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 The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]

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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 9:23 pm

Nicolette woke up. It was 9:30 AM. She brushed her hair and put it into a messy bun. She put on a headband and sat up. She looked in the mirror and combed her hair. "Time to kick back at that pool.. Followed by a camping party!" She said to herself.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 10:52 pm

Nadia woke up quite exhausted, as usual. That feeling was soon overcome by wakefulness and alertness. She jumped out of bed, grabbed her clothing, and ran into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Nadia soon understood that today would be pretty great!
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Expert Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 3:09 pm

Shannon rolled over. Her alarm clock was going crazy, and the sun was shining directly on her face, trying to wake her up. She sleepily sat up and rubbed her eyes for a minute, then opened them, letting them adjust to the light. She pushed the covers off of her and turned off the alarm. Then she stood, still groggy and almost falling over. Shannon just smiled and made her bed. Afterwards she brushed, straightened, and braided her pastel pink hair, putting a cute flower clip with an attached purple ribbon. All the while, her oddly, always sad looking blue eyes were sparkling.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 3:12 pm

Katherine Yawns, walking to the pool carrying a blue pool noodle underneath her arm. When she gets to the pool, she uses her noodle to find the water, dropping her towel and bag underneath an umbrella. She jumps in the water, the water refreshing her eyes.
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Expert Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 5:14 pm

Shannon got dressed in a ruffled white shirt, ripped denim shorts, and pastel green flip flops. Then she put on her lucky necklace that she wore every day, all the while mentally singing a song that she'd wrote a few days ago. She walked over to her keyboard and began to play the music that went with the song. It was beautiful, really; soft and slow. Not too high, but not too low. Her fingers glided gracefully over the keys as she played. Shannon hoped, someday, to be a famous keyboardist. But she knew it was silly.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 5:30 pm

(hey do the characters go to school?)

Adam woke up slowly and sleepily. He was having a pleasant dream, but it ended all too soon. Feeling his soft blankets, he thought of how much he wanted to go back to sleep. It was probably too late for that, though. He looked at the alarm clock to his right. 8:43, about time I get out of bed. He got up and wondered what he would do today. It was a Saturday, and there was nothing he really needed to get done today.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 9:16 pm

(if your character has already finished 6th grade, then school is optional. you can pick if your character has school or not.)

Nicolette walked out of the house and sat by a play-ground. She looked at it. 8 kids were playing on it happily. She sighed.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 9:34 pm

Grabbing an apple off the table, Nadia rushed outside and sat in a nice shady spot under a tree to eat her fruit. She began wondering what today would bring.
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Expert Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 9:40 pm

Shannon eventually tired of playing. She turned the keyboard off and went into the kitchen, grabbed a Pop-Tart and some lemonade, then brushed her teeth when she was done. She took a small purple tote bag that had a towel, sun screen, bathing suit, money, sunglasses and more, deciding to go to the pool. After all, it was a little hot.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 9:44 pm

Nicolette went to a small restaurant and ate some buffet in a restaurant. She was very happy. "Thanks, it was yummy." She said, giving the worker a tip. She left the restaurant and went to the pool. She left her things on a chair and jumped in. She smiled.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 9:51 pm

Nadia realized many people going to the pool. She started to head inside to get her swimsuit and a towel. Then, she started off to the pool. 'It's a bit hot anyways, and it'd be nice to cool off,' Nadia thought.
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Expert Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 9:52 pm

Shannon put on the reflecting sunglasses, then changed in the bathroom by the pool. She was wearing a purple polka-dotted tankini. She set down her tote on one of the lounge chairs close to the snack bar, because of course she planned to eat (XD). Then she climbed up the high-dive and did a backflip into the pool fearlessly.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 10:00 pm

Nicolette went out of the pool, soaking wet, and went down the steep slide. It was very big and steep. She was one of the only people who actually dared to get on it. She went up to her friend, Jamie. "Hey, you should totally try it. Its awesome." Jamie was on her swimsuit and was all dry. Jamie shrugged. "Fine, i'll try." Jamie said. She climbed up the ladder and sat on the top of the slide. "I think its a bad idea.." She said. Nicolette giggled, and pushed her. Jamie slid down the slide super fast and fell on the pool, splashing everywhere. Nicolette started laughing like mad.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 10:08 pm

