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 Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply)

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Dedicated Fantagian

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Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Empty
PostSubject: Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply)   Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 02, 2010 6:32 pm

A role play made into a story.


Maria, (Mar-E-uh) was perched in a tree listening intently to the sounds of the wonderful forest beyond. She was Marvallen, the last of her race. They were extremely like elves, They could reach inhuman speed and their strength was that of a gods. But that is what mere humans thought they were, Gods. They were immortal, the one thing they disliked. Though legend had it that if they mated with a human, they could lose their immortality. There were two houses of Marvallens. The Revenska and the Homavaias. The Revenska specialized had a great number of prophets and that was their major specialty besides the ability to heal. They were the house of Crafting. Skills as song, pottery, all arts.. The Revenska specialized in fighting. They had a great number of warriors in that house. Most of them were worshiped as gods by the humans. Maria was a rare, and one of a kind Marvallen from both houses. First in history. No one had atempted it for fear of making one. They would be immune to all things. Have skills in everything. An unstoppable demon. Maria was opposite. Her skills far succeeded all the Marvallens, but she was not evil. Nor even close. She had a pure golden heart. She was daughter of Leyla the beautiful, and Johnas the Great. Two of the mightiest Marvwallens in their history. She had set out into the world of humans, to heal them, and teach them arts. She done this for three millennium. She had felt a tugging in her heart begging to go home. She had. When she arrived her home had been in ruins. The silvery Marvwallen blood lay in fresh pools all around. Not one Marvallen had lived. She was the only one....

~Chapter one~

Maria had become shy. She camped in tree's escaping all humanity. She lived with the animals, and like them too! She lived off of the bounty foraged from the earth. She killed no animal. She was what humans called, a vegetarian. Today she felt a strange feeling willing her to hop down from the trees. She walked and sang, thus she carried on for a few miles racing at her top speed singing loudly and beautifully. She stopped abruptly at a tree. Beneath it a large cat lay sleeping. Fresh blood was packed onto the cat. Maria rushed forward and put out her hand. It began to glow eerily. The skin around the wound began to reach together and become one. The fur grew back in a soft clump. The cats eyes popped open and the cat popped up. "Who are you?" it chipped. Maria had not spoken to a cat since her childhood. She randomly babbled out in Marvallen. The her cheeks flushed a deep scarlet and she murmured, "Oh." The cat blinked a few times, already seeing her shyness. It started babbling and shooting questions at Maria at every option. "My names Zezori! I'm a cat. What yours name? Do you live here? Do you like my fur? Isn't it a pretty day! You can practically see the moon!" Maria began answering one of the questions, "Um.. My names Maria Gaza-" She was cut off by Zezori. "Cool Maria! Lets go to the stream to play!"

Thats where i'm leaving it. I have to get ready for something. I'll post another chapter sooner or later. Some of the characters are going to be changed. Like Zezori the cat in the role play was rather moody and a mom. She's going to be a young crazy cat in my story. Cym you know whats going to happen next from the role play. More details of course but you know.
Yea its long. Deal with it. This wasn't even my longest chapter. Razz

Last edited by 2008sarah on Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply)   Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 03, 2010 3:58 pm

I'm hyper. :3
Nice story. :3
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New Fantagian

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Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply)   Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 05, 2010 5:03 pm

gazawalzwen is a long name, tehe~
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Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply)   Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 05, 2010 5:05 pm

Wow, what a meaningful story?
Will Ziruma be in it?
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Dedicated Fantagian

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Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply)   Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 05, 2010 5:14 pm

Kawaii Maker wrote:
Wow, what a meaningful story?
Will Ziruma be in it?

Possibly, This isn't the same role play that took place on the other forum. But, You can pm me that character and I might use it... ;P
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Location : *lights up a fire* yeah, trying to surivve in a fores.t *smokse a cig* il kill you

Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply)   Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 05, 2010 5:14 pm

ah, lol cuz you had that character there.
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Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply)   Maria Gazawalzwen. Chapter one (No chapter 2 unless reply) Icon_minitime

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