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 Make up a story using the words given to you.

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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:06 pm

Make up a story using the words given to you. HMake up a story using the words given to you. OMake up a story using the words given to you. LMake up a story using the words given to you. A

This game is pretty simple. Basically, someone will give you 3 words or phrase and you have to make a story incorporating those 3 words or phrases. So for example

1- There was a cowboy and he likes cows and food.

Potato -Skype -Music

2- I was listening to music on my new potato phone when all of the sudden someone called me on skype.

Paradise - Birds -Island made of computers
Obviously try and make it more detailed and whatever. Also you can use any combination of words, even if they don't make sense together.Just have fun and be creative!

So I'm going to start and I'm just going to use 3 random words yeehaw.
Emperor - Lamp - Build
So there was this emperor, and one day he got pretty bored. So he was like, what the heck I will build something. He got out his hammer and nails and what not and decided, why don't I make a lamp? Now, his lamp was probably the ugliest piece of garbage ever, but at least he tried. Beauty is in da eye of the Beholder,,,, don't bully som1 bcus theyr ugly
Make up a story using the words given to you. Emoticon-0101-sadsmile

Rainbows - Ponies - Satan

Last edited by Demonica Bishi on Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:21 pm

One day Satan realize he had a stRaNGE! RAINBOW! RASH! on his butt. It really itched. he was scratchign it 4 TWO!!!!! straight and swagalicious hours,,, but sooner or later he had enuff. "Hey demon servant gay baby dude" satan said. "can u get me some itch cream for my rainbow rash."
the demon servan t gay baby dude said ok. he was gone for an hour and came back with a pony. "why is there a pony i want itch cream Noob" satan asked him. sudenly, the pony pooped. the servant demon guy took the poop and threw it on satan. his butt wasnt itchy anymore.

U HAVE....

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Passionate Fantagian

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:24 pm

One day I was drinking milk and using Instagram. One of the posts had #swag as the caption. I rolled my eyes and looked at the lame meme that was the picture. I unfollowed that person and went on with my now lukewarm milk.

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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:28 pm

This morning I woke up and saw a fangirl. She was screaming. She was about to be eaten by a herd of fandom! It was the Homestuck fandom and she thought that a man in the homestuck was sexy. So the fandom said that was sexist!!!! for some reason! And then she was eaten

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:31 pm

so there was a baseball player name butts wagner. yeah well that day he was batter.... Wow. to bad he had a HUGE FART ABOUT TO BE BLOWn wen he was about to hit the ball. mr. Wagner thought that he could hide his mega huge fart with the sound of the ball clink.... so ehen he hit the ball, he let out his MEGA HUGE SWAG FART. sudenly the whole park had been blown into pieces. his butt was bleeeding.

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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:35 pm

((omfg i love these stories help i'm laughing))

A thuggy thug was walkin down the street. He saw and paper bag and was like "Oooh imma pick dat up!" and he opened the bag,,,, and there was a brownie!!! He started to eat the brownie and then he was like "what the heck this taste nasty" he turned the bag around and,,,, little did he know,,,,, it was dog poop!!!!!!!!!!!!! He started throwing up dogs and was devoured by the dogs.

-Sonic the Hedgehog
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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:38 pm

sonic thg hedgehog thought he was soooo gangster swag. his spiky blue hair fur had bin geld to the back and he has swag pants that he sagged. oh crap tho. he saw a swag princess ahead of him. she was so swag, he wanted to marry her. "heY ldo u know karate cuz ur body is KICKIN WITH SWAG!" he said to her.
"if u think im swag we should have a gangster compettion...." SHE SAID. so they did. SANIC won. He knew he had infinite swagger.

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Passionate Fantagian

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:41 pm

I was walking on the sidewalk, looking up at the light blue sky. I stood there like a weirdo for 5 hours, and when I came back to Earth, I could see the first star. "OH SNAP!" I cried, "MY COOKIES." I ran home and proceeded to face-palm the wall as I realized that I never turned the oven on.

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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:46 pm

I am ebony dark'ness dementia raven way!!! Omg no stop making fun of me lol. People make fun of me all the time,,,, like. U guys need to stop it Make up a story using the words given to you. Emoticon-0106-crying. I'm so tired of being the girl no one cares about. I just, no,,,, why do you guys do this to me Make up a story using the words given to you. Emoticon-0106-crying

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:51 pm

there was a hot furry on the sidwalk named memer mcmemer. sudenly, she saw some guy in a black van give out CANDY to liTLE KIDS! NO BAD! she said and ran up to him. "ur a pedophlile" she told him. sudenly, he took a knife out. "Woah" she said. then suddenly he fell to the griund. behind him was a furr.y. That furry had punched the pedophlile.
"WHATS UR NAME!" she asked.
"its.... meehan the eggboy."
",Ur my sidekick ok" she said
"Ok" he sed

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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 8:58 pm

Pitbull was in da recordin studio when a red pitbull (da dog duh) came in!!! Pitbull was like "Insert spanish here I mUST WRITE A SONG ABOUT THIS!!!!" The red pitbull started howling when pitbull had a genius idea, he would record the dog,,, and he would sing with the dog!!! People all over the internet LOVED IT and thought it was funny so pitbull made $100,000,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Basketball Players with afros
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 9:12 pm

Once upon a time, there was a little boy name Afrodo. He liked to play basketball and had the biggest afro ever. He had a tumblr called "Afrodude" and posted the adventures of Afrodude on it. One day he went onto yahoo and looked at the news. There was a contest to see who was the best basketball player with the biggest afro. So he entered it and trained really hard. He practiced his basketball all the time and used Men's Head and Shoulders Shampoo to make his afro really big as Rocky's theme song played in the background. Finally, the big game came and Afrodo defeated everyone with his basketball awesomeness and his afro swag Cool. He was crowned "The greatest basketball playing afro swag master ever." The end.

