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 Any cool TV shows?

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PostSubject: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 12:25 am

Hello, I am currently looking for new TV shows to watch.

Here is a list of TV shows I REALLY like/liked:
Portlandia, Orange Is The New Black, Dexter, Criminal Minds, Twin Peaks, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Parks and Recreation, Community, Wilfred, Pushing Daisies, Grey's Anatomy, and Freaks and Geeks

As you can see, I like plenty of genres!
Any new show recommendations would be appreciated!!
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 1:28 am

Okay first of all can I just say that I absolutely love Parks and Rec?! <3 And judging by your other shows, it looks like you have pretty good taste, so I'll do my best to recommend shows that I think are worthwhile.

The Office (US) : Idk I mean, it's kind of a stupid show, but it's the same mockumentary-style format as Parks and Recreation, and most of the storylines are cute and funny. Personally, I like Parks and Recreation overall much better, but The Office is great for when you need some comedic relief. It's sort of that average NBC-style humor.

30 Rock : I've only seen the pilot, but it looks like the sort of easygoing, yet sincere humor you would find in Parks and Rec/Community. From what I can tell, this show is about a Leslie-Knope like character (played by Tina Fey), who's trying to make her NBC comedy show a success. Again, it's got that NBC-style humor, but it was written mostly by Tina Fey so I doubt it would be a let-down.

Psych : Sad to say this show ended earlier this year, but it still is a great show, in my opinion! I've been watching it for like two years and I really like it! It's about a guy with really sharp detective skills who pretends to be psychic to avoid the police's suspicions. He then goes on solving crimes with his more mature best friend. I think it's a great combination of dorky/slapstick humor and crime TV shows.

Sherlock : I think this storyline is kind of obvious; it's a modern take on Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes book series. Fangirl opinions aside, the storylines are witty and clever, and they're especially entertaining if you've read the book!

Doctor Who : Not sure if you would be interested in the British sci-fi genre? Anyways, I wasn't that into the genre, but I did get hooked on this show! I assume you have already heard of it, so I won't go into plot details. Basically, the animation (up until the latest four seasons) is pretty terrible, but the storylines are really entertaining! It's kind of a witty/drama-type storyline. I have only seen the modern seasons so I may not have the most developed opinions, but there are over a hundred old episodes to watch, too. [DOCTOR WHO RETURNS ON AUGUST 23 SPREAD THE WORD]

Downton Abbey : Whoooo more British dramas. Okay, let me just say that Downton is super addicting if you enjoy drama shows like me. The show is set in 1910-1920's England, and it documents the lives and romances of servants and British heirachs living in a mansion. Trust me, it is not as boring as it may sound.

Friends : Tbh, I have never seen this show and I have no idea what the storyline is about, but I have heard good things about it, and judging from what I know, it seems to be along the lines of your interests. (I must sound like those Netflix recommendations right now im sorry)

Well, those are all of my recommendations! I hope you enjoy them; I certainly did, haha.
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Regular Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 4:57 am

The only english tv shows i've ever watched are Glee (DON'T JUDGE) and Once Upon a Time..
OUAT is beyond awesome =w=
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 6:12 pm

Uhmm do you like gore or whatever?

I would actually recomend this ( I don't care if you call me whatever you want ):
Happy Tree Friends! That's a really funny/disgusting show, but still great!
It might not show on TV or in you're country though... But if you don't like this opinion, you can still watch My Little Pony: FiM! (Which is a awesome show!)
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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 7:34 pm


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dewey decimal system
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PostSubject: Re: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 9:41 pm

bates motel

or american horror story
but i really recommend bates motel

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Veteran Fantagian

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Any cool TV shows? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2014 8:48 am

I have heard good things about a show called Monk. I dont know what its about but i heard its super funny.
Have you heard of Chuck? I am watching it and it is super funny. It is about a guy who downloads CIA intellegence and become an agent. By season 3 he basically has the matrix in his head.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2014 6:08 pm

oswin wrote:
Okay first of all can I just say that I absolutely love Parks and Rec?! <3 And judging by your other shows, it looks like you have pretty good taste, so I'll do my best to recommend shows that I think are worthwhile.

The Office (US) : Idk I mean, it's kind of a stupid show, but it's the same mockumentary-style format as Parks and Recreation, and most of the storylines are cute and funny. Personally, I like Parks and Recreation overall much better, but The Office is great for when you need some comedic relief. It's sort of that average NBC-style humor.

30 Rock : I've only seen the pilot, but it looks like the sort of easygoing, yet sincere humor you would find in Parks and Rec/Community. From what I can tell, this show is about a Leslie-Knope like character (played by Tina Fey), who's trying to make her NBC comedy show a success. Again, it's got that NBC-style humor, but it was written mostly by Tina Fey so I doubt it would be a let-down.

Psych : Sad to say this show ended earlier this year, but it still is a great show, in my opinion! I've been watching it for like two years and I really like it! It's about a guy with really sharp detective skills who pretends to be psychic to avoid the police's suspicions. He then goes on solving crimes with his more mature best friend. I think it's a great combination of dorky/slapstick humor and crime TV shows.

Sherlock : I think this storyline is kind of obvious; it's a modern take on Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes book series. Fangirl opinions aside, the storylines are witty and clever, and they're especially entertaining if you've read the book!

Doctor Who : Not sure if you would be interested in the British sci-fi genre? Anyways, I wasn't that into the genre, but I did get hooked on this show! I assume you have already heard of it, so I won't go into plot details. Basically, the animation (up until the latest four seasons) is pretty terrible, but the storylines are really entertaining! It's kind of a witty/drama-type storyline. I have only seen the modern seasons so I may not have the most developed opinions, but there are over a hundred old episodes to watch, too. [DOCTOR WHO RETURNS ON AUGUST 23 SPREAD THE WORD]

Downton Abbey : Whoooo more British dramas. Okay, let me just say that Downton is super addicting if you enjoy drama shows like me. The show is set in 1910-1920's England, and it documents the lives and romances of servants and British heirachs living in a mansion. Trust me, it is not as boring as it may sound.

Friends : Tbh, I have never seen this show and I have no idea what the storyline is about, but I have heard good things about it, and judging from what I know, it seems to be along the lines of your interests. (I must sound like those Netflix recommendations right now im sorry)

Well, those are all of my recommendations! I hope you enjoy them; I certainly did, haha.

Temporarily resurrects from the dead to insist that Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Friends are the best shows ever.
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Regular Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2014 11:49 pm

Thanks for suggestions. I actually watched Doctor Who and Sherlock, I wasn't a huge fan and I couldn't stand the fandom on Tumblr. I actually LOVE Psych, 30 Rock, and The Office though!!
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Katerina Petrova
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Katerina Petrova

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PostSubject: Re: Any cool TV shows?   Any cool TV shows? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2014 2:04 pm

Watch Pretty Little Liars it has a great story Smile AND OFC VAMPIRE DIARIES BECAUSE YOU KNOW.
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