Nadia headed onto one of the less-steep slides, making a huge splash once she reached the bottom. She came back up out of the water giggling to herself. Even though she didn't know Nicolette that well, she smiled and waved at her.
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Expert Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 10:09 pm

Shannon floated in the pool on her back for a while, then did the doggy paddle to the deepest end of the pool. She swam a couple of laps, finally getting out and walking to the snack bar. Since she didnt talk, she pointed to what she wanted. The man working there gave her mean, weird looks but told her "Come back in a few minutes."
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 10:14 pm

Adam got dressed in a green t-shirt and some tan shorts. He poured himself a bowl of cereal, ate, and brushed his teeth. When he moved away from his orphanage two years ago, he was given a nice dorm room with a few more outfits and basic necessities. Of course he had to get a job to buy extra things like food and more clothing, but he didn't have to pay rent or bills. Kids weren't expected to have that money, so they were not required to pay it. His dorm was in a large apartment complex where other kids without families lived.

Looking at his alarm clock/thermometer, Adam saw that it was 9:15, and it was already in the 80's (farenheit). I bet a bunch of people will be going to the pool today, he thought. He decided to go over there and watch them. He packed his bag with sunscreen, cash, a pencil, and his notebook. Most of the time, he just observed people and either wrote down observations about them or drew them. It gave him something to do so that nobody would think he was stalking them or something. Besides, he wasn't the type of person to go swimming in the pool with a bunch of other people.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 10:24 pm

Nicolette waved back. She smiled, when Jamie grabbed her by the ankle and yanked her into the water. She climbed out of the pool and walked out of Jamie's sight, whispering: "Revenge.." And laughing. She went to the other end of the pool, which was super deep and jumped on the tallest divingboard, doing a flip in the middle of the air and landing with a huge splash. She smiled and started swimming around freely.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 10:29 pm

Adam arrived at the pool. Everyone looked to be having fun. He wanted to talk to them and have fun with them, but in a way, he hoped they wouldn't interact with them. Whenever he conversed with people he felt so awkward and had no clue what to say. Oh, if only he could have changed how people though of him before it affected him! Social life was so difficult.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 10:38 pm

Nicolette walked out the pool and laid down on her towel to tan. She started reading a magazine.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 11:02 pm

Adam found a nice spot under the shade and set his things down. He put some sunblock on his face and arms, and lied down in a soft, white lounge chair. Adam pulled out his notebook and pencil and looked around for things to draw or write about. To his right, he saw a girl with brown eyes, black hair, and soft skin (Ribbon's character). She was lying down on her chair in the sun; Must be tanning, he thought. She would be a good subject to sketch.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 11:13 pm

Nicolette flipped through the pages quietly, skimming and scanning every single detail. She put it away on her bag and took out a book. It was full of pages with words in small letters. She carefully flipped to the right page and took off the bookmark and started to read. Today's going to be great. She thought, smiling.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 11:22 pm

Adam started out sketching the girl's pose. This part wasn't difficult; the body shape was. He always struggled to draw bodies in profile. He drew a couple of lines and then looked back up at the girl. She was pulling a book out of her bag. It was a good thing he had already finished sketching her pose. Hey, wait. I know that girl! At least, I know who she is. She's Nicolette, I've seen her around. She's friends with that girl, Jamie, I think.

Last edited by hop on Sat May 25, 2013 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 11:27 pm

Nadia jumped out of the pool and dried herself off. She pulled over the t-shirt she had worn over her swimsuit on the way there, and sat on the ledge of the pool.
She looked up at the bright, blue, cloudless sky and felt quite a bit warmer than before she entered the pool.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 11:29 pm

((Jamie is a NPC, by the way.))

Nicolette read the pages, amazed by the great use of literary devices. The pictures, which showed up once in a while, were beautifully drawn by a professional illustrator. She smiled, staying still as she passed the pages.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 11:35 pm

(oh, whoops! i got confused, sorry!!)

By now, Adam was drawing the girl's hair. He always enjoyed drawing hair; it had such a nice flow to it.

He realized that it was now fairly warm. Darn it, I should have packed some water. He pulled out the money he brought with him and began walking towards the snack bar. The water bottles there tended to be pretty expensive, but the water at the drinking fountain was far too warm.
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PostSubject: Re: The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]]   The Sun Lounge [[Roleplay]] Icon_minitime

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