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 Yesterday was fine. [5/22/2014]

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Icarus Fell
Junior Fantagian
Icarus Fell

Posts : 65
Join date : 2014-04-29
Age : 25
Location : Behind your cabinet. Or maybe in your air vent.

Yesterday was fine. [5/22/2014] Empty
PostSubject: Yesterday was fine. [5/22/2014]   Yesterday was fine. [5/22/2014] Icon_minitimeThu May 22, 2014 10:51 am

-.- Bah, I have to rewrite all this because I pressed backspace and the page went back instead of the letter. >:'(

Since today has barely started, I'm going to speak of yesterday instead ('twas a fine day). First thing I did in the morning was open my eyelids. That is, if I did sleep. I don't remember whether I slept or not that night. I did my morning duties, and then walked to the kitchen and then walked out of the kitchen. I didn't eat anything. I rarely ever eat breakfast. Bleh. Then I started working on my schoolwork, which I have A LOT of, since I'm doing an accelerated course with three honors classes (and I'll also be working through the summer T-T). THE WORK IS MURDEROUS. After I finished with enough school work, I spoke to my friends: Alec, Livia, Ryan, and Ellie. Ellie hates me now for some reason. ._. I have no idea what I did. She's nearly psychopathic, and she's also schizophrenic. She wants to kill everyone that she deems as 'evil', and means it (I'm on her kill list, YAY ME. ._.). Basically, she's like another Kira without a Death Note. She's already going to CBT and therapy, however, so hopefully she'll stop wanting to kill almost all the population of Earth soon. After I was done speaking with my friends, I walked to the library and read Jane Eyre. I wanted to check a book out, but I forgot my library card! The library lady told me: "It's best not to forget your library card when going to a library!". Then I walked back home and cleaned things up so that my stepfather wouldn't say: "WHY IS EVERYTHING ALWAYS MESSY?!" u.u It's not even messy, Mister. It's just not perfect to your impeccable standards. u_u ~Le skipping more time~

Then it was night time, and I spent the whole night reading Julius Caesar and analyzing it and writing and essay about it for school. I also talked to my friend Jett who I know over the Internet. And then I slept for two hours in the morning, and remembered about my Fantage Forum account, and then NOW.
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Yesterday was fine. [5/22/2014]
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