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 floro infanoj roleplay !!

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floro infanoj roleplay !! Empty
PostSubject: floro infanoj roleplay !!   floro infanoj roleplay !! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2014 7:09 pm

okay so "floro infanoj" is Esperanto for "flower children", i just thought it sounded rlly cool sorry
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this rp is about flower children !! i'm actually rlly excited for this, so i hope that people join. EVEN IF I'M THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS RP, I'M STARTING IT
and you guys will watch me rp with myself haha
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You live in a world called Fjuri [and the people here are known as Fjurians]. (Oh, "fjuri" is Maltese for "floral", by the way.) Everyone here are descendants from... flowers.
Types of Fjurians:

(yes, since you are a "floral descendent" then you do plant-like things such as photosynthesis to produce food for yourself. you must stay hydrated and it is recommended that your character stays in the correct habitat so that he/she doesn't wilt!! they also need sunlight. keep in mind: there is no technology in this world!! sorry. haha.)
((also, the size of your Fjurian is up to you. and one more thing!! animals DO exist in this world. so they may try to eat your character or something like that.))
if you have any suggestions to how i can improve this roleplay, message me. this is a WIP!!
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floro infanoj roleplay !!
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