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 Fantage New Stickers!!!!!!!!!!!

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Loyal Fantagian

Posts : 1772
Join date : 2010-02-15
Age : 24
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Fantage New Stickers!!!!!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Fantage New Stickers!!!!!!!!!!!   Fantage New Stickers!!!!!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 4:53 pm

March 1th, 2010

Fantage New Stickers!!!!!!!!!!! Static

Attention all IDFone aficionados…it’s me, Static! I am getting a brand new shipment in of IDFone items this Thursday!
Come one, come all, and grab the latest stickers, sticker sets,
wallpapers, sticker pages, and skins! These new arrivals are perfect
for celebrating the beginning of Springtime and also for wishing
someone a happy St. Patty’s Day. Let’s take a sneak peak at a few of
the newest arrivals.
Give these springtime and St. Patrick’s Day stickers to your buddies!
Fantage New Stickers!!!!!!!!!!! Newmarchstickers
Cherry Blossom and Four-Leaf Clover wallpapers, skins, and sticker pages!
Fantage New Stickers!!!!!!!!!!! New-idfone-march
Don’t forget to check the Mystery Box to nab some new RARE stickersI Cant wait I Think these stickers Look awesome!!!!! I Cant wait!They look soooo cool!!!!!!!!
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Fantage New Stickers!!!!!!!!!!!
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