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 Top 3 Memories

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Jack Skellington
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PostSubject: Top 3 Memories   Top 3 Memories Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 11:16 pm

...Well, hello! I decided to drop by on a whim and saw this site is still kicking, so I thought I'd bring back some nostalgia and ask you all: what are your top 3 memories of this forum? Off of the top of my head, in no particular order, are:

  • Early RPs that lasted for a while, like Chemical Emotion. I cringe to think about them but they were fairly significant to me as a form of creative collaboration and just a good way to have fun. I've never been able to recapture that experience (although if anyone would like to talk about stories/ideas, I'd love to) and I wish I could.
  • Nipcats
  • That time Rufistar (I think?) burned someone by drawing them as a piece of rotten feces being investigated under a magnifying glass. I don't remember it too well but that kind of thing sticks with you.

So please go ahead and share some of yours! We had some bad times but mainly good ones and I'd love to see what you all thought about them.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Top 3 Memories   Top 3 Memories Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2018 1:59 pm

my top 3 memories would have to be:

1. XAT chat — one of my friends named queen created a xat chat for a ll of the members on the forum and we would actually go on it literally every single day and just talk, play games, or doodle. i just miss my friends and everyone in general tbhh
2. fantage meetups — oh boy, we would actually have meetups on fantage when it was fantage’s prime years, and it was really really fun communicating with everyone and hosting fashion shows... Sad
3. making friends — I JUST MISS EVERYONE SO BAD. i wasn’t popular in the community, but still i miss seeing certain people post and when the forum was alive and well, it made me happy knowing that there were people who could relate to me bc fantage forum was like the first outlet to me interacting with people online (lol does that make sense idk)

anyway, there are a ton more memories but these are just the notable ones. i truly do miss this forum and i wouldn’t ever forget about it
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Jack Skellington
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Jack Skellington

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PostSubject: Re: Top 3 Memories   Top 3 Memories Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2018 2:53 pm

uhh not really listing these but

1. board game online - this forum got me to start playing it at 10ish,, definitely below the target age but w/e all i ever do is submit music nowadays and somehow have donator benefits

2. tinychat - xat's cousin where we tried to play youtube videos and find out how everyone looks

3. something something the roleplay forum
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Top 3 Memories   Top 3 Memories Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2018 2:13 am

Oh man, there is definitely more than three for me, but here are a few that stick out in no particular order.

- When everyone was obsessed with making fantage edits/drawings/banners etc and we would always show them off thinking they were better than they actually were. (or at least mine really sucked looking back.) Some of us even got deviantarts.

-When everyone was obsessed with certain anime. I mostly remember Baka and Test, Dangan Rompa, Madoka Magica, and I think even a little bit  Sword Art Online. I also think it’s funny how I went from being obsessed with Hetalia, to ecchi anime, then all that elitist crap, and in the end being done with anime ( Who knows? One day I might get into it again.)

-Posting game wars The time when people (including myself) were spamming the posting games like crazy. I think we were all trying to reach the #1 top posting spot. After a while most people stopped except for Linda and I and then everyone got upset with us so we quit for a while. If I can remember correctly I literally only left for a week, but Linda left forever.

Honorable Mentions (cause why not)

-Join me’s and Tinychats I actually remember this being one of my favorite parts but I can’t remember anything about it.

-When trolls attacked I remember this freaked so many of young users, like myself, out. I was so scared of all the scary images and porn.

-Users creating other forums This was kind of a minor part but I remember people making these and then putting the link in their signatures.

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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Top 3 Memories   Top 3 Memories Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 1:30 am

I think everyone pretty much listed them already but here's a few memories!!

- when everyone would go on the forum's chatbox and basically just SPAM SPAM SPAM

-tinychat!! I remember when I joined in the end of 2011 and in parts of 2012 people would randomly send links to tinychats. I actually remember one time I was showing my face on the webcam and my mom came in so I had to hide it and lied saying I was playing fantage lol. She was super mad because I was like 9 and I don't blame her bc I was a highkey dumb kid.

-Online board games? I don't think anyone really remembers this because I did it like december of 2011 and january of 2012 but I remember sometimes people would send links to some internet board game where you would roll dice and stuff.

-Join.Me! Oh my god,I used this ALL the time and I would chat with my friends CONSTANTLY while fooling around with mmd or something haha.

