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 Drawing tips for anime characters?

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Regular Fantagian

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Drawing tips for anime characters? Empty
PostSubject: Drawing tips for anime characters?   Drawing tips for anime characters? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 10, 2015 8:37 pm

I'm terrible at drawing cause I don't get to draw much but I'm thinking of trying to draw more often and I want to draw anime characters! Anyone got any tips for these? Thanks! ( If this is in the wrong forum I'm sorry! )
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Regular Fantagian
Drawing tips for anime characters? 7634-51

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Drawing tips for anime characters? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drawing tips for anime characters?   Drawing tips for anime characters? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 10, 2015 10:13 pm

Practice. Draw at least one picture per day ( even if it is just a head )

Ok you probably heard that before, but practice really does help you get better at drawing!

Something else you can do: Draw an anime character and after you're
finished drawing do this. Look at the picture and try to see how you can make it better. For example, maybe you're not very good at anatomy, but you can draw the face very well. After you notice the flaws in your drawing, look up tutorials on youtube and try to improve your flaws.Just keep practicing! If you continue to practice everyday, in a few years you will improve alot!

Sorry I'm not very good at explaining things.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Drawing tips for anime characters? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drawing tips for anime characters?   Drawing tips for anime characters? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 11:44 am

I agree with Lulu. Practice helps a lot! I would recommend looking up poses, or a picture of a character to help reference (I still do that with drawing hands). Also, I would recommend drawing lightly so you can erase any stuff you don't want. Sketch lines can also help with proportions and where to place things. Sorry if this advice sucked xD
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