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Loyal Fantagian

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 9:17 pm

Once there was a poodle with a noodle who likes to doodle. The poodle ate the noodle and she'd lost her ability to doodle.
The end.

-a rash on his/her butt
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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 9:26 pm

Ok so has this ever happened to anyone else? Or is it just me? Okay anyway this morning I woke up with a huge rash on my butt. It was horrible and itchy and scratchy and it was literally covering both of my buttcheeks. Then I had to fart!!! SO !!! B AD,,,,, and then,,,,,,,,,, I FARTED,,,, AND HOWIE MENDEL CAME OUT. HE WAS LIKE "DO YOU WANT TO BE ON DEAL OR NO DEAL????" AND I WAS FREAKED OUT. I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS. I DONT WANT MONEY. I DONT WANT FAME. I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE. WHY DID HOWIE MENDEL COME OUT OF MY BUTT I'M SO TIRED SOM EONE,,,, SOMEONE.,,,, HELP ,,,, ME,,,,,,

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Passionate Fantagian

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 10:55 pm

There once was an anime fanboy. He wanted to go to SakuraCon so he put on some kawaii makeup with his kawaii outfit. It was kawaii.

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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 7:32 am

Once upon a time, a scientist name Strangely Stupid created an amazing invention: Robo-ducks. These ducks were really smart and knew tons of words. People loved them and learned lots of vocabulary from them. But soon, the ducks became a little bit annoying. They'd ask you questions with words you couldn't understand, like, "What is the causation of this mess?" or "What is the correlation between corn and butter that makes it taste so good?" So everyone was really mad because the ducks were getting annoying. So they smashed all of them except for two little ducks, who survived and decided to live in the pond. They hid there for 1,000 years. Then, one day they decided to come back, hoping that the people of the future would appreciate them. They walked into the futuristic city and stood at the middle of town square. Everyone there had taken interest in them and followed them. "Behold! Our amazing vocabulary! Causation is to cause something, Corrlation" the ducks stammered. They forgot the meaning of Correlation! The futuristic people were not impressed and they smashed the ducks up. The End.

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Veteran Fantagian

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 10:06 am

One day at Internet Search Engines UN, Yahoo and Google had planned to gang up on Bing. They didn't actually have any reason other than that Bing was a loser crybaby prep.
After Google and Yahoo had finished with their classes, they decided to wait at one of their many, many, many campus Starbucks until Bing had finished with his last class. It took a while of waiting, and the girls (Yahoo and Google) went through many (insert name of w/e the heck they sell at Starbucks here) during their wait. Yahoo started to get doubtful about the whole thing, but Google was there to keep her encouraged.
When they had waited for about three hours, Bing's last class finally released and they set out to hunt him down and tell him what a loser crybaby prep he was, then proceed to beat his ugly preppy (ew) face in.

Lady Gaga
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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 10:16 am

Lady gaga had just went out to pull her weeds out when suddenly she had an ides for a song! She was going to make a song about how everything ( even weeds ) were a living thing. Her song had become a big hit and at her concert she dressed in a dress made entirely out of lollipops! She had become the most famous person in the world because of a little song about weeds.


CHALLANGE: Can you make it rhyme???
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
Officer Number Two

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 11:01 am

Once there was a Banana
Who lived in the midist of Rome.
And in total randomness
A collesium was his home

Until one day the collesium
was destroyed by a random gnome.
And now this poor little banana
has no home in the midist of Rome.

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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 2:06 pm

"HAHA I HAVE INVENTED THE BEST TIME MACHINE EVER!!!" said the scientist. "NOW,,,,, TO TEST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111" HE turned on the machine and out came pirates eating grapes!!!!!!!! The pirates looked at the computers everywhere and started SMASHING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA YEAH!!! Dumb computers.

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Expert Fantagian

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 2:10 pm

I strolled outside and the weirdest thing happened in all history Dogs had big fat butts with clothing on like trainers as well! and it had a onzie on! I went Ballistic and saw my nerd sisters had bin touching my important stuff 
-Hot dogs
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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi

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PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 2:15 pm


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Expert Fantagian

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 2:36 pm

I was a ghost I had guests coming over we were having a groovy disco it was to admit but i don't like haunting i just like partying i like hanging out with mai bros. :3
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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi

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PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 3:03 pm

Christmas_Snow wrote:
I was a ghost I had guests coming over we were having a groovy disco it was to admit but i don't like haunting i just like partying i like hanging out with mai bros. :3
uhhh you forget to put words so i'm just going to,,, use some random words yeah..

So there was this chill water bug just floating on the river when all of a sudden... the water bug found CRACK COCAINE IN THE WATER. So the bug took it out and snorted it and died the end

-Pumpkin Spice Latte
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Veteran Fantagian

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2013 3:36 pm

The toomblr hipster decided to walk to the closest #STARBUCKS and pick up a #PUMPKINSPICELATTE. She wore one of those stupid flower crown things in her hair in honor of the beautiful fairy god hipster princess queen, LANA DEL REY...
She took a selfie as she walked and posted it to instagram #SELFIE #HIPSTER #LANA #FLOWERCROWN #GORG #BEAUTIFUL #UGLY #HIPSTERRRRR...
When she finally got to the #STARBUCKS she ordered her #PUMPKINSPICELATTE and ran to the restroom to take a BEAUTIFULLY TRAGIC HIPSTER tee-tee in the loo. She was just getting around to pulling down her #HIPSTER galaxy leggings when suddenly she heard a toomblr notification from her iPod. "Oh noez!" she said, abandoning her bladder for the sake of toomblr.

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Make up a story using the words given to you. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make up a story using the words given to you.   Make up a story using the words given to you. Icon_minitime

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