-That FF confessions blog on tumblr where people submitted hate towards others.I know everyone hated it at the time but I secretly really wanted people to write about me on there because I was a desperate child who craved attention

-Art threads. I think everyone was inspired by other people's art, then made threads for their own. It was also super funny looking back at it, because we wouldn't only be giving critiques but we would also give ratings for some unwanted reason? Like okay? There were also some art contests and I remember being really proud of myself because I got second place in one for drawing Rosalina!

-the secret santa stuff! It was so iconic, I remember working so hard to draw stuff for my secret santa and idk it was just really fun.

Those are just some of my memories! Tbh I wanted to share so many more but yeah. I don't think anyone really remembers me, but I was a reeaaallly annoying kid. I think my first username was disney4ever? I created this account in 4th grade purely to respond to a dead topic about club penguin vs. fantage. This is the site that really shaped who I was and It's sad to see the site die but honestly I'm LIVING for the fact that so many of us are creating these memorial threads because FF was such a huge part of our childhoods.

Last edited by Squirtle on Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:36 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I literally make 1839874893 typos)
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Top 3 Memories   Top 3 Memories Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2018 10:45 pm

- Ooh I loved the things that we did.
- I loved when we would just make shops of things we were mildly good at (or at least I did that). I made a recolor shop and someone asked me for a recolor and I couldn't do it so I told them no lmao.
- I loved how you guys got me into so many bad things. I remember I told my mom that anime was stupid in fourth grade then I get on here and immediately became obsessed with it. someone on here tricked innocent little me to watch boku no pico. And to who ever got me obsessed with Big Bang (kpop) I hate you lol.
- I think I just loved all the little trends we used to do that thinking back were so cringy. I remember we all posted pictures of ourselves with captions like "I'm so ugly" and everyone was like "No ur not !!1!1!!!!"
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Jack Skellington
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Jack Skellington

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PostSubject: Re: Top 3 Memories   Top 3 Memories Icon_minitimeSun Aug 05, 2018 4:19 pm

Squirtle wrote:

-Online board games? I don't think anyone really remembers this because I did it like december of 2011 and january of 2012 but I remember sometimes people would send links to some internet board game where you would roll dice and stuff.

Board game online! It's still a thing actually! I play it from time to time still tbh. I wouldn't have been quite a jukebox contributor on it if it weren't for this site lol
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Top 3 Memories   Top 3 Memories Icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2019 1:40 am

Oooo here's a few more memories!! sorry, gonna add more than 3 :<

-I became a featured user, but because Mace and the other mods and admins were becoming less active, I was stuck in the role of featured user for a few months?? wild.

-char/pastel, someone else??, and I got into an argument over Hideyoshi (those two were in a heated debate and I kinda went "hey i feel left out" and joined). this is how my 7-year friendship w/ char started and we still talk to this day!! i love you girlll

-char/pastel and i made a dangan ronpa parody thing between ourselves in the pms after i got pissed in a dangan ronpa roleplay (my character got called out for being a mary-sue, and they were absolutely correct lol)

-i had this "character of the week" thing where i changed my avatar and signature to a different character every week. i had to make graphics for them and i don't even know how i had time for that.

-i thought my graphics were really good and made a shop. yeah no, they're pretty godawful. if any of you guys want me to redo banners and icons and stuff from like 6 years ago, feel free to ask me.

-char and i came up with a baka and test discussion thread topic which sorta kinda exploded?? i think that was the catalyst that made me a featured user, but i also think that began the downfall of the forum, so oops sorry :< (also the thread is hidden for special access now?? also wild.)

-i changed my name to "ChristmasPerfume6" for christmas, but then the mods locked username changes shortly after because we were abusing it, so i was stuck with the name long after christmas. yeah that was a fun time.

-this isn't really relevant or important at all, but for some reason i remember talking about eczema problems with someone in the chatbox. person, if you're reading this, i hope your eczema is better cause mine aint
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Rufistar 3.0
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Rufistar 3.0

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PostSubject: Re: Top 3 Memories   Top 3 Memories Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2020 11:13 am

SilverBell wrote:

That time Rufistar (I think?) burned someone by drawing them as a piece of rotten feces being investigated under a magnifying glass. I don't remember it too well but that kind of thing sticks with you.

When I check on this forum, I'm usually thinking about how the things I said back then were cringey and embarassing. what if the others that are coming back recognize my username, but only remember stuff like that? and then I'm like "nah... I must be being paranoid."

maybe I'm not actually being too paranoid because reading this now is both funny and horrifying lmaoo. I am genuinely sorry if I ever actually said that (I don't remember either, unfortunately). I promise I'm not an uptight prick, especially about art.
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