quick to insult and slow to apologize.
Bio (opp): Lari, for the most part, lived a pretty normal life. She was the oldest of two children, and her family was in the upper middle class and had money to do fancy stuff, like vacations. One day their parents wanted them out of the house for a few days, and thought the girls would enjoy a quick trip to Polynesia. Of the two that boarded the plane, only one would come off alive.
Likes and Dislikes?:
+ Pretty girls
+ Food
+ Graphic novels
+ Animals
+ Walking

- Boredom
- Homophobes
- Gore
- Labor
- Confinement

Other: Miranda
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