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 Forever Land Rp Apps

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Forever Land Rp Apps    Forever Land Rp Apps  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 22, 2013 4:32 pm

There is a land. Many many years from here. It is far away. There is a war going on killing millions of humans every couple months. You are either a human or something else. They are constantly recruiting people man and woman. They don't need to be human anymore. We are fighting for our freedom. The age to get in is 16. You start with hard training. Harder than the army. They inject you with a painless shot so you can have no illnesses. Also If you go to Forever Land there is a spreading disease. Its called Martipo's Disease. If your infected you get blue- purple bruises and wheezing. After a few weeks you die. Its fast but painful. The shot doesn't protect against the disease so you have to be careful where you are at all times.
Forever Land's Flag:



Name: Delilah Jennings
Age(16-30): 17
Gender: Female
Human or Whatever else: Human
Personalty: She is smart, strong, she love to argue and they do not really care that much what the argument is about, as long as it is fun.  in nearly every debate is their impressive knowledge and ability to jump from one idea to another, making unorthodox connections in the process If you want to know more. That is also my personalty.
Bio(optional): She was born into a family of war vetrans. She did not stop the cycle. When she was 16 she went into war. Proving the family name is something she always wanted to achieve. She got straight As and can bench press up to 200 pounds. (Good for a girl that is only 5'6''). She lives for approval of her family. She has a twin brother named Oliver that is also in the army.

Did you join the army or forced: Happily Joined.
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Forever Land Rp Apps    Forever Land Rp Apps  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 04, 2013 12:13 pm

name: Jenni dawson
age: 15
gender: female
human or whatever else: human
personality: Sweet,smart,loving girl that is always quick to help someone in need. She a very delicate and peaceful girl and all she wants to do is lie down and relax. She never worry's about something but if it is SOMEONE she will worry about it until the point where she can't sleep. She is an introvert and very very shy but sometimes she is the funniest thing you have ever seen.
bio: She was born on the streets and her father had to steal from rich people to live and was taken from social services when she was 3. Her mother always kept telling her everything was going to " be okay " and this is where she gets her calmness from. When she was 5 a family adopted her and loved her very much but when she turned 16 she got forced into the army. The only reason she didn't run away from home was because she loved these people and wanted to keep them safe.
Joined the army or forced? Forced
other? noooooope
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Dedicated Fantagian

Posts : 1319
Join date : 2012-08-25
Age : 23
Location : My own little corner of the world

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PostSubject: Re: Forever Land Rp Apps    Forever Land Rp Apps  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 06, 2013 3:46 pm

Colora is accetped
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PostSubject: Re: Forever Land Rp Apps    Forever Land Rp Apps  Icon_minitime

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